2,640 research outputs found

    Retrofitting Mutual Authentication to GSM Using RAND Hijacking

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    As has been widely discussed, the GSM mobile telephony system only offers unilateral authentication of the mobile phone to the network; this limitation permits a range of attacks. While adding support for mutual authentication would be highly beneficial, changing the way GSM serving networks operate is not practical. This paper proposes a novel modification to the relationship between a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and its home network which allows mutual authentication without changing any of the existing mobile infrastructure, including the phones; the only necessary changes are to the authentication centres and the SIMs. This enhancement, which could be deployed piecemeal in a completely transparent way, not only addresses a number of serious vulnerabilities in GSM but is also the first proposal for enhancing GSM authentication that possesses such transparency properties.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Authentication protocol for an IoT-enabled LTE networks

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    The Evolved Packet System-based Authentication and Key Agreement (EPS-AKA) protocol of the long-term evolution (LTE) network does not support Internet of Things (IoT) objects and has several security limitations, including transmission of the object’s (user/device) identity and key set identifier in plaintext over the network, synchronization, large overhead, limited identity privacy, and security attack vulnerabilities. In this article, we propose a new secure and efficient AKA protocol for the LTE network that supports secure and efficient communications among various IoT devices as well as among the users. Analysis shows that our protocol is secure, efficient, and privacy preserved, and reduces bandwidth consumption during authentication

    Security on Medical Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless technology is fast becoming a very important tool for all aspects of communication. An area that lacks a strong implementation for wireless communication is the medical field. Wireless systems could be used by clinicians to be better able to diagnose and monitor patients. The reason behind the lack of adoption in healthcare is due to the need to meet the legislated and perceived requirements of security and privacy when dealing with clinical information. The current methods of wireless authentication are investigated and an existing issue in mobile networks is described and solved with two novel solutions; one solution within GSM and the other within UMTS. Strong authentication protocols are developed based on the existing wireless protocols, while using minimal messages and symmetric operations to limit resource utilization to meet the needs of the healthcare environment. To ensure the quality of the protocol a BAN (Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic) analysis is performed which verifies that the desired goals of the protocols are appropriately met within the results analysis. The developed security protocol is shown to be secure, uses minimal messages to maintain efficiency and meets the legal requirements to be used in medical wireless sensor networks


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    The analysis of mobile communication standards is carried out, the functional structure and interfaces of interaction between the structural elements of the cellular network are considered. To understand the principle of communication according to the GSM standard, a block diagram of a mobile switching center (MSC), base station equipment (BSS), control and service center (MCC), mobile stations (MS) is presented. The main algorithms for ensuring the confidentiality and security of mobile subscribers' data, in different types of standards, as well as the vulnerabilities of information flows are considered. In particular, the following dangerous types of attacks have been identified, to which mobile network subscribers are sensitive: sniffing; leakage of personal data; leakage of geolocation data; spoofing; remote capture of SIM-card, execution of arbitrary code (RCE); denial of service (DoS). It is established that the necessary function of the mobile network is the identification of subscribers, which is performed by IMSI, which is recorded in the SIM card of the subscriber and the HLR of the operator. To protect against spoofing, the network authenticates the subscriber before starting its service. In the case of subscriber identification, the subscriber and the network operator are protected from the effects of fraudulent access. In addition, the user must be protected from eavesdropping. This is achieved by encrypting the data transmitted over the radio interface. Thus, user authentication in UMTS, as well as in the GSM network, is carried out using encryption with a common key using the "hack-response" protocol (the authenticating party sends a random number to the authenticated party, which encrypts it according to a certain algorithm using a common key and returns the result back).Przeprowadzana jest analiza standardów komunikacji mobilnej, rozważana jest struktura funkcjonalna i interfejsy interakcji między elementami strukturalnymi sieci komórkowej. Aby zrozumieć zasadę komunikacji w standardzie GSM, przedstawiono schemat blokowy centrali ruchomej (MSC), wyposażenia stacji bazowej (BSS), centrum sterowania i obsługi (MCC), stacji ruchomych (MS). Rozważane są główne algorytmy zapewniające poufność i bezpieczeństwo danych abonentów telefonii komórkowej, w różnych typach standardów, a także podatności na przepływ informacji. W szczególności zidentyfikowano następujące niebezpieczne rodzaje ataków, na które podatni są abonenci sieci komórkowych: sniffing; wyciek danych osobowych; wyciek danych geolokalizacyjnych; podszywanie się; zdalne przechwytywanie karty SIM, wykonanie dowolnego kodu (RCE); odmowa usługi (DoS). Ustalono, że niezbędną funkcją sieci komórkowej jest identyfikacja abonentów, która jest realizowana przez IMSI, która jest zapisywana na karcie SIM abonenta i HLR operatora. Aby zabezpieczyć się przed podszywaniem się, sieć uwierzytelnia subskrybenta przed uruchomieniem usługi. W przypadku identyfikacji abonenta, abonent i operator sieci są chronieni przed skutkami nieuprawnionego dostępu. Ponadto użytkownik musi być chroniony przed podsłuchem. Osiąga się to poprzez szyfrowanie danych przesyłanych przez interfejs radiowy. Tak więc uwierzytelnianie użytkownika w UMTS, jak również w sieci GSM, odbywa się z wykorzystaniem szyfrowania wspólnym kluczem z wykorzystaniem protokołu „hack-response” (strona uwierzytelniająca wysyła do strony uwierzytelnianej losową liczbę, która ją szyfruje zgodnie z pewien algorytm używający wspólnego klucza i zwraca wynik z powrotem)

