173 research outputs found

    Dynamic Distribution Pruning for Efficient Network Architecture Search

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    Network architectures obtained by Neural Architecture Search (NAS) have shown state-of-the-art performance in various computer vision tasks. Despite the exciting progress, the computational complexity of the forward-backward propagation and the search process makes it difficult to apply NAS in practice. In particular, most previous methods require thousands of GPU days for the search process to converge. In this paper, we propose a dynamic distribution pruning method towards extremely efficient NAS, which samples architectures from a joint categorical distribution. The search space is dynamically pruned every a few epochs to update this distribution, and the optimal neural architecture is obtained when there is only one structure remained. We conduct experiments on two widely-used datasets in NAS. On CIFAR-10, the optimal structure obtained by our method achieves the state-of-the-art 1.91.9\% test error, while the search process is more than 1,0001,000 times faster (only 1.51.5 GPU hours on a Tesla V100) than the state-of-the-art NAS algorithms. On ImageNet, our model achieves 75.2\% top-1 accuracy under the MobileNet settings, with a time cost of only 22 GPU days that is 100%100\% acceleration over the fastest NAS algorithm. The code is available at \url{ https://github.com/tanglang96/DDPNAS

    Automating assessment of human embryo images and time-lapse sequences for IVF treatment

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    As the number of couples using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment to give birth increases, so too does the need for robust tools to assist embryologists in selecting the highest quality embryos for implantation. Quality scores assigned to embryonic structures are critical markers for predicting implantation potential of human blastocyst-stage embryos. Timing at which embryos reach certain cell and development stages in vitro also provides valuable information about their development progress and potential to become a positive pregnancy. The current workflow of grading blastocysts by visual assessment is susceptible to subjectivity between embryologists. Visually verifying when embryo cell stage increases is tedious and confirming onset of later development stages is also prone to subjective assessment. This thesis proposes methods to automate embryo image and time-lapse sequence assessment to provide objective evaluation of blastocyst structure quality, cell counting, and timing of development stages

    Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmentation

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    Geodesic models are known as an efficient tool for solving various image segmentation problems. Most of existing approaches only exploit local pointwise image features to track geodesic paths for delineating the objective boundaries. However, such a segmentation strategy cannot take into account the connectivity of the image edge features, increasing the risk of shortcut problem, especially in the case of complicated scenario. In this work, we introduce a new image segmentation model based on the minimal geodesic framework in conjunction with an adaptive cut-based circular optimal path computation scheme and a graph-based boundary proposals grouping scheme. Specifically, the adaptive cut can disconnect the image domain such that the target contours are imposed to pass through this cut only once. The boundary proposals are comprised of precomputed image edge segments, providing the connectivity information for our segmentation model. These boundary proposals are then incorporated into the proposed image segmentation model, such that the target segmentation contours are made up of a set of selected boundary proposals and the corresponding geodesic paths linking them. Experimental results show that the proposed model indeed outperforms state-of-the-art minimal paths-based image segmentation approaches

    A Comprehensive Literature Review on Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The fields of computer vision and image processing from their initial days have been dealing with the problems of visual recognition. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in machine learning are deep architectures built as feed-forward neural networks or perceptrons, which are inspired by the research done in the fields of visual analysis by the visual cortex of mammals like cats. This work gives a detailed analysis of CNNs for the computer vision tasks, natural language processing, fundamental sciences and engineering problems along with other miscellaneous tasks. The general CNN structure along with its mathematical intuition and working, a brief critical commentary on the advantages and disadvantages, which leads researchers to search for alternatives to CNN’s are also mentioned. The paper also serves as an appreciation of the brain-child of past researchers for the existence of such a fecund architecture for handling multidimensional data and approaches to improve their performance further

    Modeling and tracking relative movement of object parts

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    Video surveillance systems play an important role in many civilian and military applications, for the purposes of security and surveillance. Object detection is an important component in a video surveillance system, used to identify possible objects of interest and to generate data for tracking and analysis purposes. Not much exploration has been done to track the moving parts of the object which is being tracked. Some of the promising techniques like Kalman Filter, Mean-shift algorithm, Matching Eigen Space, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Curvelet Transform, Distance Metric Learning have shown good performance for keeping track of moving object. Most of this work is focused on studying and analyzing various object tracking techniques which are available. Most of the techniques which are available for object tracking have heavy computation requirements. The intention of this research is to design a technique, which is not computationally intensive and to be able to track relative movements of object parts in real time. The research applies a technique called foreground detection (also known as background subtraction) for tracking the object as it is not computationally intensive. For tracking the relative movement of object parts, a skeletonization technique is used. During implementation, it is found that using skeletonization technique, it is harder to extract the objects parts

    A machine learning approach to the unsupervised segmentation of mitochondria in subcellular electron microscopy data

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    Recent advances in cellular and subcellular microscopy demonstrated its potential towards unravelling the mechanisms of various diseases at the molecular level. The biggest challenge in both human- and computer-based visual analysis of micrographs is the variety of nanostructures and mitochondrial morphologies. The state-of-the-art is, however, dominated by supervised manual data annotation and early attempts to automate the segmentation process were based on supervised machine learning techniques which require large datasets for training. Given a minimal number of training sequences or none at all, unsupervised machine learning formulations, such as spectral dimensionality reduction, are known to be superior in detecting salient image structures. This thesis presents three major contributions developed around the spectral clustering framework which is proven to capture perceptual organization features. Firstly, we approach the problem of mitochondria localization. We propose a novel grouping method for the extracted line segments which describes the normal mitochondrial morphology. Experimental findings show that the clusters obtained successfully model the inner mitochondrial membrane folding and therefore can be used as markers for the subsequent segmentation approaches. Secondly, we developed an unsupervised mitochondria segmentation framework. This method follows the evolutional ability of human vision to extrapolate salient membrane structures in a micrograph. Furthermore, we designed robust non-parametric similarity models according to Gestaltic laws of visual segregation. Experiments demonstrate that such models automatically adapt to the statistical structure of the biological domain and return optimal performance in pixel classification tasks under the wide variety of distributional assumptions. The last major contribution addresses the computational complexity of spectral clustering. Here, we introduced a new anticorrelation-based spectral clustering formulation with the objective to improve both: speed and quality of segmentation. The experimental findings showed the applicability of our dimensionality reduction algorithm to very large scale problems as well as asymmetric, dense and non-Euclidean datasets