8 research outputs found

    Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Simulated Binary Crossover

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    Self-adaptation is an essential feature of natural evolution. However, in the context of function optimization, self-adaptation features of evolutionary search algorithms have been explored only with evolution strategy (ES) and evolutionary programming (EP). In this paper, we demonstrate the self-adaptive feature of real-parameter genetic algorithms (GAs) using simulated binary crossover (SBX) operator and without any mutation operator. The connection between the working of self-adaptive ESs and real-parameter GAs with SBX operator is also discussed. Thereafter, the self-adaptive behavior of real-parameter GAs is demonstrated on a number of test problems commonly-used in the ES literature. The remarkable similarity in the working principle of real-parameter GAs and self-adaptive ESs shown in this study suggests the need of emphasizing further studies on self-adaptive GAs

    Adaptive Search and Constraint Optimisation in Engineering Design

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    The dissertation presents the investigation and development of novel adaptive computational techniques that provide a high level of performance when searching complex high-dimensional design spaces characterised by heavy non-linear constraint requirements. The objective is to develop a set of adaptive search engines that will allow the successful negotiation of such spaces to provide the design engineer with feasible high performance solutions. Constraint optimisation currently presents a major problem to the engineering designer and many attempts to utilise adaptive search techniques whilst overcoming these problems are in evidence. The most widely used method (which is also the most general) is to incorporate the constraints in the objective function and then use methods for unconstrained search. The engineer must develop and adjust an appropriate penalty function. There is no general solution to this problem neither in classical numerical optimisation nor in evolutionary computation. Some recent theoretical evidence suggests that the problem can only be solved by incorporating a priori knowledge into the search engine. Therefore, it becomes obvious that there is a need to classify constrained optimisation problems according to the degree of available or utilised knowledge and to develop search techniques applicable at each stage. The contribution of this thesis is to provide such a view of constrained optimisation, starting from problems that handle the constraints on the representation level, going through problems that have explicitly defined constraints (i.e., an easily computed closed form like a solvable equation), and ending with heavily constrained problems with implicitly defined constraints (incorporated into a single simulation model). At each stage we develop applicable adaptive search techniques that optimally exploit the degree of available a priori knowledge thus providing excellent quality of results and high performance. The proposed techniques are tested using both well known test beds and real world engineering design problems provided by industry.British Aerospace, Rolls Royce and Associate

    Genetic Programming for the Evolution of Functions with a Discrete Unbounded Domain

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    The idea of automatic programming using the genetic programming paradigm is a concept that has been explored in the work of Koza and several works since. Most problems attempted using genetic programming are finite in size, meaning that the problem involved evolving a function that operates over a finite domain, or evolving a routine that will only run for a finite amount of time. For problems with a finite domain, the internal representation of each individual is typically a finite automaton that is unable to store an unbounded amount of data. This thesis will address the problem of applying genetic programming to problems that have a ``discrete unbounded domain", meaning the problem involves evolving a function that operates over an unbounded domain with discrete quantities. For problems with an discrete unbounded domain, the range of possible behaviors achievable by the evolved functions increases with more versatile internal memory schemes for each of the individuals. The specific problem that I will address in this thesis is the problem of evolving a real-time deciding program for a fixed language of strings. I will discuss two paradigms that I will use to attempt this problem. Each of the paradigms will allow each individual to store an unbounded amount of data, using an internal memory scheme with at least the capabilities of a Turing tape. As each character of an input string is being processed in real time, the individual will be able to imitate a single step of a Turing machine. While the real-time restriction will certainly limit the languages for which a decider may be evolved, the fact that the evolved deciding programs run in real-time yields possible applications for these paradigms in the discovery of new algorithms. The first paradigm that I will explore will take a naive approach that will ultimately prove to be unsuccessful. The second paradigm that I will explore will take a more careful approach that will have a much greater success, and will provide insight into the design of genetic programming paradigms for problems over a discrete unbounded domain

    Robust evolutionary methods for multi-objective and multdisciplinary design optimisation in aeronautics

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    A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Negative Selection Approach for Anomaly Detection

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    Forrest et al. (1994; 1997) proposed a negative selection algorithm, also termed the exhaustive detector generating algorithm, for various anomaly detection problems. The negative selection algorithm was inspired by the thymic negative selection process that is intrinsic to natural immune systems, consisting of screening and deleting self-reactive T-cells, i.e., those T-cells that recognize self-cells. The negative selection algorithm takes considerable time (exponential to the size of the self-data) and produces redundant detectors. This time/size limitation motivated the development of different approaches to generate the set of candidate detectors. A reasonable way to find suitable parameter settings is to let an evolutionary algorithm determine the settings itself by using self-adaptive techniques. The objective of the research presented in this dissertation was to analyze, explain, and demonstrate that a novel evolutionary negative selection algorithm for anomaly detection (in non-stationary environments) can generate competent non redundant detectors with better computational time performance than the NSMutation algorithm when the mutation step size of the detectors is self-adapted

    An Evolutionary Programming Approach to Self-Adaptation on Finite State Machines

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    Evolutionary programming was first offered as an alternative method for generating artificial intelligence. Experiments were offered in which finite state machines were used to predict time series with respect to an arbitrary payoff function. Mutations were imposed on the evolving machines such that each of the possible modes of variation were given equal probability. The current study investigates the use of self-adaptive methods of evolutionary programming on finite state machines. Each machine incorporates a coding for its structure and an additional set of parameters that determine in part how it will distribute new trials. Two methods for accomplishing this self-adaptation are implemented and tested on two simple prediction problems. The results appear to favor the use of such self-adaptive methods

    Material-based design computation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 306-328).The institutionalized separation between form, structure and material, deeply embedded in modernist design theory, paralleled by a methodological partitioning between modeling, analysis and fabrication, resulted in geometric-driven form generation. Such prioritization of form over material was carried into the development and design logic of CAD. Today, under the imperatives and growing recognition of the failures and environmental liabilities of this approach, modern design culture is experiencing a shift to material aware design. Inspired by Nature's strategies where form generation is driven by maximal performance with minimal resources through local material property variation, the research reviews, proposes and develops models and processes for a material-based approach in computationally enabled form-generation. Material-based Design Computation is developed and proposed as a set of computational strategies supporting the integration of form, material and structure by incorporating physical form-finding strategies with digital analysis and fabrication. In this approach, material precedes shape, and it is the structuring of material properties as a function of structural and environmental performance that generates design form. The thesis proposes a unique approach to computationally-enabled form-finding procedures, and experimentally investigates how such processes contribute to novel ways of creating, distributing and depositing material forms. Variable Property Design is investigated as a theoretical and technical framework by which to model, analyze and fabricate objects with graduated properties designed to correspond to multiple and continuously varied functional constraints. The following methods were developed as the enabling mechanisms of Material Computation: Tiling Behavior & Digital Anisotropy, Finite Element Synthesis, and Material Pixels. In order to implement this approach as a fabrication process, a novel fabrication technology, termed Variable Property Rapid Prototyping has been developed, designed and patented. Among the potential contributions is the achievement of a high degree of customization through material heterogeneity as compared to conventional design of components and assemblies. Experimental designs employing suggested theoretical and technical frameworks, methods and techniques are presented, discussed and demonstrated. They support product customization, rapid augmentation and variable property fabrication. Developed as approximations of natural formation processes, these design experiments demonstrate the contribution and the potential future of a new design and research field.by Neri Oxman.Ph.D