1,855 research outputs found

    Exploring The Value Of Folksonomies For Creating Semantic Metadata

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    Finding good keywords to describe resources is an on-going problem: typically we select such words manually from a thesaurus of terms, or they are created using automatic keyword extraction techniques. Folksonomies are an increasingly well populated source of unstructured tags describing web resources. This paper explores the value of the folksonomy tags as potential source of keyword metadata by examining the relationship between folksonomies, community produced annotations, and keywords extracted by machines. The experiment has been carried-out in two ways: subjectively, by asking two human indexers to evaluate the quality of the generated keywords from both systems; and automatically, by measuring the percentage of overlap between the folksonomy set and machine generated keywords set. The results of this experiment show that the folksonomy tags agree more closely with the human generated keywords than those automatically generated. The results also showed that the trained indexers preferred the semantics of folksonomy tags compared to keywords extracted automatically. These results can be considered as evidence for the strong relationship of folksonomies to the human indexer’s mindset, demonstrating that folksonomies used in the del.icio.us bookmarking service are a potential source for generating semantic metadata to annotate web resources

    On content-based recommendation and user privacy in social-tagging systems

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    Recommendation systems and content filtering approaches based on annotations and ratings, essentially rely on users expressing their preferences and interests through their actions, in order to provide personalised content. This activity, in which users engage collectively has been named social tagging, and it is one of the most popular in which users engage online, and although it has opened new possibilities for application interoperability on the semantic web, it is also posing new privacy threats. It, in fact, consists of describing online or offline resources by using free-text labels (i.e. tags), therefore exposing the user profile and activity to privacy attacks. Users, as a result, may wish to adopt a privacy-enhancing strategy in order not to reveal their interests completely. Tag forgery is a privacy enhancing technology consisting of generating tags for categories or resources that do not reflect the user's actual preferences. By modifying their profile, tag forgery may have a negative impact on the quality of the recommendation system, thus protecting user privacy to a certain extent but at the expenses of utility loss. The impact of tag forgery on content-based recommendation is, therefore, investigated in a real-world application scenario where different forgery strategies are evaluated, and the consequent loss in utility is measured and compared.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Semantic Grounding Strategies for Tagbased Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems usually operate on similarities between recommended items or users. Tag based recommender systems utilize similarities on tags. The tags are however mostly free user entered phrases. Therefore, similarities computed without their semantic groundings might lead to less relevant recommendations. In this paper, we study a semantic grounding used for tag similarity calculus. We show a comprehensive analysis of semantic grounding given by 20 ontologies from different domains. The study besides other things reveals that currently available OWL ontologies are very narrow and the percentage of the similarity expansions is rather small. WordNet scores slightly better as it is broader but not much as it does not support several semantic relationships. Furthermore, the study reveals that even with such number of expansions, the recommendations change considerably.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Social Media and the Public Sector

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    {Excerpt} Social media is revolutionizing the way we live, learn, work, and play. Elements of the private sector have begun to thrive on opportunities to forge, build, and deepen relationships. Some are transforming their organizational structures and opening their corporate ecosystems in consequence. The public sector is a relative newcomer. It too can drive stakeholder involvement and satisfaction. Global conversations, especially among Generation Y, were born circa 2004. Beginning 1995 until then, the internet had hosted static, one-way websites. These were places to visit passively, retrieve information from, and perhaps post comments about by electronic mail. Sixteen years later, Web 2.0 enables many-to-many connections in numerous domains of interest and practice, powered by the increasing use of blogs, image and video sharing, mashups, podcasts, ratings, Really Simple Syndication, social bookmarking, tweets, widgets, and wikis, among others. Today, people expect the internet to be user-centric

    Issues and considerations regarding sharable data sets for recommender systems in technology enhanced learning

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    Drachsler, H., Bogers, T., Vuorikari, R., Verbert, K., Duval, E., Manouselis, N., Beham, G., Lindstaedt, S., Stern, H., Friedrich, M., & Wolpers, M. (2010, 28 September). Issues and Considerations regarding Sharable Data Sets for Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning. Presentation at the 1st Workshop Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning (RecSysTEL) in conjunction with 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2010): Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice, Barcelona, Spain.The presentation is based on the positioning paper of the dataTEL Theme Team of the STELLAR Network of Excellence (http://www.teleurope.eu/pg/groups/9405/datatel/) that addresses the lack of educational data sets in TEL and present ideas to overcome this situation. The accompanying paper: Issues and Considerations regarding Sharable Data Sets for Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning, can be found at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770509 and a pre-print is available in our Dspace repository and at scribd. The presentation starts with a description of the current situation where almost none educational data sets are publicly available. This is a strange situation as plenty of data is saved on a daily base in LMS like Moodle, Blackboard. In other domains like e-commerce it is a common practice to use publicly available data sets from different application environments (e.g. Yahoo, MovieLens) in order to evaluate algorithms and create new data products. These data sets are for instance used as benchmarks to develop new recommendation algorithms and compare them to other algorithms in certain settings. Recommender systems are also increasingly applied in Technology Enhanced Learning field but it is still an application area that lacks such publicly available data sets. Although there is a lot of research conducted on recommender systems in TEL, they lack data sets that would allow the experimental evaluation of the performance of different recommendation algorithms using comparable, interoperable, and reusable data sets. This leads to awkward experimentation and testing such as using data sets from movies in order to evaluate educational recommendation algorithms.Stella

