20 research outputs found

    An enhanced machine learning-based biometric authentication system using RR- Interval Framed Electrocardiograms

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    This paper is targeted in the area of biometric data enabled security by using machine learning for the digital health. The traditional authentication systems are vulnerable to the risks of forgetfulness, loss, and theft. Biometric authentication is has been improved and become the part of daily life. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) based authentication method has been introduced as a biometric security system suitable to check the identification for entering a building and this research provides for studying ECG-based biometric authentication techniques to reshape input data by slicing based on the RR-interval. The Overall Performance (OP) as a newly proposed performance measure is the combined performance metric of multiple authentication measures in this study. The performance of the proposed system using a confusion matrix has been evaluated and it has achieved up to 95% accuracy by compact data analysis. The Amang ECG (amgecg) toolbox in MATLAB is applied to the mean square error (MSE) based upper-range control limit (UCL) which directly affects three authentication performance metrics: the number of accepted samples, the accuracy and the OP. Based on this approach, it is found that the OP could be maximized by applying a UCL of 0.0028, which indicates 61 accepted samples within 70 samples and ensures that the proposed authentication system achieves 95% accuracy

    Applications in Home Improvement Retailer, Koctas

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    — It sounds like Koçtaş is a leader in the home improvement sector in Turkey, and they are focused on providing the best service and customer experience possible. They are also actively working to accelerate their digital investments and use their vast amount of customer data to innovate in the industry. One way they are using this data is by collecting and analyzing video camera images using AI. This allows them to detect humans and identify which products and shelves are most viewed in their stores. This information can then be used to optimize store layout and product placement for a better customer experience. Another way Koçtaş is innovating is through the implementation of kiosks that use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interact with customers. These kiosks can understand and respond to questions asked by customers using AI, providing a more personalized and human-like experience. Finally, Koçtaş is using Dynamic Creative Optimization to create personalized advertisements for their customers. This method allows them to optimize the content and format of their ads based on the individual preferences and behavior of their customers, leading to more effective marketing. Overall, Koçtaş is using technology and data to drive innovation and provide a better customer experience in the home improvement industry

    Seamless Multimodal Biometrics for Continuous Personalised Wellbeing Monitoring

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    Artificially intelligent perception is increasingly present in the lives of every one of us. Vehicles are no exception, (...) In the near future, pattern recognition will have an even stronger role in vehicles, as self-driving cars will require automated ways to understand what is happening around (and within) them and act accordingly. (...) This doctoral work focused on advancing in-vehicle sensing through the research of novel computer vision and pattern recognition methodologies for both biometrics and wellbeing monitoring. The main focus has been on electrocardiogram (ECG) biometrics, a trait well-known for its potential for seamless driver monitoring. Major efforts were devoted to achieving improved performance in identification and identity verification in off-the-person scenarios, well-known for increased noise and variability. Here, end-to-end deep learning ECG biometric solutions were proposed and important topics were addressed such as cross-database and long-term performance, waveform relevance through explainability, and interlead conversion. Face biometrics, a natural complement to the ECG in seamless unconstrained scenarios, was also studied in this work. The open challenges of masked face recognition and interpretability in biometrics were tackled in an effort to evolve towards algorithms that are more transparent, trustworthy, and robust to significant occlusions. Within the topic of wellbeing monitoring, improved solutions to multimodal emotion recognition in groups of people and activity/violence recognition in in-vehicle scenarios were proposed. At last, we also proposed a novel way to learn template security within end-to-end models, dismissing additional separate encryption processes, and a self-supervised learning approach tailored to sequential data, in order to ensure data security and optimal performance. (...)Comment: Doctoral thesis presented and approved on the 21st of December 2022 to the University of Port

    Visual analysis of faces with application in biometrics, forensics and health informatics

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    Inferring implicit relevance from physiological signals

