882 research outputs found

    Towards the significance of decision aid in Building Information Modeling (BIM) software selection process

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    Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been considered as a solution in construction industry to numerous problems such as delays, increased lead in times and increased costs. This is due to the concept and characteristic of BIM that will reshaped the way construction project teams work together to increase productivity and improve the final project outcomes (cost, time, quality, safety, functionality, maintainability, etc.).As a result, the construction industry has witnesses numerous of BIM software available in market.Each of this software has offers different function, features. Furthermore, the adoption of BIM required high investment on software, hardware and also training expenses.Thus, there is indentified that there is a need of decision aid for appropriated BIM software selection that fulfill the project needs.However, research indicates that there is limited study attempt to guide decision in BIM software selection problem.Thus, this paper highlight the importance of decision making and support for BIM software selection as it is vital to increase productivity, construction project throughout building lifecycle

    E-learning-based competence development in logistics

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    Die Logistik ist ein hochgradig interdisziplinäres, komplexes Wissensgebiet und Kompetenzfeld, das sich kontinuierlich und sehr dynamisch weiterentwickelt. Dies erfordert nicht nur eine fortgesetzte Anpassung von Ausbildungsangeboten, sondern auch die systematische Weiterbildung von Logistikern, um Defizite in der beruflichen Handlungskompetenz zu vermeiden oder abzubauen. Lernen am Arbeitsplatz, eventuell in Verbindung mit E-Learning, erscheint als geeigneter Weg, die Entwicklung von beruflicher Handlungskompetenz auch in der Logistik zu unterstützen. Der Beitrag stellt verschiedene Ansätze für die Kompetenzermittlung und –entwicklung speziell in der Logistik dar und leitet Schlussfolgerungen zu den heutigen Kompetenzanforderungen bei Logistikpraktikern ab. Dies bildet die Basis für einen Handlungsrahmen, der im EU-geförderten Projekt lot4eng.com entstanden ist und hilft, das logistische Kompetenzniveau einer Person zu spezifizieren, geeignete Lerneinheiten zu seiner Steigerung vorzuschlagen und die individuelle Kompetenzentwicklung zu unterstützen. Im Weiteren wird die Gestaltung von E-Learning zum Füllen der lot4eng.com-Plattform diskutiert, bevor Erfahrungen aus der Projektarbeit und Schlussfolgerungen für die weitere Arbeit abgeleitet werden. Damit möchte der Beitrag die laufende Forschung dazu, wie lebenslanges Lernen unterstützt werden kann, anreichern.The logistics field of knowledge and professional competence is highly multidisciplinary and complex but also continuously and very dynamically developing. This does not only require constant updating of educational programmes but also systematic training of logistics professionals in order to avoid or reduce professional competence gaps. Workplace learning amongst others in combination with e-learning methodology seems to be an appropriate way to support professional competence development in logistics, too. The paper presents some research aspects particularly related to logistics competence profiling and development and derives conclusions on nowadays competence requirements with logistics professionals. This forms the basis for introducing a framework to help in specifying a person’s level of logistics competence, recommending suitable learning units and supporting individual competence development as it results from the EU-funded lot4eng.com project. E-learning design to populate the lot4eng.com portal is discussed before lessons learned and conclusions on further work are derived. With this the paper wants to contribute to ongoing research on how to foster lifelong learning

    Leveraging Kubernetes in Edge-Native Cable Access Convergence

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    Public clouds provide infrastructure services and deployment frameworks for modern cloud-native applications. As the cloud-native paradigm has matured, containerization, orchestration and Kubernetes have become its fundamental building blocks. For the next step of cloud-native, an interest to extend it to the edge computing is emerging. Primary reasons for this are low-latency use cases and the desire to have uniformity in cloud-edge continuum. Cable access networks as specialized type of edge networks are not exception here. As the cable industry transitions to distributed architectures and plans the next steps to virtualize its on-premise network functions, there are opportunities to achieve synergy advantages from convergence of access technologies and services. Distributed cable networks deploy resource-constrained devices like RPDs and RMDs deep in the edge networks. These devices can be redesigned to support more than one access technology and to provide computing services for other edge tenants with MEC-like architectures. Both of these cases benefit from virtualization. It is here where cable access convergence and cloud-native transition to edge-native intersect. However, adapting cloud-native in the edge presents a challenge, since cloud-native container runtimes and native Kubernetes are not optimal solutions in diverse edge environments. Therefore, this thesis takes as its goal to describe current landscape of lightweight cloud-native runtimes and tools targeting the edge. While edge-native as a concept is taking its first steps, tools like KubeEdge, K3s and Virtual Kubelet can be seen as the most mature reference projects for edge-compatible solution types. Furthermore, as the container runtimes are not yet fully edge-ready, WebAssembly seems like a promising alternative runtime for lightweight, portable and secure Kubernetes compatible workloads


