698 research outputs found

    The mediation of humanitarian crises under authoritarianism

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    Humanitarian communication has emerged as a novel scholarly field in media and communication studies, focusing on the public practices of meaning-making that represent human vulnerability as a cause of public emotion and action in contexts of need and risk. However, it is particularly striking that the field has, until now, barely focused on non-Western and authoritarian contexts characterized by different social realities and political phenomena. This dissertation takes a step toward ameliorating this gap in knowledge by examining the mediation of global humanitarian crises spawned by deep globalization and mediatization in the Chinese authoritarian context. Using a combination of qualitative social-psychological audience study, quantitative and computational framing analysis, and discourse and cultural analysis of social constructionism, the dissertation conducts four empirical studies to investigate whether mediated discourses and techniques can create a cosmopolitan public with a sense of social responsibility toward distant sufferers of whom they know nothing and will never meet. The dissertation has implications for expanding the epistemological and ontological horizons of the field of humanitarian communication that are currently embedded in Western spatial and ideological dimensions

    3-D Interfaces for Spatial Construction

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    It is becoming increasingly easy to bring the body directly to digital form via stereoscopic immersive displays and tracked input devices. Is this space a viable one in which to construct 3d objects? Interfaces built upon two-dimensional displays and 2d input devices are the current standard for spatial construction, yet 3d interfaces, where the dimensionality of the interactive space matches that of the design space, have something unique to offer. This work increases the richness of 3d interfaces by bringing several new tools into the picture: the hand is used directly to trace surfaces; tangible tongs grab, stretch, and rotate shapes; a handle becomes a lightsaber and a tool for dropping simple objects; and a raygun, analagous to the mouse, is used to select distant things. With these tools, a richer 3d interface is constructed in which a variety of objects are created by novice users with relative ease. What we see is a space, not exactly like the traditional 2d computer, but rather one in which a distinct and different set of operations is easy and natural. Design studies, complemented by user studies, explore the larger space of three-dimensional input possibilities. The target applications are spatial arrangement, freeform shape construction, and molecular design. New possibilities for spatial construction develop alongside particular nuances of input devices and the interactions they support. Task-specific tangible controllers provide a cultural affordance which links input devices to deep histories of tool use, enhancing intuition and affective connection within an interface. On a more practical, but still emotional level, these input devices frame kinesthetic space, resulting in high-bandwidth interactions where large amounts of data can be comfortably and quickly communicated. A crucial issue with this interface approach is the tension between specific and generic input devices. Generic devices are the tradition in computing -- versatile, remappable, frequently bereft of culture or relevance to the task at hand. Specific interfaces are an emerging trend -- customized, culturally rich, to date these systems have been tightly linked to a single application, limiting their widespread use. The theoretical heart of this thesis, and its chief contribution to interface research at large is an approach to customization. Instead of matching an application domain's data, each new input device supports a functional class. The spatial construction task is split into four types of manipulation: grabbing, pointing, holding, and rubbing. Each of these action classes spans the space of spatial construction, allowing a single tool to be used in many settings without losing the unique strengths of its specific form. Outside of 3d interface, outside of spatial construction, this approach strikes a balance between generic and specific suitable for many interface scenarios. In practice, these specific function groups are given versatility via a quick remapping technique which allows one physical tool to perform many digital tasks. For example, the handle can be quickly remapped from a lightsaber that cuts shapes to tools that place simple platonic solids, erase portions of objects, and draw double-helices in space. The contributions of this work lie both in a theoretical model of spatial interaction, and input devices (combined with new interactions) which illustrate the efficacy of this philosophy. This research brings the new results of Tangible User Interface to the field of Virtual Reality. We find a space, in and around the hand, where full-fledged haptics are not necessary for users physically connect with digital form.</p

    Representation Challenges

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    This thesis provides an intellectual context for my work in computational scientific visualization for large-scale public outreach in venues such as digitaldome planetarium shows and high-definition public television documentaries. In my associated practicum, a DVD that provides video excerpts, 1 focus especially on work I have created with my Advanced Visualization Laboratory team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Champaign, Illinois) from 2002-2007. 1 make three main contributions to knowledge within the field of computational scientific visualization. Firstly, I share the unique process 1 have pioneered for collaboratively producing and exhibiting this data-driven art when aimed at popular science education. The message of the art complements its means of production: Renaissance Team collaborations enact a cooperative paradigm of evolutionary sympathetic adaptation and co-creation. Secondly, 1 open up a positive, new space within computational scientific visualization's practice for artistic expression—especially in providing a theory of digi-epistemology that accounts for how this is possible given the limitations imposed by the demands of mapping numerical data and the computational models derived from them onto visual forms. I am concerned not only with liberating artists to enrich audience's aesthetic experiences of scientific visualization, to contribute their own vision, but also with conceiving of audiences as co-creators of the aesthetic significance of the work, to re-envision and re-circulate what they encounter there. Even more commonly than in the age of traditional media, on-line social computing and digital tools have empowered the public to capture and repurpose visual metaphors, circulating them within new contexts and telling new stories with them. Thirdly, I demonstrate the creative power of visaphors (see footnote, p. 1) to provide novel embodied experiences through my practicum as well as my thesis discussion. Specifically, I describe how the visaphors my Renaissance Teams and I create enrich the Environmentalist Story of Science, essentially promoting a counter-narrative to the Enlightenment Story of Science through articulating how humanity participates in an evolving universal consciousness through our embodied interaction and cooperative interdependence within nested, self-producing (autopoetic) systems, from the micro- to the macroscopic. This contemporary account of the natural world, its inter-related systems, and their dynamics may be understood as expressing a creative and generative energy—a kind of consciousness-that transcends the human yet also encompasses it

