802,591 research outputs found

    Information Gathering and Marketing

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    Consumers have only partial knowledge before making a purchase decision, but can choose to acquire more detailed information. A Örm can make it easier or harder for these consumers to obtain such information. We explore consumersíinformation gathering and the Örmís integrated strategy for marketing, pricing, and investment in quality. In particular, we highlight that when consumers are ex-ante heterogeneous, the Örm might choose an intermediate marketing strategy for two quite di§erent reasons. First, it serves as a non-price means of discriminationó it can make information only partially available, in a way that induces some, but not all, consumers to acquire the information. Second, when the Örm cannot commit to a given investment in quality, it can still convince all consumers of its provision by designing a pricing and marketing policy that induces some consumers to actively gather further information. This mass of consumers, in exchange, is su¢ ciently large to discipline the monopolist to invest in the quality of the product

    An Integrated Analysis Strategy and Mobile Agent Framework for Recommendation System in EC over Internet

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    [[abstract]]Internet has become a popular medium for information exchange and knowledge delivery. Many people get the useful information that they wanted from the Internet and network. Several traditional social activities have changed and evaluated to Internet, like distance learning and tele-medical system. Traditional buying and selling activities also follow the trend. Almost all things will be sold in the Internet and user will buy the product from the Internet too. However with the advent of the World Wide Web, online merchant must know what users wanted or user’s interests and let users to buy something in their site. So recommendation process became an important strategy for the merchants. In this paper we analyze users’ behavior and their interests, and then we recommend something to these users. The analysis mechanism is based on the correlations among customer, product items, and product features. In this paper we propose an algorithm to classify users into groups and recommend product items based on these classified groups. And the system will help merchants to make suitable business decision and push personal information to customers. In the other hand we also propose a generic mobile agent framework for electronic commerce applications and collaborative agent computing architecture for the recommendation system based on the framework.[[notice]]補正完

    Assessing the Impact of Exchange Rate Risk on Banks Performance in Nigeria

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    Managing exchange rate risk exposure has gained prominence in the last decade as a result of the unusual occurrence of a large number of currency crises. From the corporate management perspectives currency risk management is increasingly viewed as a product approach to reducing a bank or firm’s vulnerabilities from major exchange rate movement. This attitude has also been reinforced by recent international attention to both accounting and balance sheet risk. This study there assesses the impact of exchange rate risk on bank performance in Nigeria. The study employs the usage of secondary sources of information and utilises an auto regression conditional model as means for measuring risk. The model specified the conditional variance as a deterministic function of lagged squared residual. The study revealed that unit increases in exchange rate is driven by an increase in profit after tax (PAT) and equally indicated that there is a significant relationship between exchange rate management and performance of financial institutions, most especially banks. It is recommended that as an effective way of managing exchange rate risk, bank should create a centralized entity within its operations as an institutional strategy to deal with the practical aspects of the execution of exchange rate forecasting, while the hedging approach mechanism should be adopted in the accounting procedure regarding currency risk. Also the type of exchange rate risk that a bank or firm is exposed to, as well as the measurement of the associated risk exposure must be meticulously identified, as a prerequisite for effective management of exchange risk. Keywords: Banks, Exchange Rate, Exchange Risk, Performance, Purchasing Power Parity


