6 research outputs found

    Fusion-based impairment modelling for an intelligent radar sensor architecture

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    An intelligent radar sensor concept has been developed using a modelling approach for prediction of sensor performance, based on application of sensor and environment models. Land clutter significantly impacts on the operation of radar sensors operating at low-grazing angles. The clutter modelling technique developed in this thesis for the prediction of land clutter forms the clutter model for the intelligent radar sensor. Fusion of remote sensing data is integral to the clutter modelling approach and is addressed by considering fusion of radar remote sensing data, and mitigation of speckle noise and data transmission impairments. The advantages of the intelligent sensor approach for predicting radar performance are demonstrated for several applications using measured data. The problem of predicting site-specific land radar performance is an important task which is complicated by the peculiarities and characteristics of the radar sensor, electromagnetic wave propagation, and the environment in which the radar is deployed. Airborne remote sensing data can provide information about the environment and terrain, which can be used to more accurately predict land radar performance. This thesis investigates how fusion of remote sensing data can be used in conjunction with a sensor modelling approach to enable site-specific prediction of land radar performance. The application of a radar sensor model and a priori information about the environment, gives rise to the notion of an intelligent radar sensor which can adapt to dynamically changing environments through intelligent processing of this a priori knowledge. This thesis advances the field of intelligent radar sensor design, through an approach based on fusion of a priori knowledge provided by remote sensing data, and application of a modelling approach to enable prediction of radar sensor performance. Original contributions are made in the areas of intelligent radar sensor development, improved estimation of land surface clutter intensity for site-specific low-grazing angle radar, and fusion and mitigation of sensor and data transmission impairments in radar remote sensing data.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ground moving target tracking with space-time adaptive radar

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    Ground moving target tracking by airborne radar provides situational awareness of vehicle movements in the supervised region. Vehicles are detected by applying space time adaptive processing to the received multi channel radar data. The detections are then fed to a tracking algorithm that processes them to tracks. In literature, radar signal processing and ground target tracking are treated as two separate topics and results are not validated by experimental data. The first objective of this thesis is to provide a closer link between these fields. The second objective is to show that tracking performance can be improved by providing additional data from the radar signal processing to the tracking step. The third objective is to validate the algorithm and the performance improvement using experimental data. As a result this thesis presents a unified treatment of ground moving target tracking from radar raw data to established tracks. A complete reference algorithm for ground moving target tracking based on the Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter is presented. In particular, Jacobians of the observation process are derived. They are presented in such a form that immediate implementation in a programming language is possible. In the course of this thesis a measurement campaign with the experimental radar PAMIR of Fraunhofer FHR was conducted. The experiment included two GPS equipped reference vehicles and a multitude of targets of opportunity. Tracking results obtained with this experimental data and the reference tracking algorithm of this thesis are shown. The thesis also enhances the reference target tracking algorithm by a parameter that characterizes the variance of the direction of arrival measurement of the target signal. This parameter is determined adaptively depending on the estimated signal strength and the clutter background. The major contribution with regard to this enhancement is a thorough experimental validation: Firstly, a comparison between GPS based measurements and radar based measurements of the direction of arrival shows that this variance captures the distribution of measurement errors excellently. Secondly, tracking results are compared to the GPS tracks of the ground truth vehicles. It is found that the enhanced algorithm yields superior track quality with respect to both track accuracy and track continuity.Bodenzielverfolgung mit luftgestütztem Radar liefert das Lagebild von Fahrzeug­bewegungen innerhalb des beobachteten Gebiets. Fahrzeuge werden durch die Anwendung von Raum-Zeit adaptiver Signalverarbeitung (STAP) entdeckt. Die Entdeckungen werden dann von einem Zielverfolgungsalgorithmus zu Zielspuren verarbeitet. In der Literatur werden Radarsignalverarbeitung und Zielverfolgung als zwei getrennte Forschungsfelder behandelt und die Bodenzielverfolgung wird nicht anhand von Realdaten validiert. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, eine engere Verbindung zwischen beiden Feldern herzustellen. Das zweite Ziel ist zu zeigen, dass die Qualität der Zielverfolgung durch das Verwenden zusätzlicher, durch die Radarsignalverarbeitung gewonnene Information verbessert werden kann. Das dritte Ziel ist, die Funktionalität der Zielverfolgung und die Verbesserung der Leistung durch experimentelle Realdaten zu belegen. Somit stellt diese Arbeit eine Gesamtbehandlung der Bodenzielverfolgung von den Radar-Rohdaten bis zu Zielspuren dar. Es wird ein vollständiger, auf dem Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter basierender Referenzalgorithmus für die Bodenzielverfolgung entwickelt. Insbesondere werden Jacobimatrizen der Beobachtungsfunktion hergeleitet. Sie werden in der Arbeit so dargestellt, dass sie direkt in einer Programmiersprache implementiert werden können. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde ein Zielverfolgungs-Experiment mit dem Experimentalsystem PAMIR des Fraunhofer FHR durchgeführt. In dem Experiment wurden neben einer Vielzahl von Gelegenheitszielen zwei mit GPS-Geräten ausgerüstete Fahrzeuge von dem Radar beobachtet. Auf Basis dieses Experiments und des Referenzalgorithmus werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Arbeit den Referenzalgorithmus um einen Parameter, der die Varianz der Richtungsschätzung des Zielsignals charakterisiert. Dieser Parameter wird adaptiv anhand der geschätzten Signalstärke und der Stärke störender Bodenrückstreuungen festgelegt. Der wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit in Bezug auf diese Erweiterung ist eine gründliche experimentelle Validierung. Erstens zeigt der Vergleich von GPS- und Radar-basierten Richtungsschätzungen, dass dieser Parameter die Verteilung des Messfehlers exzellent beschreibt. Zweitens werden Zielverfolgungsergebnisse mit den GPS-Spuren verglichen. Es zeigt sich, dass der erweiterte Algorithmus sowohl in Bezug auf die Spurgenauigkeit als auch in Bezug auf die Spurkontinuität die Zielverfolgung verbessert

