4 research outputs found

    Potential Motivational Factors of Technology Usage for Indigenous People in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Interrelationship between ethnicity, motivation and technology usage is an interesting scope of study as it offers various dimensions to be explored, polished and refined. One of the most interest areas is on the motivational factors for technology usage among the indigenous people from the viewpoints of socio-structural, socioeconomic and socio cultural. This paper present the findings on the motivational factors of technology usage based on the socioeconomic and socio cultural situational study of Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia. The study analysis was performed against the theoretical lens of need-based theory of technology use to uncover constructs of needs that can be identified as motivational factors for technology use. From the study, it is found that Orang Asli has a tendency toward holding on to perceived idea of enjoyment and the preservation of culture and benefits delivery as a motivation for them to use the technology. We propose the affect based needs and cultural needs as new constructs for technology use by the indigenous people

    Indigenous women managing pregnancy complications in rural Ecuador

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    Previous research has explored the potential use of digital health to support maternal health in the Global South highlighting the importance of understanding the socio-cultural context to inform system design. However, the experiences of indigenous women managing pregnancy complications in Latin America remain underexplored in HCI. We present a qualitative study with 25 indigenous pregnant women in an Ecuadorian rural community looking at their experiences during complications, their antenatal care visits and their access and use of technologies. Our findings highlight key barriers that hinder the use of antenatal care services and influence women's experiences managing complications. Based on the findings, we present opportunities for digital health centered on indigenous women to enhance antenatal care in rural Ecuador

    Cinehacking Cape Town - Embracing Informality in Pursuit of High Quality Media

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    Although many common tools of media making such as video cameras have become more accessible in recent years, many remain inaccessible. Cinematography, lighting and sound-recording equipment for example can be prohibitively expensive to obtain, complex to configure, and/or require specialist knowledge to operate effectively. These barriers can prevent non-professionals who want to produce highquality media from being able to. Cinehack is an ongoing project to research ways to overcome these barriers. In this paper, we specifically report on Cinehack: Cape Town, a participatory media making project. By co-producing hip hop videos within a community for whom media making is often a ‘means-to-an-end’, we were able gain insights into the kinds of support needed to enable high quality media making by non-professionals. Specifically, we highlight ways to meet users’ needs by embracing informal codes of practice via experimental making and peer-support. AUTHOR KEYWORDS Making; Media; DIY; Africa; Hacking; Hip-Ho

    Understanding the information landscape in agricultural communities in rural Bangladesh

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    Knowledge sharing in rural agricultural communities is vital to the success of farmers and sustaining high yields. A range of actors in the knowledge landscape participate in knowledge sharing, and with this, a variety of complexities are introduced. In this paper, we report on a set of field visits, interviews and focus groups in various settings to understand this complex nature of the knowledge landscape. Our study was set within multiple locations within 20 miles North-East of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Our findings highlight the high level of interconnectedness of different actors in the agricultural communities and the complexities involved in establishing trust of information. We report on the importance of fostering successful relationships within the communities and the growing strains of climate change