4 research outputs found

    Finite Energy Survey Propagation for Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    The Survey Propagation (SP) algorithm [1] has recently been shown to work well in the hard region for random K-SAT problems. SP has its origins in sophisticated arguments in statistical physics, and can be derived from an approach known as the cavity method, when applied at what is called the one-step replica symmetry breaking level. In its most general form, SP can be applied to general constraint satisfaction problems, and can also be used in the unsatisfiable region, where the aim is to minimize the number of violated constraints. In this paper, we formulate the SP-Y algorithm for general constraint satisfaction problems, applicable for minimizing the number of violated constraints. This could be useful, for example, in solving approximate subgraph isomorphism problems. Preliminary results show that SP can solve a few instances of induced subgraph isomorphism for which belief propagation failed to converge.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Comparing Graph Similarity for Graphical Recognition

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com. 8th International Workshop, GREC 2009, La Rochelle, France, July 22-23, 2009. Selected PapersIn this paper we evaluate four graph distance measures. The analysis is performed for document retrieval tasks. For this aim, different kind of documents are used including line drawings (symbols), ancient documents (ornamental letters), shapes and trademark-logos. The experimental results show that the performance of each graph distance measure depends on the kind of data and the graph representation technique

    Applications des graphes en traitement d'images

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    International audienceLes graphes sont des outils de représentation des données très puissants et universels, utiles dans divers domaines des sciences notamment le traitement d'images, la reconnaissance des formes ou la vision par ordinateur. Dans ces domaines, la mesure de similarité entre les objets est souvent une phase importante. Dans le cadre d'une représentation sous forme de graphe cette phase se traduit par un appariement des graphes. Dans cet article nous passons en revue un ensemble de travaux basé sur la théorie des graphes appliquée aux traitements d'images. Notamment les approches de représentation en graphe et les différentes mesures de similarité de graphes. Également, nous présentons quelques applications des graphes dans l'analyse d'images et la recherche par le contenu

    Using computer vision to categorize tyres and estimate the number of visible tyres in tyre stockpile images

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    Pressures from environmental agencies contribute to the challenges associated with the disposal of waste tyres, particularly in South Africa. Recycling of waste tyres in South Africa is in its infancy resulting in the historically undocumented and uncontrolled existence of waste tyre stockpiles across the country. The remote and distant locations of such stockpiles typically complicate the logistics associated with the collection, transport and storage of waste tyres prior to entering the recycling process. In order to optimize the logistics associated with the collection of waste tyres from stockpiles, useful information about such stockpiles would include estimates of the types of tyres as well as the quantity of specific tyre types found in particular stockpiles. This research proposes the use of computer vision for categorizing individual tyres and estimating the number of visible tyres in tyre stockpile images to support the logistics in tyre recycling efforts. The study begins with a broad review of image processing and computer vision algorithms for categorization and counting objects in images. The bag of visual words (BoVW) model for categorization is tested on two small data sets of tread tyre images using a random sub-sampling holdout method. The categorization results are evaluated using performance metrics for multiclass classifiers, namely the average accuracy, precision, and recall. The results indicated that corner-based local feature detectors combined with speeded up robust features (SURF) descriptors in a BoVW model provide moderately accurate categorization of tyres based on tread images. Two feature extraction methods for extracting features for use in training neural networks (NNs) for tyre count estimations in tyre stockpiles are proposed. The two feature extraction methods are used to describe images in terms of feature vectors that can be used as input for NNs. The first feature extraction method uses the BoVW model with histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) features collected from overlapping sub-images to create a visual vocabulary and describe the images in terms of their visual word occurrence histogram. The second feature extraction method uses the image gradient magnitude, gradient orientation, and edge orientations of edges detected using the Canny edge detector. A concatenated histogram is constructed from individual histograms of gradient orientations and gradient magnitude. The histograms are then used to train NNs using backpropogation to approximate functions from the feature vectors describing the images to scalar count estimations. The accuracy of visible object count predictions are evaluated using NN evaluation techniques to determine the accuracy of predictions and the generalization ability of the fit model. The count estimation experiments using the two feature extraction methods for input to NNs showed that fairly accurate count estimations can be obtained and that the fit model could generalize fairly well to unseen images