    Fusion-based impairment modelling for an intelligent radar sensor architecture

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    An intelligent radar sensor concept has been developed using a modelling approach for prediction of sensor performance, based on application of sensor and environment models. Land clutter significantly impacts on the operation of radar sensors operating at low-grazing angles. The clutter modelling technique developed in this thesis for the prediction of land clutter forms the clutter model for the intelligent radar sensor. Fusion of remote sensing data is integral to the clutter modelling approach and is addressed by considering fusion of radar remote sensing data, and mitigation of speckle noise and data transmission impairments. The advantages of the intelligent sensor approach for predicting radar performance are demonstrated for several applications using measured data. The problem of predicting site-specific land radar performance is an important task which is complicated by the peculiarities and characteristics of the radar sensor, electromagnetic wave propagation, and the environment in which the radar is deployed. Airborne remote sensing data can provide information about the environment and terrain, which can be used to more accurately predict land radar performance. This thesis investigates how fusion of remote sensing data can be used in conjunction with a sensor modelling approach to enable site-specific prediction of land radar performance. The application of a radar sensor model and a priori information about the environment, gives rise to the notion of an intelligent radar sensor which can adapt to dynamically changing environments through intelligent processing of this a priori knowledge. This thesis advances the field of intelligent radar sensor design, through an approach based on fusion of a priori knowledge provided by remote sensing data, and application of a modelling approach to enable prediction of radar sensor performance. Original contributions are made in the areas of intelligent radar sensor development, improved estimation of land surface clutter intensity for site-specific low-grazing angle radar, and fusion and mitigation of sensor and data transmission impairments in radar remote sensing data

     Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    The ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, 90% of the biosphere and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can image the ocean surface in all weather conditions and day or night. SAR remote sensing on ocean and coastal monitoring has become a research hotspot in geoscience and remote sensing. This book—Progress in SAR Oceanography—provides an update of the current state of the science on ocean remote sensing with SAR. Overall, the book presents a variety of marine applications, such as, oceanic surface and internal waves, wind, bathymetry, oil spill, coastline and intertidal zone classification, ship and other man-made objects’ detection, as well as remotely sensed data assimilation. The book is aimed at a wide audience, ranging from graduate students, university teachers and working scientists to policy makers and managers. Efforts have been made to highlight general principles as well as the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of SAR Oceanography