10 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The Design of Cache Invalidation Schemes in Mobile Computing Environments

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    Wireless cache invalidation schemes with link adaptation and downlink traffic

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    Providing on-demand data access in client-server wireless networks is an important support to many interesting mobile computing applications. Caching frequently accessed data by mobile clients can conserve wireless bandwidth and battery power, at the expense of some system resources to maintain cache consistency. The basic cache consistency strategy is the use of periodic invalidation reports (IRs) broadcast by the server. Recently, IR-based approaches have been further improved by using additional updated invalidation reports (UIRs) (i.e., the IR+UIR algorithm) to reduce the long query latency. However, the performance of the IR+UIR approach in a practical system is still largely unknown. Specifically, previous results are based on two impractical simplifying assumptions: 1 ) broadcast traffic is error-free and 2) no other downlink traffic (e.g., voice) exists in the system. The first assumption is clearly unrealistic as signal propagation impairments (e.g., multipath fading) and, hence, packet reception failures are inevitable in a practical situation. The second assumption is also inapplicable in real life because mobile devices are usually multipurposed (e.g., a mobile phone equipped with a browser may be used for Web surfing while having a phone conversation). In this paper, we first study the performance of the IR+UIR approach under a realistic system model: The quality of the wireless channel is time-varying, and there are other downlink traffics in the system. Our simulation results show that query delay significantly increases as a result of broadcast error and the additional downlink traffics experience longer delay due to extended broadcast period. Exploiting link adaptation (i.e., transmission rate is adjusted dynamically according to channel quality), we then propose three schemes to tackle these two problems. Our results indicate that the proposed schemes outperform IR+UIR under a wide range of system parameters.published_or_final_versio

    Update propagation algorithms for supporting disconnected write in mobile wireless systems with data broadcasting capability

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    We develop and analyze algorithms for propagating updates by mobile hosts in wireless client-server environments that support disconnected write operations, with the goal of minimizing the tuning time for update propagation to the server. These algorithms allow a mobile host to update cached data objects while disconnected and propagate the updates to the server upon reconnection for conflict resolutions. We investigate two algorithms applicable to mobile systems in which invalidation reports/data can be broadcast to mobile hosts periodically. We show that there exists an optimal broadcasting period under which the tuning time is minimized for update propagations. We perform a comparative analysis between these two update propagation algorithms that rely on broadcasting data and an algorithm that does not, and identify conditions under which an algorithm should be applied to reduce the total tuning time for update propagation by the mobile user to save the valuable battery power and avoid high communication cost. For real-time applications, we address the tradeoff between tuning time and access time with the goal to select the best update propagation algorithm that can minimize the tuning time while satisfying the imposed real-time deadline constraint. The analysis result is applicable to file/data objects that mobile users may need to modify while on the move

    Hit and Bandwidth Optimal Caching for Wireless Data Access Networks

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    For many data access applications, the availability of the most updated information is a fundamental and rigid requirement. In spite of many technological improvements, in wireless networks, wireless channels (or bandwidth) are the most scarce resources and hence are expensive. Data access from remote sites heavily depends on these expensive resources. Due to affordable smart mobile devices and tremendous popularity of various Internet-based services, demand for data from these mobile devices are growing very fast. In many cases, it is becoming impossible for the wireless data service providers to satisfy the demand for data using the current network infrastructures. An efficient caching scheme at the client side can soothe the problem by reducing the amount of data transferred over the wireless channels. However, an update event makes the associated cached data objects obsolete and useless for the applications. Frequencies of data update, as well as data access play essential roles in cache access and replacement policies. Intuitively, frequently accessed and infrequently updated objects should be given higher preference while preserving in the cache. However, modeling this intuition is challenging, particularly in a network environment where updates are injected by both the server and the clients, distributed all over networks. In this thesis, we strive to make three inter-related contributions. Firstly, we propose two enhanced cache access policies. The access policies ensure strong consistency of the cached data objects through proactive or reactive interactions with the data server. At the same time, these policies collect information about access and update frequencies of hosted objects to facilitate efficient deployment of the cache replacement policy. Secondly, we design a replacement policy which plays the decision maker role when there is a new object to accommodate in a fully occupied cache. The statistical information collected by the access policies enables the decision making process. This process is modeled around the idea of preserving frequently accessed but less frequently updated objects in the cache. Thirdly, we analytically show that a cache management scheme with the proposed replacement policy bundled with any of the cache access policies guarantees optimum amount of data transmission by increasing the number of effective hits in the cache system. Results from both analysis and our extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed policies outperform the popular Least Frequently Used (LFU) policy in terms of both effective hits and bandwidth consumption. Moreover, our flexible system model makes the proposed policies equally applicable to applications for the existing 3G, as well as upcoming LTE, LTE Advanced and WiMAX wireless data access networks

    An evaluation of cache invalidation strategies in wireless environments

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    10.1109/71.946652IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems128789-807ITDS

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets