4 research outputs found

    Using topological analysis to support event-guided exploration in urban data

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    The explosion in the volume of data about urban environments has opened up opportunities to inform both policy and administration and thereby help governments improve the lives of their citizens, increase the efficiency of public services, and reduce the environmental harms of development. However, cities are complex systems and exploring the data they generate is challenging. The interaction between the various components in a city creates complex dynamics where interesting facts occur at multiple scales, requiring users to inspect a large number of data slices over time and space. Manual exploration of these slices is ineffective, time consuming, and in many cases impractical. In this paper, we propose a technique that supports event-guided exploration of large, spatio-temporal urban data. We model the data as time-varying scalar functions and use computational topology to automatically identify events in different data slices. To handle a potentially large number of events, we develop an algorithm to group and index them, thus allowing users to interactively explore and query event patterns on the fly. A visual exploration interface helps guide users towards data slices that display interesting events and trends. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique on two different data sets from New York City (NYC): data about taxi trips and subway service. We also report on the feedback we received from analysts at different NYC agencies

    Data polygamy : the many-many relationships among urban spatio-temporal data sets

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    The increasing ability to collect data from urban environments, coupled with a push towards openness by governments, has resulted in the availability of numerous spatio-temporal data sets covering diverse aspects of a city. Discovering relationships between these data sets can produce new insights by enabling domain experts to not only test but also generate hypotheses. However, discovering these relationships is difficult. First, a relationship between two data sets may occur only at certain locations and/or time periods. Second, the sheer number and size of the data sets, coupled with the diverse spatial and temporal scales at which the data is available, presents computational challenges on all fronts, from indexing and querying to analyzing them. Finally, it is nontrivial to differentiate between meaningful and spurious relationships. To address these challenges, we propose Data Polygamy, a scalable topology-based framework that allows users to query for statistically significant relationships between spatio-temporal data sets. We have performed an experimental evaluation using over 300 spatial-temporal urban data sets which shows that our approach is scalable and effective at identifying interesting relationships

    Using Topological Analysis to Support Event-Guided Exploration in Urban Data

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    An Exploration Framework to Identify and Track Movement of Cloud Systems

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    Fig. 1. Studying cloud systems at different scales. Our framework is used to study the movement of the equatorial Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) over the Indian Ocean. Given the IR brightness temperatures over the island of Borneo, we first identify the set of clouds. Users can select clouds of interest and track their movement. Smaller scale cloud systems embedded in a MJO move in a westward direction. The manifestation of a convectively coupled kelvin wave results in a temporary eastward movement of parts of the cloud cluster. Such movement can be easily obtained using the querying ability of our framework. The rightmost figure shows a subset of the clouds that move eastward for at least 90 minutes. The temporary movement is indicated by the fact that the movement reverts to its original westward direction after a short duration. Our framework also helps quantify the overall eastward propagation of the MJO. Abstract — We describe a framework to explore and visualize the movement of cloud systems. Using techniques from computational topology and computer vision, our framework allows the user to study this movement at various scales in space and time. Such movements could have large temporal and spatial scales such as the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), which has a spatial scale ranging from 1000 km to 10000 km and time of oscillation of around 40 days. Embedded within these larger scale oscillations are a hierarchy of cloud clusters which could have smaller spatial and temporal scales such as the Nakazawa cloud clusters. These smaller cloud clusters, while being part of the equatorial MJO, sometimes move at speeds different from the larger scale and in a direction opposite to that of the MJO envelope. Hitherto, one could only speculate about such movements by selectively analysin