367 research outputs found

    Parameterized Algorithms for Min-Max Multiway Cut and List Digraph Homomorphism

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    In this paper we design {\sf FPT}-algorithms for two parameterized problems. The first is \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism}: given two digraphs GG and HH and a list of allowed vertices of HH for every vertex of GG, the question is whether there exists a homomorphism from GG to HH respecting the list constraints. The second problem is a variant of \textsc{Multiway Cut}, namely \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut}: given a graph GG, a non-negative integer \ell, and a set TT of rr terminals, the question is whether we can partition the vertices of GG into rr parts such that (a) each part contains one terminal and (b) there are at most \ell edges with only one endpoint in this part. We parameterize \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism} by the number ww of edges of GG that are mapped to non-loop edges of HH and we give a time 2O(logh+2log)n4logn2^{O(\ell\cdot\log h+\ell^2\cdot \log \ell)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n algorithm, where hh is the order of the host graph HH. We also prove that \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut} can be solved in time 2O((r)2logr)n4logn2^{O((\ell r)^2\log \ell r)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n. Our approach introduces a general problem, called {\sc List Allocation}, whose expressive power permits the design of parameterized reductions of both aforementioned problems to it. Then our results are based on an {\sf FPT}-algorithm for the {\sc List Allocation} problem that is designed using a suitable adaptation of the {\em randomized contractions} technique (introduced by [Chitnis, Cygan, Hajiaghayi, Pilipczuk, and Pilipczuk, FOCS 2012]).Comment: An extended abstract of this work will appear in the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), Patras, Greece, September 201

    Between Treewidth and Clique-width

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    Many hard graph problems can be solved efficiently when restricted to graphs of bounded treewidth, and more generally to graphs of bounded clique-width. But there is a price to be paid for this generality, exemplified by the four problems MaxCut, Graph Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycle and Edge Dominating Set that are all FPT parameterized by treewidth but none of which can be FPT parameterized by clique-width unless FPT = W[1], as shown by Fomin et al [7, 8]. We therefore seek a structural graph parameter that shares some of the generality of clique-width without paying this price. Based on splits, branch decompositions and the work of Vatshelle [18] on Maximum Matching-width, we consider the graph parameter sm-width which lies between treewidth and clique-width. Some graph classes of unbounded treewidth, like distance-hereditary graphs, have bounded sm-width. We show that MaxCut, Graph Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycle and Edge Dominating Set are all FPT parameterized by sm-width

    Linear-Time FPT Algorithms via Network Flow

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    In the area of parameterized complexity, to cope with NP-Hard problems, we introduce a parameter k besides the input size n, and we aim to design algorithms (called FPT algorithms) that run in O(f(k)n^d) time for some function f(k) and constant d. Though FPT algorithms have been successfully designed for many problems, typically they are not sufficiently fast because of huge f(k) and d. In this paper, we give FPT algorithms with small f(k) and d for many important problems including Odd Cycle Transversal and Almost 2-SAT. More specifically, we can choose f(k) as a single exponential (4^k) and d as one, that is, linear in the input size. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithms achieve linear time complexity for the first time for these problems. To obtain our algorithms for these problems, we consider a large class of integer programs, called BIP2. Then we show that, in linear time, we can reduce BIP2 to Vertex Cover Above LP preserving the parameter k, and we can compute an optimal LP solution for Vertex Cover Above LP using network flow. Then, we perform an exhaustive search by fixing half-integral values in the optimal LP solution for Vertex Cover Above LP. A bottleneck here is that we need to recompute an LP optimal solution after branching. To address this issue, we exploit network flow to update the optimal LP solution in linear time.Comment: 20 page

    Parameterized Algorithmics for Computational Social Choice: Nine Research Challenges

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    Computational Social Choice is an interdisciplinary research area involving Economics, Political Science, and Social Science on the one side, and Mathematics and Computer Science (including Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems) on the other side. Typical computational problems studied in this field include the vulnerability of voting procedures against attacks, or preference aggregation in multi-agent systems. Parameterized Algorithmics is a subfield of Theoretical Computer Science seeking to exploit meaningful problem-specific parameters in order to identify tractable special cases of in general computationally hard problems. In this paper, we propose nine of our favorite research challenges concerning the parameterized complexity of problems appearing in this context

    Compression via Matroids: A Randomized Polynomial Kernel for Odd Cycle Transversal

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    The Odd Cycle Transversal problem (OCT) asks whether a given graph can be made bipartite by deleting at most kk of its vertices. In a breakthrough result Reed, Smith, and Vetta (Operations Research Letters, 2004) gave a \BigOh(4^kkmn) time algorithm for it, the first algorithm with polynomial runtime of uniform degree for every fixed kk. It is known that this implies a polynomial-time compression algorithm that turns OCT instances into equivalent instances of size at most \BigOh(4^k), a so-called kernelization. Since then the existence of a polynomial kernel for OCT, i.e., a kernelization with size bounded polynomially in kk, has turned into one of the main open questions in the study of kernelization. This work provides the first (randomized) polynomial kernelization for OCT. We introduce a novel kernelization approach based on matroid theory, where we encode all relevant information about a problem instance into a matroid with a representation of size polynomial in kk. For OCT, the matroid is built to allow us to simulate the computation of the iterative compression step of the algorithm of Reed, Smith, and Vetta, applied (for only one round) to an approximate odd cycle transversal which it is aiming to shrink to size kk. The process is randomized with one-sided error exponentially small in kk, where the result can contain false positives but no false negatives, and the size guarantee is cubic in the size of the approximate solution. Combined with an \BigOh(\sqrt{\log n})-approximation (Agarwal et al., STOC 2005), we get a reduction of the instance to size \BigOh(k^{4.5}), implying a randomized polynomial kernelization.Comment: Minor changes to agree with SODA 2012 version of the pape