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    Within project management, little attention has been devoted to controlling and facilitating changes when constraints of a project have been changed such as scope, time, cost, or quality, also known as Project Change Management (Arami, 2008). Growing statistics prove it is imperative for students finishing IT programs to acquire an understanding of project change management (PCM) for industry preparation. The U.S. spent 3.28 billion dollars on global change management and accountability projects for technology (roughly one-third of the total budget for global change) in the year 2000; this percentage still continues to rise (Goncalves, 2007). As a result, students must understand the importance of project change management. This project addressed the research question; Can the introduction of tools like mind mapping software and the process framework of organizational change management improve student understanding of project change? These tools have recently emerged within industry and academic environments, but have yet to be integrated. This study demonstrates how the integration of both tools allows students to approach new concepts taught in the classroom while improving their understanding

    Phylo: A Citizen Science Approach for Improving Multiple Sequence Alignment

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    BACKGROUND: Comparative genomics, or the study of the relationships of genome structure and function across different species, offers a powerful tool for studying evolution, annotating genomes, and understanding the causes of various genetic disorders. However, aligning multiple sequences of DNA, an essential intermediate step for most types of analyses, is a difficult computational task. In parallel, citizen science, an approach that takes advantage of the fact that the human brain is exquisitely tuned to solving specific types of problems, is becoming increasingly popular. There, instances of hard computational problems are dispatched to a crowd of non-expert human game players and solutions are sent back to a central server. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We introduce Phylo, a human-based computing framework applying "crowd sourcing" techniques to solve the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. The key idea of Phylo is to convert the MSA problem into a casual game that can be played by ordinary web users with a minimal prior knowledge of the biological context. We applied this strategy to improve the alignment of the promoters of disease-related genes from up to 44 vertebrate species. Since the launch in November 2010, we received more than 350,000 solutions submitted from more than 12,000 registered users. Our results show that solutions submitted contributed to improving the accuracy of up to 70% of the alignment blocks considered. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We demonstrate that, combined with classical algorithms, crowd computing techniques can be successfully used to help improving the accuracy of MSA. More importantly, we show that an NP-hard computational problem can be embedded in casual game that can be easily played by people without significant scientific training. This suggests that citizen science approaches can be used to exploit the billions of "human-brain peta-flops" of computation that are spent every day playing games. Phylo is available at: http://phylo.cs.mcgill.ca

    Development of Interactive e-Modules on Integrated Learning Model Materials of Moderation Values Religious

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    Abstract : Title is rewritten here Development of Interactive E-Modules on Integrated Learning Model Materials of Moderation Values Religious.  The diversity of tribes, languages, cultures, and religions owned by Indonesia should become a treasure trove of the nation's wealth. However, recently this diversity has become a trigger for disharmony, especially when it is associated with religion. Problems of religious disharmony such as intolerance also occur in educational institutions. Examples of intolerance are the spread of false news (hoaxes) and increased persecution among high school students, bullying and the emergence of differences based on religion, ethnicity, and others are forms of intolerance. One way to overcome this is to integrate the values of religious moderation in the lecture process through learning media. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce an e-module learning model in the Chemistry Learning Strategy course integrated with religious moderation values that are valid and practical. The research method used is Research and Development with a 4D model. The object of this research is students in the fourth semester of the Department of Tadris Chemistry at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. The results of this study indicate that the language validity value of the e-module is 0.89 with a very high validity category, material validity is 0.76 high validity category, and construct validity value is 0.76 high validity category. The results of the practicality test according to students were 0.89 in the very high practicality category. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the e-module learning model in the Chemistry Learning Strategy course integrated with religious moderation values is very valid and very practical to use in the lecture process.Keywords: religious moderation values, e-modul, learning models. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jppk.v11.i3.2022.04
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