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    While not ignoring risk, agricultural cooperatives tend to accommodate risk through the holding of internal capital reserves rather than engage in active risk management. A lack of information regarding the risk, returns, and the effect on cooperative financial performance of both traditional and innovative risk management strategies is likely a constraint to the adoption of active risk management by cooperatives. In this research, we examine the influence of alternative risk management strategies on cooperative financial performance, namely the return on assets (ROA) of grain merchandising cooperatives of various sizes. Strategies include traditional exchange traded futures and options strategies, an over-the-counter revenue swap, throughput insurance, and combinations of price and throughput strategies. Each of these strategies, for small, medium, and large size firms, are evaluated using a range of procedures including techniques which rely on mean-variance efficiency as well as evaluation procedures which help determine the ability of a strategy to mitigate downside risk. The results of the simulation exercise provide considerable support for the routine buying of at-the-money put options in setting a commodity floor price. The results also support the use, and perhaps the development, of insurance on cooperative throughput if the insurance product is used in conjunction with a price risk management strategy, in essence providing a hedge against downfalls in revenue. Over-the-counter revenue swaps, while intuitively appealing, did not perform well on average relative to more traditional exchange traded products. This result is especially important given the added counter party risk associated with such contracts. However, in some cases, the revenue swap, as well routine hedging with futures, performed better under a Value-at-Risk evaluation criteria than with a mean-variance criteria. Hence, it is important for cooperative managers to consider these results in the context of the risk management goals.Agribusiness,

    A Recommendation System over Internet Based on User Classification

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    [[abstract]]Internet has become a popular medium for information exchange anddelivery knowledge. Many people get the useful information what theywanted from the Internet and network. Several traditional socialactivities have changed to work in the Internet, like distancelearning and tele-medical system. Traditional buying and sellingactivities also follow the trend. Almost all things will be sold inthe Internet, user will buy the product from the Internet too. Howeverwith the advent of the World Wide Web, online merchant must know whatusers wanted or interests and let user buying something in their site.So recommendation process became an important strategy for themerchants. In this paper we analysis users' behavior and theirinteresting, and then we recommend something to these users. Theanalysis mechanism is based on the correlations among customer,product items, and product features. In this paper we propose analgorithm to classify users into groups and recommend product itemsbased on these classified groups. And the system will help merchantsto make suitable business decision and make personal information tocustomers.[[sponsorship]]淡江大學; 教育部 Tamkang University; Knowledge Systems Institute, U.S.A.; Ministry of Education[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20010926~20010928[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺

    People, trade and training: the needs of Morocco agricultural enterprises facing EU markets

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    The Mediterranean area is the core of an increasing exchange of goods and people. A distinctive feature of present trends in international relationship is the importance of factors that are beyond the mere exchange of goods. In particular, foreign investment, the creation international enterprises and training and personal growth of actors that are involved in the production process are key elements of the present scenario. The objective of this paper is to discuss the need of education and training in Morocco agricultural and agri-food enterprises in view of the increasing connection with the EU economy. In particular, attention is focused on the need brought about by the increased product quality requirements and by the installment of EU and US enterprises in Morocco. The study is carried out as a preliminary activity of the TEMPUS project STRIDE 4, through a survey of about thirty Morocco enterprises. The preliminary results show a strong need for training and information. The questionnaire shows a high degree of awareness about gaps and problems in meeting EU consumer expectations. At the same time, most respondents already show a clear positive strategy toward meeting such needs and many enterprises in fact are already adequate to many quality requirements. The main focus of the training required is on the interface between technical and marketing activities. Continuous education and life long learning are also perceived as major needs. In the background, the research shows the need of a more consistent understanding of each others institutions and cultural settings, as well as of a long term process of learning through collaborative training, production and research.Agribusiness,

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Suweg Lapis Genggong Dalam Peningkatan Daya Jual di Kecamatan Maron Kabupaten Probolinggo

