123,218 research outputs found

    Deterministic voting in distributed systems using error-correcting codes

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    Distributed voting is an important problem in reliable computing. In an N Modular Redundant (NMR) system, the N computational modules execute identical tasks and they need to periodically vote on their current states. In this paper, we propose a deterministic majority voting algorithm for NMR systems. Our voting algorithm uses error-correcting codes to drastically reduce the average case communication complexity. In particular, we show that the efficiency of our voting algorithm can be improved by choosing the parameters of the error-correcting code to match the probability of the computational faults. For example, consider an NMR system with 31 modules, each with a state of m bits, where each module has an independent computational error probability of 10^-3. In, this NMR system, our algorithm can reduce the average case communication complexity to approximately 1.0825 m compared with the communication complexity of 31 m of the naive algorithm in which every module broadcasts its local result to all other modules. We have also implemented the voting algorithm over a network of workstations. The experimental performance results match well the theoretical predictions

    TRECVID 2004 experiments in Dublin City University

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    In this paper, we describe our experiments for TRECVID 2004 for the Search task. In the interactive search task, we developed two versions of a video search/browse system based on the Físchlár Digital Video System: one with text- and image-based searching (System A); the other with only image (System B). These two systems produced eight interactive runs. In addition we submitted ten fully automatic supplemental runs and two manual runs. A.1, Submitted Runs: • DCUTREC13a_{1,3,5,7} for System A, four interactive runs based on text and image evidence. • DCUTREC13b_{2,4,6,8} for System B, also four interactive runs based on image evidence alone. • DCUTV2004_9, a manual run based on filtering faces from an underlying text search engine for certain queries. • DCUTV2004_10, a manual run based on manually generated queries processed automatically. • DCU_AUTOLM{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, seven fully automatic runs based on language models operating over ASR text transcripts and visual features. • DCUauto_{01,02,03}, three fully automatic runs based on exploring the benefits of multiple sources of text evidence and automatic query expansion. A.2, In the interactive experiment it was confirmed that text and image based retrieval outperforms an image-only system. In the fully automatic runs, DCUauto_{01,02,03}, it was found that integrating ASR, CC and OCR text into the text ranking outperforms using ASR text alone. Furthermore, applying automatic query expansion to the initial results of ASR, CC, OCR text further increases performance (MAP), though not at high rank positions. For the language model-based fully automatic runs, DCU_AUTOLM{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}, we found that interpolated language models perform marginally better than other tested language models and that combining image and textual (ASR) evidence was found to marginally increase performance (MAP) over textual models alone. For our two manual runs we found that employing a face filter disimproved MAP when compared to employing textual evidence alone and that manually generated textual queries improved MAP over fully automatic runs, though the improvement was marginal. A.3, Our conclusions from our fully automatic text based runs suggest that integrating ASR, CC and OCR text into the retrieval mechanism boost retrieval performance over ASR alone. In addition, a text-only Language Modelling approach such as DCU_AUTOLM1 will outperform our best conventional text search system. From our interactive runs we conclude that textual evidence is an important lever for locating relevant content quickly, but that image evidence, if used by experienced users can aid retrieval performance. A.4, We learned that incorporating multiple text sources improves over ASR alone and that an LM approach which integrates shot text, neighbouring shots and entire video contents provides even better retrieval performance. These findings will influence how we integrate textual evidence into future Video IR systems. It was also found that a system based on image evidence alone can perform reasonably and given good query images can aid retrieval performance

    Delivering live-action to handheld devices: experimental results and recommendations

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    Measuring the impact of temporal context on video retrieval

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    In this paper we describe the findings from the K-Space interactive video search experiments in TRECVid 2007, which examined the effects of including temporal context in video retrieval. The traditional approach to presenting video search results is to maximise recall by offering a user as many potentially relevant shots as possible within a limited amount of time. ‘Context’-oriented systems opt to allocate a portion of theresults presentation space to providing additional contextual cues about the returned results. In video retrieval these cues often include temporal information such as a shot’s location within the overall video broadcast and/or its neighbouring shots. We developed two interfaces with identical retrieval functionality in order to measure the effects of such context on user performance. The first system had a ‘recall-oriented’ interface, where results from a query were presented as a ranked list of shots. The second was ‘contextoriented’, with results presented as a ranked list of broadcasts. 10 users participated in the experiments, of which 8 were novices and 2 experts. Participants completed a number of retrieval topics using both the recall-oriented and context-oriented systems

    On the emergence and evolution of artificial cell signaling networks

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    This PhD project is concerned with the evolution of Cell Signaling Networks (CSNs) in silico. CSNs are complex biochemical networks responsible for the coordination of cellular activities. We are investigating the possibility to build an evolutionary simulation platform that would allow the spontaneous emergence and evolution of Artificial Cell Signaling Networks (ACSNs). From a practical point of view, realizing and evolving ACSNs may provide novel computational paradigms for a variety of application areas. This work may also contribute to the biological understanding of the origins and evolution of real CSNs

    MAC Centered Cooperation - Synergistic Design of Network Coding, Multi-Packet Reception, and Improved Fairness to Increase Network Throughput

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    We design a cross-layer approach to aid in develop- ing a cooperative solution using multi-packet reception (MPR), network coding (NC), and medium access (MAC). We construct a model for the behavior of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol and apply it to key small canonical topology components and their larger counterparts. The results obtained from this model match the available experimental results with fidelity. Using this model, we show that fairness allocation by the IEEE 802.11 MAC can significantly impede performance; hence, we devise a new MAC that not only substantially improves throughput, but provides fairness to flows of information rather than to nodes. We show that cooperation between NC, MPR, and our new MAC achieves super-additive gains of up to 6.3 times that of routing with the standard IEEE 802.11 MAC. Furthermore, we extend the model to analyze our MAC's asymptotic and throughput behaviors as the number of nodes increases or the MPR capability is limited to only a single node. Finally, we show that although network performance is reduced under substantial asymmetry or limited implementation of MPR to a central node, there are some important practical cases, even under these conditions, where MPR, NC, and their combination provide significant gains
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