3 research outputs found

    The UC approach: an application view

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    What kind of guidelines can the UC approach provide for traditional designs and applications? The aim of this report is to bring this theoretically rooted, computer scientist technology closer to the community of practitioners in the field of protocol designs

    On Privacy Notions in Anonymous Communication

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    Many anonymous communication networks (ACNs) with different privacy goals have been developed. However, there are no accepted formal definitions of privacy and ACNs often define their goals and adversary models ad hoc. However, for the understanding and comparison of different flavors of privacy, a common foundation is needed. In this paper, we introduce an analysis framework for ACNs that captures the notions and assumptions known from different analysis frameworks. Therefore, we formalize privacy goals as notions and identify their building blocks. For any pair of notions we prove whether one is strictly stronger, and, if so, which. Hence, we are able to present a complete hierarchy. Further, we show how to add practical assumptions, e.g. regarding the protocol model or user corruption as options to our notions. This way, we capture the notions and assumptions of, to the best of our knowledge, all existing analytical frameworks for ACNs and are able to revise inconsistencies between them. Thus, our new framework builds a common ground and allows for sharper analysis, since new combinations of assumptions are possible and the relations between the notions are known

    Umsetzung des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsanspruchs auf Grundlage von Usage-Control und Data-Provenance-Technologien

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    Die Komplexität moderner Informationssysteme erschwert die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten. Der einzelne Bürger ist den Systemen quasi ausgeliefert. Das Datenschutzrecht versucht dem entgegenzuwirken. Ein Werkzeug des Datenschutzes zur Herstellung von Transparenz ist der Auskunftsanspruch. Diese Arbeit unterzieht das Recht auf Auskunft einer kritischen Würdigung und schafft umfassende technische Voraussetzungen für dessen Wahrnehmung