    Variations and Application Conditions Of the Data Type »Image« - The Foundation of Computational Visualistics

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    Few years ago, the department of computer science of the University Magdeburg invented a completely new diploma programme called 'computational visualistics', a curriculum dealing with all aspects of computational pictures. Only isolated aspects had been studied so far in computer science, particularly in the independent domains of computer graphics, image processing, information visualization, and computer vision. So is there indeed a coherent domain of research behind such a curriculum? The answer to that question depends crucially on a data structure that acts as a mediator between general visualistics and computer science: the data structure "image". The present text investigates that data structure, its components, and its application conditions, and thus elaborates the very foundations of computational visualistics as a unique and homogenous field of research. Before concentrating on that data structure, the theory of pictures in general and the definition of pictures as perceptoid signs in particular are closely examined. This includes an act-theoretic consideration about resemblance as the crucial link between image and object, the communicative function of context building as the central concept for comparing pictures and language, and several modes of reflection underlying the relation between image and image user. In the main chapter, the data structure "image" is extendedly analyzed under the perspectives of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. While syntactic aspects mostly concern image processing, semantic questions form the core of computer graphics and computer vision. Pragmatic considerations are particularly involved with interactive pictures but also extend to the field of information visualization and even to computer art. Four case studies provide practical applications of various aspects of the analysis

    Soundscape Composition: Music as Environmental Activism

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    Soundscape composition is an emerging genre of experimental music that incorporates sounds from natural environments. While soundscape composers utilize a wide variety of mediums, techniques, and performance contexts, they share a common purpose of encouraging audiences to question and reflect on their relationship to the environment in the age of the “Anthropocene,” enabling listeners to re-connect to the places in which they live through sound. This study asks how soundscape composers use their music as a rhetoric that communicates environmental issues in ways that depart from typical portrayals in mainstream media. Drawing from the works, interviews, and writings of a selected group of soundscape composers, I argue that soundscape composers act as cultural interlocutors, transferring personal and scientific knowledge to a medium that engages alternative ways of environmental knowing. By repurposing scientific technology to serve artistic ends and interrogating conventional Western notions of what counts as “music,” soundscape composers both broaden what counts as environmental knowledge and question conceptual divisions between humans, nature, and technology. By acting upon the potential of soundscape composition to promote social, political, and cultural change, the artists profiled in this study contribute to an understanding of the environmental crisis not only as a physical reality, but as a crisis of character and culture that forces individuals and societies to reconsider how people relate to nature and to each other

    On the Evolution of the Heavenly Spheres: An Enactive Approach to Cosmography

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    The ability to view the world from multiple perspectives is essential for tackling complex, interconnected challenges. Yet conventional academic structures are designed to produce knowledge through ever-increasing specialization and compartmentalization. This fragmentation is often reinforced by tacit dualistic assumptions that prioritize linear thinking and abstract ways of knowing. Though the need for integrated approaches has been widely acknowledged, effective techniques for transcending disciplinary boundaries remain elusive. This thesis describes a practical strategy that uses immersive visualizations to cultivate transdisciplinary perspectives. It develops an enactive approach to cosmography, contending that processes of visualizing and interpreting the cosmos iteratively shape ‘views’ of the ‘world.’ The archetypal trope of the heavenly sphere is examined to demonstrate the significance of its interpretations in this history of ideas. Action research and mixed methods are employed to elucidate the theoretical considerations, cultural relevance, and practical consequences of this approach. The study begins with an investigation into the recurring appearance of the heavenly sphere across time, in which its embodied origins, metaphorical influence, and material embodiments are considered. Particular attention is given to how cosmographic tools and techniques have facilitated imaginary ‘flights’ through the heavens, from the ecstatic bird’s eye view of the shaman to the ‘Archimedean point’ of modern science. It then examines how these cosmographic practices have shaped cosmological beliefs and paradigmatic assumptions. Next, the practical utility of this approach is demonstrated through the development of cosmographic hermeneutics, a technique using visual heuristics to interpret cosmic models from transdisciplinary world views. Finally, the performative practice of cosmotroping is described, in which cosmographic hermeneutics are applied to re-imagine the ancient dream of the transcendent ‘cosmic journey’ within immersive vision theaters. This study concludes that the re-emergence of the heavenly sphere within the contemporary Digital Universe Atlas provides a leverage point for illuminating the complexity of knowledge production processes. It is claimed that this research has produced a practical strategy for demonstrating that the ultimate Archimedean point is the ability to recognize the limits of our own knowledge, a crucial first step in cultivating much-needed multi-perspectival and paradoxical spherical thinking

    Immersion Into Noise

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    Joseph Nechvatal's Immersion Into Noise investigates multiple aspects of cultural noise by applying our audio understanding of noise to the visual, architectual and cognative domains. The author takes the reader through phenomenal aspects of the art of noise into algorithmic and network contexts, beginning in the Abside of the Grotte de Lascaux