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    Ongoing growth in data availability and consumption has meant users are increasingly faced with the challenge of distilling relevant information from an abundance of noise. Overcoming this information overload can be particularly difficult in situations such as intelligence analysis, which involves subjectivity, ambiguity, or risky social implications. Highly automated solutions are often inadequate, therefore new methods are needed for augmenting existing analysis techniques to support user decision making. This project investigated the potential for deep learning to infer the occurrence of implicit relevance assessments from users' biometrics. Internal cognitive processes manifest involuntarily within physiological signals, and are often accompanied by 'gut feelings' of intuition. Quantifying unconscious mental processes during relevance appraisal may be a useful tool during decision making by offering an element of objectivity to an inherently subjective situation. Advances in wearable or non-contact sensors have made recording these signals more accessible, whilst advances in artificial intelligence and deep learning have enhanced the discovery of latent patterns within complex data. Together, these techniques might make it possible to transform tacit knowledge into codified knowledge which can be shared. A series of user studies recorded eye gaze movements, pupillary responses, electrodermal activity, heart rate variability, and skin temperature data from participants as they completed a binary relevance assessment task. Participants were asked to explicitly identify which of 40 short-text documents were relevant to an assigned topic. Investigations found this physiological data to contain detectable cues corresponding with relevance judgements. Random forests and artificial neural networks trained on features derived from the signals were able to produce inferences with moderate correlations with the participants' explicit relevance decisions. Several deep learning algorithms trained on the entire physiological time series data were generally unable to surpass the performance of feature-based methods, and instead produced inferences with low correlations with participants' explicit personal truths. Overall, pupillary responses, eye gaze movements, and electrodermal activity offered the most discriminative power, with additional physiological data providing diminishing or adverse returns. Finally, a conceptual design for a decision support system is used to discuss social implications and practicalities of quantifying implicit relevance using deep learning techniques. Potential benefits included assisting with introspection and collaborative assessment, however quantifying intrinsically unknowable concepts using personal data and abstruse artificial intelligence techniques were argued to pose incommensurate risks and challenges. Deep learning techniques therefore have the potential for inferring implicit relevance in information-rich environments, but are not yet fit for purpose. Several avenues worthy of further research are outlined

    Веб-застосування для виявлення аномалій в електрокардіограмах лінгвістичним методом

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    Пояснювальна записка складається із 4 розділів та містить 11 рисунків, 26 таблиць, 6 додатків та 40 джерел – загалом 132 сторінки. Метою проєкту є розробка веб-застосування, основним призначенням якого є аналіз електрокардіограм та виявлення аномалій в них. У розділі «Аналіз вимог до програмного забезпечення» проаналізована область дослідження, а саме описаний лінгвістичний метод, використані відстані , проведено аналіз успішних наукових робіт. У розділі «Моделювання та конструювання програмного забезпечення» було розроблено архɿтектуру платформи, наведена діаграма класів та використані інструменти. В даному розділі описані основні використані технологɿї та приведено грунтовний аналіз використаного архɿтектурного підходу. У розділі «Аналіз якості та тестування програмного забезпечення» наведено приклади тестування програмного забезпечення та сам план тестування. У розділі «Впровадження та супровід програмного забезпечення» описано основні кроки для успішного впровадження даного продукту та інструкції користувача для використання даного програмного забезпечення.The explanatory note consists of 4 sections and contains 11 figures, 26 tables, 6 appendices and 40 sources - a total of 132 pages. The aim of the project is to develop a web application, the main purpose of which is the analysis of electrocardiograms and detection of anomalies in them. In the section "Analysis of software requirements" the field of research is analyzed, namely the linguistic method is described, distances are used, the analysis of successful scientific works is carried out. In the section "Software modeling and design" the platform architecture was developed, the class diagram is given and the tools are used. This section describes the main technologies used and provides a thorough analysis of the architectural approach used. The section "Software Analysis and Software Testing" provides examples of software testing and the testing plan itself. The section "Implementation and maintenance of software" describes the main steps for successful implementation of this product and user instructions for using this software

    Enabling cardiovascular multimodal, high dimensional, integrative analytics

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    While traditionally the understanding of cardiovascular morbidity relied on the acquisition and interpretation of health data, the advances in health technologies has enabled us to collect far larger amount of health data. This thesis explores the application of advanced analytics that utilise powerful mechanisms for integrating health data across different modalities and dimensions into a single and holistic environment to better understand different diseases, with a focus on cardiovascular conditions. Different statistical methodologies are applied across a number of case studies supported by a novel methodology to integrate and simplify data collection. The work culminates in the different dataset modalities explaining different effects on morbidity: blood biomarkers, electrocardiogram recordings, RNA-Seq measurements, and different population effects piece together the understanding of a person morbidity. More specifically, explainable artificial intelligence methods were employed on structured datasets from patients with atrial fibrillation to improve the screening for the disease. Omics datasets, including RNA-sequencing and genotype datasets, were examined and new biomarkers were discovered allowing a better understanding of atrial fibrillation. Electrocardiogram signal data were used to assess the early risk prediction of heart failure, enabling clinicians to use this novel approach to estimate future incidences. Population-level data were applied to the identification of associations and temporal trajectory of diseases to better understand disease dependencies in different clinical cohorts

    Internet and Biometric Web Based Business Management Decision Support

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    Internet and Biometric Web Based Business Management Decision Support MICROBE MOOC material prepared under IO1/A5 Development of the MICROBE personalized MOOCs content and teaching materials Prepared by: A. Kaklauskas, A. Banaitis, I. Ubarte Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Project No: 2020-1-LT01-KA203-07810