    Measuring vertex centrality in co-occurrence graphs for online social tag recommendation

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) Proceedings of ECML PKDD (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases) Discovery Challenge 2009, Bled, Slovenia, September 7, 2009.We present a social tag recommendation model for collaborative bookmarking systems. This model receives as input a bookmark of a web page or scientific publication, and automatically suggests a set of social tags useful for annotating the bookmarked document. Analysing and processing the bookmark textual contents - document title, URL, abstract and descriptions - we extract a set of keywords, forming a query that is launched against an index, and retrieves a number of similar tagged bookmarks. Afterwards, we take the social tags of these bookmarks, and build their global co-occurrence sub-graph. The tags (vertices) of this reduced graph that have the highest vertex centrality constitute our recommendations, whThis research was supported by the European Commission under contracts FP6-027122-SALERO, FP6-033715-MIAUCE and FP6-045032 SEMEDIA. The expressed content is the view of the authors but not necessarily the view of SALERO, MIAUCE and SEMEDIA projects as a whol


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    Research paper recommender systems (RSs) aim to alleviate the information overload of researchers by suggesting relevant and useful papers. The collaborative filtering in the area of recommending research papers can benefit by using richer user feedback data through multi-criteria rating, and by integrating richer social network data into the recommender algorithm. Existing approaches using collaborative filtering or hybrid approaches typically allow only one rating criterion (overall liking) for users to evaluate papers. We conducted a qualitative study using focus group to explore the most important criteria for rating research papers that can be used to control the paper recommendation by enabling users to set the weight for each criterion. We investigated also the effect of using different rating criteria on the user interface design and how the user can control the weight of the criteria. We followed that by a quantitative study using a questionnaire to validate our findings from the focus group and to find if the chosen criteria are domain independent. Combining social network information with collaborative filtering recommendation algorithms has successfully reduced some of the drawbacks of collaborative filtering and increased the accuracy of recommendations. All existing recommendation approaches that combine social network information with collaborative filtering in this domain have used explicit social relations that are initiated by users (e.g. “friendship”, “following”). The results have shown that the recommendations produced using explicit social relations cannot compete with traditional collaborative filtering and suffer from the low user coverage. We argue that the available data in social bookmarking Web sites can be exploited to connect similar users using implicit social connections based on their bookmarking behavior. We explore the implicit social relations between users in social bookmarking Web sites (such as CiteULike and Mendeley), and propose three different implicit social networks to recommend relevant papers to users: readership, co-readership and tag-based implicit social networks. First, for each network, we tested the interest similarities of users who are connected using the proposed implicit social networks and compare them with the interest similarities using two explicit social networks: co-authorship and friendship. We found that the readership implicit social network connects users with more similarities than users who are connected using co-authorship and friendship explicit social networks. Then, we compare the recommendation using three different recommendation approaches and implicit social network alone with the recommendation using implicit and explicit social network. We found that fusing recommendation from implicit and explicit social networks can increase the prediction accuracy, and user coverage. The trade-off between the prediction accuracy and diversity was also studied with different social distances between users. The results showed that the diversity of the recommended list increases with the increase of social distance. To summarize, the main contributions of this dissertation to the area of research paper recommendation are two-fold. It is the first to explore the use of multi-criteria rating for research papers. Secondly, it proposes and evaluates a novel approach to improve collaborative filtering in both prediction accuracy (performance) and user coverage and diversity (nonperformance measures) in social bookmarking systems for sharing research papers, by defining and exploiting several implicit social networks from usage data that is widely available

    Analyzing Tag Semantics Across Collaborative Tagging Systems

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    The objective of our group was to exploit state-of-the-art Information Retrieval methods for finding associations and dependencies between tags, capturing and representing differences in tagging behavior and vocabulary of various folksonomies, with the overall aim to better understand the semantics of tags and the tagging process. Therefore we analyze the semantic content of tags in the Flickr and Delicious folksonomies. We find that: tag context similarity leads to meaningful results in Flickr, despite its narrow folksonomy character; the comparison of tags across Flickr and Delicious shows little semantic overlap, being tags in Flickr associated more to visual aspects rather than technological as it seems to be in Delicious; there are regions in the tag-tag space, provided with the cosine similarity metric, that are characterized by high density; the order of tags inside a post has a semantic relevance
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