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    The title of this study is "Marketing Communication Strategy of Suweg Lapis Genggong in Increasing Selling Power in Maron District, Probolinggo Regency (Descriptive Study of Instagram Digital Marketing of Suweg Lapis Genggong Products). In the current era, the development of technology and information is fast and significant so that it can be used by anyone at any time with creative and innovative works. It can be used to communicate with anyone without a time limit. Along with the development of time, there is a term, namely new media or what we often call new media, this is very interesting because it can be used to convey information more easily. An example of this new media is the emergence of various social media, one of which is Instagram. nstagram so that Instagram social media has become one of the favorite social media. As for the benefits of Instagram social media, in addition to conveying various kinds of information, it can also be used as a means of promotion and publication of a product, as an example of this Suweg lapis genggong product which has used Instagram social media as access in digital The title of this study is "Marketing Communication Strategy of Suweg Lapis Genggong in Increasing Selling Power in Maron District, Probolinggo Regency (Descriptive Study of Instagram Digital Marketing of Suweg Lapis Genggong Products). In the current era, the development of technology and information is fast and significant so that it can be used by anyone at any time with creative and innovative works. It can be used to communicate with anyone without a time limit. Along with the development of time, there is a term, namely new media or what we often call new media, this is very interesting because it can be used to convey information more easily. An example of this new media is the emergence of various social media, one of which is Instagram. nstagram so that Instagram social media has become one of the favorite social media. As for the benefits of Instagram social media, in addition to conveying various kinds of information, it can also be used as a means of promotion and publication of a product, as an example of this Suweg lapis genggong product which has used Instagram social media as access in digital marketing because on social media Instagram there are interesting features that can help Suweg lapis genggong products to convey product information quickly and broadly to the public. The purpose of this research is to find out the communication strategy marketing of digital products and digital marketing based on Instagram as well as increasing the selling power of Suweg lapis genggong products. The research method used is communicative descriptive research method with data collected through direct and indirect interviews, observation and structured documentation as well as study literature, namely by looking at previous research. The expected results of this research are as social media Instagram can be used to convey messages or exchange marketing because on social media Instagram there are interesting features that can help Suweg lapis genggong products to convey product information quickly and broadly to the public. The purpose of this research is to find out the communication strategy marketing of digital products and digital marketing based on Instagram as well as increasing the selling power of Suweg lapis genggong products. The research method used is communicative descriptive research method with data collected through direct and indirect interviews, observation and structured documentation as well as study literature, namely by looking at previous research. The expected results of this research are as social media Instagram can be used to convey messages or exchang

    Trading Intraday Volatility

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    Many people believe that there is no way to profit off of anomalies in the markets because the markets are either completely random or they always accurately reflect outside information and events. Others, however, believe that models can be found through historical testing that successfully beat the market (Williams, 2011, p. 13-15). This thesis presents a method for beating the market by trading intraday volatility. The researcher focused on trading corn futures contracts. A futures contract is simply a derivative that can be bought and sold. It represents an agreement to buy or sell at a future date. Futures contracts rarely result in the exchange of any physical product, however, because the contracts are usually traded away prior to the due date (Oxley, 2012, p. 192). The researcher proposes a strategy to profit by buying and selling futures contracts on a daily basis

    Directional movement distribution in the bitcoin markets

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    The crypto exchanges operate primarily on the internet, where the speed of information spreading is significant. Therefore, it is expected that there should be no significant differences among the individual exchanges concerning the same asset being traded. Prices should quickly reach comparable values on all stock exchanges, and they should return to equilibrium in a relative time frame. Hence, the investors, while making decisions on the selection of a cryptocurrency market, should be guided primarily by the exchange security considerations, its flexibility, availability of a product offer, and costs of order processing. The work aims to check whether virtual currency exchanges differ from each other in the context of directional movement, both in an upward and downward trend. To achieve the objective of the paper, we used Directional Movement Index, supported by the Directional Indicators, to compare the distribution of the strength of the directional movement across three different cryptocurrency exchanges (Bitstamp, Coinbase, Kraken) within the up and the downward price movement phase. The comparison is made based on the results of the non-parametrical tests such as Wilcoxon test, Hodges Lehmann test, Ansari-Bradley test, and Conover test. The results show that theoretically, the choice of a cryptocurrency exchange in an upward trend will cause no significant difference for an investor and its strategy. However, the choice of a stock exchange in a downward trend may have a substantial impact on the rates of return. © 2020, Kauno Technologijos Universitetas. All rights reserved