12 research outputs found

    Cryptanalyzing an image encryption algorithm based on autoblocking and electrocardiography

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    This paper performs a thorough security analysis of a chaotic image encryption algorithm based on autoblocking and electrocardiography from the view point of modern cryptography. The algorithm uses electrocardiography (ECG) signals to generate the initial key for a chaotic system and applies an autoblocking method to divide a plain image into blocks of certain sizes suitable for subsequent encryption. The designers claimed that the proposed algorithm is “strong and flexible enough for practical applications”. We find it is vulnerable to the known plaintext attack: based on one pair of a known plain-image and its corresponding cipher-image, an adversary is able to derive a mask image, which can be used as an equivalent secret key to successfully decrypt other cipher images encrypted under the same key with a non-negligible probability of 1/256. Using this as a typical counterexample, we summarize some security defects existing in many image encryption algorithms

    SNR Improvement and Bandwidth Optimization Technique Using PCM-DSSS Encryption Scheme

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    Cryptography, the scheme of information stashing and verification, entirely deals with protocols, algorithms and strategies to ensure the precise security facility of the signal consistently by hindering unauthorized access to the confidential information. Albeit in most of the encryption schemes, certain impediments are faced by the service providers such as the expansion of required bandwidth, the fragile encryption technique, the consumption of maximum bandwidth in security purpose, less priority to improvement of SNR of the system, the complexity in decryption and so forth.  This paper illustrates the SNR enhancement & bandwidth optimization technique in security purpose using PCM- DSSS sample by sample encryption scheme. For this purpose, after sampling of a signal, simple mathematical operation is performed in each sample with a time varying arbitrary weights. This arbitrary weight can be obtained from D/A conversion of pseudo noise sequence. Since the bandwidth consumption in security purpose can be minimized in this scheme, a significant portion of unused bandwidth can be used to improve the SNR of the system by reducing quantization noise of encrypted samples. By the same token, the possibility of SNR improvement is demonstrated by reckoning the quantization noise while introducing additional quantization step

    Hybrid chaos-based image encryption algorithm using Chebyshev chaotic map with deoxyribonucleic acid sequence and its performance evaluation

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    The media content shared on the internet has increased tremendously nowadays. The streaming service has major role in contributing to internet traffic all over the world. As the major content shared are in the form of images and rapid increase in computing power a better and complex encryption standard is needed to protect this data from being leaked to unauthorized person. Our proposed system makes use of chaotic maps, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) coding and ribonucleic acid (RNA) coding technique to encrypt the image. As videos are nothing but collection of images played at the rate of minimum 30 frames/images per second, this methodology can also be used to encrypt videos. The complexity and dynamic nature of chaotic systems makes decryption of content by unauthorized personal difficult. The hybrid usage of chaotic systems along with DNA and RNA sequencing improves the encryption efficiency of the algorithm and also makes it possible to decrypt the images at the same time without consuming too much of computation power

    Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Information Entropy

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    Recently, a chaotic image encryption algorithm based on information entropy (IEAIE) was proposed. This paper scrutinizes the security properties of the algorithm and evaluates the validity of the used quantifiable security metrics. When the round number is only one, the equivalent secret key of every basic operation of IEAIE can be recovered with a differential attack separately. Some common insecurity problems in the field of chaotic image encryption are found in IEAIE, e.g. the short orbits of the digital chaotic system and the invalid sensitivity mechanism built on information entropy of the plain image. Even worse, each security metric is questionable, which undermines the security credibility of IEAIE. Hence, IEAIE can only serve as a counterexample for illustrating common pitfalls in designing secure communication method for image data.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, IEEE Access, 201

    Cryptanalysis of some self-synchronous chaotic stream ciphers and their improved schemes

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    In this paper, a cryptanalysis method that combines a chosen-ciphertext attack with a divide-and-conquer attack by traversing multiple non-zero component initial conditions (DCA- TMNCIC) is proposed. The method is used for security analysis of n-D (n=3,4,5,6,7,8) self- synchronous chaotic stream ciphers that employ a product of two chaotic variables and three chaotic variables (n-D SCSC-2 and n-D SCSC-3), taking 3-D SCSC-2 as a typical example for cryptanalysis. For resisting the combinational effect of the chosen-ciphertext attack and DCA- TMNCIC, several improved chaotic cipher schemes are designed, including 3-D SCSC based on a nonlinear nominal system (3-D SCSC-NNS) and n-D SCSC based on sinusoidal modulation (n-D SCSC-SM (n=3,4,5,6,7,8)). Theoretical security analysis validates the improved schemes

    Cryptanalysis of an Image Cipher using Multi entropy Measures and the Countermeasures

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    The use of same keys or equivalent keys should not be occurred in cryptographic communications because a cipher system utilising such keys to secure messages can be attacked even it possesses excellent cryptographic characteristics for extracting intelligible information from encrypted messages. Identification of crypts formed with such keys is an important task of traffic analysis of cryptographic communications to check the applicability of two-messages-on-same-key (TMSK) attack. To avoid its applicability, adequate safeguards are required. In the paper, we cryptanalyze stream encryption based cipher system and propose an intelligent identification methodology using multi-entropy measures and soft decision criteria for identification of encrypted images of same or equivalent keys. Experimental test results show that the crypts formed with same keys can be identified successfully with high precision. We also present the countermeasures against TMSK attack

    Design and smartphone implementation of chaotic duplex H.264-codec video communications

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    In this paper, a chaotic duplex H.264-codec-based secure video communication scheme is designed and its smartphone implementation is also carried out. First, an improved self- synchronous chaotic stream cipher algorithm equipped with a sinusoidal modulation, a multipli- cation, a modulo operation and a round down operation (SCSCA-SMMR) is developed. Using the sinusoidal modulation and multiplication, the improved algorithm can resist the divide-and- conquer attack by traversing multiple nonzero component initial conditions (DCA-TMNCIC). Meanwhile, also by means of the round down operation and modulo operation, on the premise that the DCA-TMNCIC does not work, the original keys cannot be further deciphered only by the known-plaintext attack, the chosen-plaintext attack and the chosen-ciphertext attack, respectively. Then, the Android low-level multimedia support infrastructure MediaCodec class is used to access low-level media encoder/decoder components and the H.264 hardware encod- ing/decoding is performed on real-time videos, so the chaotic video encryption and decryption can be realized in real-time by smartphones. Security analysis and smartphone experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Network analysis of chaotic dynamics in fixed-precision digital domain

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    When implemented in the digital domain with time, space and value discretized in the binary form, many good dynamical properties of chaotic systems in continuous domain may be degraded or even diminish. To measure the dynamic complexity of a digital chaotic system, the dynamics can be transformed to the form of a state-mapping network. Then, the parameters of the network are verified by some typical dynamical metrics of the original chaotic system in infinite precision, such as Lyapunov exponent and entropy. This article reviews some representative works on the network-based analysis of digital chaotic dynamics and presents a general framework for such analysis, unveiling some intrinsic relationships between digital chaos and complex networks. As an example for discussion, the dynamics of a state-mapping network of the Logistic map in a fixed-precision computer is analyzed and discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure