9 research outputs found

    Architecture and Performance of the Mether Network Shared Memory

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    Mether is a Network Shared Memory (NSM). It allows applications on autonomous computers connected by a network to share a segment of memory. NSMs offer the attraction of a simple abstraction for shared state, i.e., shared memory. NSMs have a potential performance problem in the cost of remote references, which is typically solved by grouping memory into larger units such as pages, and caching pages. While Mether employs grouping and caching to reduce the average memory reference delay, it also removes the need for many remote references (page faults) by providing a facility with relaxed consistency requirements. Applications ported from a multiprocessor supercomputer with shared memory to a 16-workstation Mether configuration showed a cost/performance advantage of over 300 in favor of the Mether system. While Mether is currently implemented for Sun-3 and Sun-4 systems connected via Ethernet, other characteristics (such as a choice of page sizes and a semaphore-like access mode useful for process synchronization) should suit it to a wide variety of networks. A reimplementation for an alternate configuration employing packet-switched networks is in progress

    Anatomy of a message in the Alewife multiprocessor

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    Shared-memory provides a uniform and attractive mechanism for communication. For efficiency, it is often implemented with a layer of interpretive hardware on top of a message-passing communications network. This interpretive layer is responsible for data location, data movement, and cache coherence. It uses patterns of communication that benefit common programming styles, but which are only heuristics. This suggests that certain styles of communication may benefit from direct access to the underlying communications substrate. The Alewife machine, a shared-memory multiprocessor being built at MIT, provides such an interface. The interface is an integral part of the shared memory implementation and affords direct, user-level access to the network queues, supports an efficient DMA mechanism, and includes fast trap handling for message reception. This paper discusses the design and implementation of the Alewife message-passing interface and addresses the issues and advantages of using such an interface to complement hardware-synthesized shared memory.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant MIP-9012773)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract N00014-87-K-0825

    Generalized Portable SHMEM library for high performance computing

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    The Generalized Portable SHMEM library (GPSHMEM) is a portable implementation of the SHMEM library originally released by Cray Research Inc. on the Cray T3D. SHMEM and GPSHMEM realize the distributed shared memory programming model, that is, a shared memory programming model in environments in which memory is physically distributed. It is intended for use on a large variety of hardware platforms, including distributed systems with a network interconnect. The programming interface of GPSHMEM follows that of SHMEM and includes remote memory access operations (one-sided communication) and a set of collective routines such as broadcast, collection and reduction. Programming interfaces for C and Fortran are provided. Because of the minimal assumptions about the underlying hardware, GPSHMEM does not implement the full SHMEM T3D interface. The lack of a few functions is compensated by a set of extensions, including dynamic memory allocation for Fortran 77. To ease porting of SHMEM-enabled scientific Fortran 77 code from the Cray machines to use with GPSHMEM, a specialized Fortran 77 preprocessor was designed and developed

    TreadMarks: Distributed Shared Memory on Standard Workstations and Operating Systems

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    TreadMarks is a distributed shared memory (DSM) system for standard Unix systems such as SunOS and Ultrix. This paper presents a performance evaluation of TreadMarks running on Ultrix using DECstation-5000/240's that are connected by a 100-Mbps switch-based ATM LAN and a 10-Mbps Ethernet. Our objective is to determine the efficiency of a user-level DSM implementation on commercially available workstations and operating systems. We achieved good speedups on the 8-processor ATM network for Jacobi (7.4), TSP (7.2), Quicksort (6.3), and ILINK (5.7). For a slightly modified version ofWater from the SPLASH benchmark suite, we achieved only moderate speedups (4.0) due to the high communication and synchronization rate. Speedups decline on the 10-Mbps Ethernet (5.5 for Jacobi, 6.5 for TSP, 4.2 for Quicksort, 5.1 for ILINK, and 2.1 for Water), reecting the bandwidth limitations of the Ethernet. These results support the contention that, with suitable networking technology, DSM is a viable technique for parallel computation on clusters of workstations. To achieve these speedups, TreadMarks goes to great lengths to reduce the amount of communication performed to maintain memory consistency. It uses a lazy implementation of release consistency, and it allows multiple concurrent writers to modify a page, reducing the impact of false sharing. Great care was taken to minimize communication overhead. In particular, on the ATM network, we used a standard low-level protocol, AAL3/4, bypassing the TCP/IP protocol stack. Unix communication overhead, however, remains the main obstacle in the way of better performance for programs like Water. Compared to the Unix communication overhead, memory management cost (both kernel and user level) is small and wire time is negligible

    TreadMarks: Distributed Shared Memory on Standard Workstations and Operating Systems

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    TreadMarks is a distributed shared memory (DSM) system for standard Unix systems such as SunOS and Ultrix. This paper presents a performance evaluation of TreadMarks running on Ultrix using DECstation-5000/240's that are connected by a 100-Mbps switch-based ATM LAN and a 10-Mbps Ethernet. Our objective is to determine the efficiency of a user-level DSM implementation on commercially available workstations and operating systems. We achieved good speedups on the 8-processor ATM network for Jacobi (7.4), TSP (7.2), Quicksort (6.3), and ILINK (5.7). For a slightly modified version ofWater from the SPLASH benchmark suite, we achieved only moderate speedups (4.0) due to the high communication and synchronization rate. Speedups decline on the 10-Mbps Ethernet (5.5 for Jacobi, 6.5 for TSP, 4.2 for Quicksort, 5.1 for ILINK, and 2.1 for Water), re ecting the bandwidth limitations of the Ethernet. These results support the contention that, with suitable networking technology, DSM is a viable technique for parallel computation on clusters of workstations. To achieve these speedups, TreadMarks goes to great lengths to reduce the amount of communication performed to maintain memory consistency. It uses a lazy implementation of release consistency, and it allows multiple concurrent writers to modify a page, reducing the impact of false sharing. Great care was taken to minimize communication overhead. In particular, on the ATM network, we used a standard low-level protocol, AAL3/4, bypassing the TCP/IP protocol stack. Unix communication overhead, however, remains the main obstacle in the way of better performance for programs like Water. Compared to the Unix communication overhead, memory management cost (both kernel and user level) is small and wire time is negligible

    Scaling a Shared Object Space to the Internet: Case Study of Virat.

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    Generalized Portable SHMEM Library for High Performance Computing

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