6 research outputs found

    Penentuan Guru Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)

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    Guru merupakan bagian penting dalam memajukan suatu bangsa, karena guru dapat membimbing generasi penerus bangsa. Oleh karena itu penilaian guru berprestasi dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan generasi penerus bangsa yang baik. Penelitian AHP dan VIKOR bertujuan menghasilkan alternatif guru berprestasi di SMA N 2 Purbalingga. Metode AHP digunakan karena  mempunyai kelebihan dalam pembobotan setiap kriteria yang tidak dimiliki oleh VIKOR, metode VIKOR digunakan untuk perangkingan alternatif guru berprestasi. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian yaitu pengumpulan data, menentukan bobot kriteria, metode AHP, metode VIKOR, perhitungan manual dan sistem. Kriteria yang digunakan ada empat kriteria yaitu pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional. Nilai setiap kriteria akan diproses menggunakan metode AHP untuk mendapatkan bobot kriteria. Bobot kriteria selanjutnya dihitung menggunakan  metode VIKOR untuk mendapatkan alternatif guru berprestasi. Hasil perhitungan bobot prioritas kriteria dengan metode AHP dari kriteria pedagogik sampai profesional adalah 0,2236; 0,4187; 0,1162; 0,2414. Nilai-nilai tersebut merupakan nilai bobot kriteria yang akan digunakan untuk metode VIKOR. Bobot kriteria digunakan bersama dengan hasil dari pengisian kuesioner dalam VIKOR dengan data alternatif guru berprestasi untuk mendapatkan alternatif guru berprestasi. Metode AHP dan VIKOR diuji kebenarannya agar bobot dan perangkingan dapat dinyatakan benar. Hasil pengujian menggunakan black box didapatkan persentase 100%, oleh karena itu penelitian SPK dapat dinyatakan sesuai dan hasil perangkingan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang ada di SMA N 2 Purbalingga. AbstractTeachers are an important part of advancing a nation, because teachers can guide the nation's future generations. Therefore, the assessment of outstanding teachers is needed to create a good future generation of the nation. AHP and VIKOR research aims to produce an alternative for outstanding teachers at SMA N 2 Purbalingga. The AHP method is used because it has advantages in weighting each criterion that VIKOR does not have, the VIKOR method is used for alternative ranking of outstanding teachers. The stages of the research are data collection, determining the criteria weights, the AHP method, the VIKOR method, manual and system calculations. There are four criteria used, namely pedagogic, personality, social, and professional. The value of each criterion will be processed using the AHP method to obtain the weight of the criteria. The weight of the criteria is then calculated using the VIKOR method to obtain an alternative for outstanding teachers. The results of the calculation of the criteria priority weight using the AHP method from pedagogic to professional criteria are 0.2236; 0.4187; 0.1162; 0.2414. These values are the criteria weight values that will be used for the VIKOR method. The weights of the criteria are used together with the results of filling out the questionnaire in VIKOR with alternative data for outstanding teachers to get alternatives for outstanding teachers. The AHP and VIKOR methods are tested for accuracy so that the weight and ranking can be declared correct. The results of the test using a black box obtained a percentage of 100%, therefore the SPK research can be declared appropriate and the ranking results can solve the problems that exist in SMA N 2 Purbalingga.

    Performance assessment of circular economy for phosphorus chemical firms based on VIKOR-QUALIFLEX method

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    Confronting the dilemma of resource shortage and environmental pollution, the idea of circular economy (CE) has attracted widespread attentions. To address these problems, several industrial companies have incorporated the CE in their operation or design. In this sense, the phosphorus chemical firms (PCFs) are promoting CE to achieve sustainable development goals since phosphorus is a non-renewable resource and one of the nutrient elements essential for crop growth. Thus, this paper aims to find a suitable way to assess the performance of CE for PCFs. Firstly, the evaluation index system of CE is designed according to the characteristics of CE for PCFs

    An Extended VIKOR Method Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Combination Weights for Supplier Selection

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    Supplier selection is a complex multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, which considers a number of alternative suppliers as well as conflicting and noncommensurable criteria. Considering the fact that it is difficult to precisely determine criteria weights and the ratings of alternatives on each criterion in real-life situations, the VIKOR (VIsekriterijumska optimizacija i KOmpromisno Resenje) method has been modified for intuitionistic fuzzy data in this study for supplier evaluation and selection. Further, we take into account both subjective and objective weights of criteria in the decision-making process, as most supplier selection approaches consider only subjective criteria weights. Finally, two supplier selection examples are provided to illustrate the proposed intuitionistic fuzzy hybrid VIKOR (IFH-VIKOR) method, and its merits are highlighted by comparing it with other relevant approaches

    Sustainable supplier selection based on industry 4.0 initiatives within the context of circular economy implementation in supply chain operations

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    This study proposes a decision framework based on industry 4.0 initiatives within circular economy implementation to evaluate and select sustainable suppliers. In this context, sustainable supplier selection, industry 4.0, and circular economy have emerged as key topics of the contemporary operations management debate. The mix method approach of combining literature review and industrial expert’s inputs was adopted to identify four main categories and twenty-one sub-categories relevant to the supplier selection decision. A multi-criteria decision-making support tool composed of the ‘best-worst method’ (BWM) and VIKOR (VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) was applied to aid in the evaluation and selection of a sustainable supplier in Pakistan’s textile manufacturing company. The BWM approach was first applied to determine the relative importance weights, and then, VIKOR used to rank the suppliers. The findings of the study suggest that, the Pakistan’s textile manufacturing company places much emphasis and importance on ‘Technological and Infrastructure (TI)’ with weight of 0.356 and ‘a positive organizational culture towards implementation of industry 4.0 and circular economy initiatives’ (OG3) with global weight of 0.139 when embarking on such decisions, and ranked supplier 2 as the top sustainable supplier. Managerial and post-selection benchmarking negotiations and future research directions are also introduced

    An overview of fuzzy techniques in supply chain management: bibliometrics, methodologies, applications and future directions

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    Every practice in supply chain management (SCM) requires decision making. However, due to the complexity of evaluated objects and the cognitive limitations of individuals, the decision information given by experts is often fuzzy, which may make it difficult to make decisions. In this regard, many scholars applied fuzzy techniques to solve decision making problems in SCM. Although there were review papers about either fuzzy methods or SCM, most of them did not use bibliometrics methods or did not consider fuzzy sets theory-based techniques comprehensively in SCM. In this paper, for the purpose of analyzing the advances of fuzzy techniques in SCM, we review 301 relevant papers from 1998 to 2020. By the analyses in terms of bibliometrics, methodologies and applications, publication trends, popular methods such as fuzzy MCDM methods, and hot applications such as supplier selection, are found. Finally, we propose future directions regarding fuzzy techniques in SCM. It is hoped that this paper would be helpful for scholars and practitioners in the field of fuzzy decision making and SCM