    Solutions to the GSM Security Weaknesses

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    Recently, the mobile industry has experienced an extreme increment in number of its users. The GSM network with the greatest worldwide number of users succumbs to several security vulnerabilities. Although some of its security problems are addressed in its upper generations, there are still many operators using 2G systems. This paper briefly presents the most important security flaws of the GSM network and its transport channels. It also provides some practical solutions to improve the security of currently available 2G systems.Comment: 6 Pages, 2 Figure

    Providing Identity Privacy in 5G Networks by Using Pseudonyms

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    This thesis aims for presenting a solution for providing the identity privacy in mobile networks. The user is identified in mobile networks by an International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI). An IMSI catcher is a device that acts like a fake base station and targets information such as identity and location. Location tracking is one of the most serious outcomes, in case attacker captures these details. Since building an IMSI catcher is now cheaper than before and detecting one is very hard, threat caused by this device has become a serious issue, especially while developing 5G. Several solutions to protect against IMSI catchers are explained in this thesis, and one solution for defeating IMSI catchers is using pseudonyms instead of real identity. We claim that pseudonym can be an effective solution for providing identity privacy in 5G networks and can be also compatible with legacy networks. We have implemented a prototype that demonstrates how pseudonym can be imposed to an existing Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) procedure. This prototype has been presented in two public demonstration sessions. This thesis includes the history of the mobile networks including 5G. The changes between generations of networks show the requirements for better infrastructure, and also for improved security. We have also examined the development of AKA, since AKA is one of the most important procedures to provide secure service to valid users. Moreover, our prototype is about enhancing AKA for adapting pseudonym approach. This thesis also mentions about a block cipher called KASUMI, which is used for encrypting and decrypting pseudonym during AKA in the prototype. Since KASUMI is designed specifically for 3GPP and cryptanalyses show it is still safe to use KASUMI, it was chosen to be used in the prototype. Keywords: 5G, mobile networks, pseudonym, identity privacy, authentication and key agreement, KASUMI

    One Time Secret Key Mechanism for Mobile Communication

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    A Unlinkable Delegation-based Authentication Protocol with Users’ Non-repudiation for Portable Communication Systems

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    [[abstract]]For portable communication systems, the delegation-based authentication protocol provides efficient subsequent login authentication, data confidentiality, user privacy protection, and non-repudiation. However, in all proposed protocols, the non-repudiation of mobile users is based on an unreasonable assumption that home location registers are always trusted. To weaken this assumption and enhance the nonrepudiation of mobile users, a new delegation-based authentication protocol is proposed. The new protocol also removes the exhaustive search problem of the subsequent login authentication to improve the subsequent login authentication performance. Moreover, the user unlinkability in the subsequent login authentication is also provided to enhance the user identity privacy protection.[[incitationindex]]EI[[incitationindex]]CEPS[[booktype]]紙

    Pre-Interaction Identification by Dynamic Grip Classification

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    We present a novel authentication method to identify users as they pick up a mobile device. We use a combination of back-of-device capacitive sensing and accelerometer measurements to perform classification, and obtain increased performance compared to previous accelerometer-only approaches. Our initial results suggest that users can be reliably identified during the pick-up movement before interaction commences