667 research outputs found

    An inflationary differential evolution algorithm for space trajectory optimization

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    In this paper we define a discrete dynamical system that governs the evolution of a population of agents. From the dynamical system, a variant of Differential Evolution is derived. It is then demonstrated that, under some assumptions on the differential mutation strategy and on the local structure of the objective function, the proposed dynamical system has fixed points towards which it converges with probability one for an infinite number of generations. This property is used to derive an algorithm that performs better than standard Differential Evolution on some space trajectory optimization problems. The novel algorithm is then extended with a guided restart procedure that further increases the performance, reducing the probability of stagnation in deceptive local minima.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 2011. ISSN 1089-778

    Ascent trajectory optimisation for a single-stage-to-orbit vehicle with hybrid propulsion

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    This paper addresses the design of ascent trajectories for a hybrid-engine, high performance, unmanned, single-stage-to-orbit vehicle for payload deployment into low Earth orbit. A hybrid optimisation technique that couples a population-based, stochastic algorithm with a deterministic, gradient-based technique is used to maximize the nal vehicle mass in low Earth orbit after accounting for operational constraints on the dynamic pressure, Mach number and maximum axial and normal accelerations. The control search space is first explored by the population-based algorithm, which uses a single shooting method to evaluate the performance of candidate solutions. The resultant optimal control law and corresponding trajectory are then further refined by a direct collocation method based on finite elements in time. Two distinct operational phases, one using an air-breathing propulsion mode and the second using rocket propulsion, are considered. The presence of uncertainties in the atmospheric and vehicle aerodynamic models are considered in order to quantify their effect on the performance of the vehicle. Firstly, the deterministic optimal control law is re-integrated after introducing uncertainties into the models. The proximity of the final solutions to the target states are analysed statistically. A second analysis is then performed, aimed at determining the best performance of the vehicle when these uncertainties are included directly in the optimisation. The statistical analysis of the results obtained are summarized by an expectancy curve which represents the probable vehicle performance as a function of the uncertain system parameters. This analysis can be used during the preliminary phase of design to yield valuable insights into the robustness of the performance of the vehicle to uncertainties in the specification of its parameters

    Multi-disciplinary robust design of variable speed wind turbines

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    This paper addresses the preliminary robust multi-disciplinary design of small wind turbines. The turbine to be designed is assumed to be connected to the grid by means of power electronic converters. The main input parameter is the yearly wind distribution at the selected site, and it is represented by means of a Weibull distribution. The objective function is the electrical energy delivered yearly to the grid. Aerodynamic and electrical characteristics are fully coupled and modelled by means of low- and medium-fidelity models. Uncertainty affecting the blade geometry is considered, and a multi-objective hybrid evolutionary algorithm code is used to maximise the mean value of the yearly energy production and minimise its variance

    Spaceplane trajectory optimisation with evolutionary-based initialisation

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    In this paper, an evolutionary-based initialisation method is proposed based on Adaptive Inflationary Differential Evolution algorithm, which is used in conjunction with a deterministic local optimisation algorithm to efficiently identify clusters of optimal solutions. The approach is applied to an ascent trajectory for a single stage to orbit spaceplane, employing a rocket-based combine cycle propulsion system. The problem is decomposed first into flight phases, based on user defined criteria such as a propulsion cycle change translating to different mathematical system models, and subsequently transcribed into a multi-shooting NLP problem. Examining the results based on 10 independent runs of the approach, it can be seen that in all cases the method converges to clusters of feasible solutions. In 40% of the cases, the AIDEA-based initialisation found a better solution compared to a heuristic approach using constant control for each phase with a single shooting transcription (representing an expert user). The problem was run using randomly generated control laws, only 2/20 cases converged, both times with a less optimal solution compared to the baseline heuristic approach and AIDEA

    Transport equations for the inflationary trispectrum

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    We use transport techniques to calculate the trispectrum produced in multiple-field inflationary models with canonical kinetic terms. Our method allows the time evolution of the local trispectrum parameters, tauNL and gNL, to be tracked throughout the inflationary phase. We illustrate our approach using examples. We give a simplified method to calculate the superhorizon part of the relation between field fluctuations on spatially flat hypersurfaces and the curvature perturbation on uniform density slices, and obtain its third-order part for the first time. We clarify how the 'backwards' formalism of Yokoyama et al. relates to our analysis and other recent work. We supply explicit formulae which enable each inflationary observable to be computed in any canonical model of interest, using a suitable first-order ODE solver.Comment: 24 pages, plus references and appendix. v2: matches version published in JCAP; typo fixed in Eq. (54

    Analysis of some global optimization algorithms for space trajectory design

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    In this paper, we analyze the performance of some global search algorithms on a number of space trajectory design problems. A rigorous testing procedure is introduced to measure the ability of an algorithm to identify the set of ²-optimal solutions. From the analysis of the test results, a novel algorithm is derived. The development of the novel algorithm starts from the redefinition of some evolutionary heuristics in the form of a discrete dynamical system. The convergence properties of this discrete dynamical system are used to derive a hybrid evolutionary algorithm that displays very good performance on the particular class of problems presented in this paper

    Multi-population inflationary differential evolution algorithm with adaptive local restart

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    In this paper a Multi-Population Inflationary Differential Evolution algorithm with Adaptive Local Restart is presented and extensively tested over more than fifty test functions from the CEC 2005, CEC 2011 and CEC 2014 competitions. The algorithm combines a multi-population adaptive Differential Evolution with local search and local and global restart procedures. The proposed algorithm implements a simple but effective mechanism to avoid multiple detections of the same local minima. The novel mechanism allows the algorithm to decide whether to start or not a local search. The local restart of the population, which follows the local search, is, therefore, automatically adapted

    On testing global optimization algorithms for space trajectory design

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    In this paper we discuss the procedures to test a global search algorithm applied to a space trajectory design problem. Then, we present some performance indexes that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of global optimization algorithms. The performance indexes are then compared highlighting the actual significance of each one of them. A number of global optimization algorithms are tested on four typical space trajectory design problems. From the results of the proposed testing procedure we infer for each pair algorithm-problem the relation between the heuristics implemented in the solution algorithm and the main characteristics of the problem under investigation. From this analysis we derive a novel interpretation of some evolutionary heuristics, based on dynamical system theory and we significantly improve the performance of one of the tested algorithms

    Multi agent collaborative search based on Tchebycheff decomposition

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    This paper presents a novel formulation of Multi Agent Collaborative Search, for multi-objective optimization, based on Tchebycheff decomposition. A population of agents combines heuristics that aim at exploring the search space both globally (social moves) and in a neighborhood of each agent (individualistic moves). In this novel formulation the selection process is based on a combination of Tchebycheff scalarization and Pareto dominance. Furthermore, while in the previous implementation, social actions were applied to the whole population of agents and individualistic actions only to an elite sub-population, in this novel formulation this mechanism is inverted. The novel agent-based algorithm is tested at first on a standard benchmark of difficult problems and then on two specific problems in space trajectory design. Its performance is compared against a number of state-of-the-art multi objective optimization algorithms. The results demonstrate that this novel agent-based search has better performance with respect to its predecessor in a number of cases and converges better than the other state-of-the-art algorithms with a better spreading of the solutions