93,608 research outputs found

    Place classification with a graph regularized deep neural network

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    © 2016 IEEE. Place classification is a fundamental ability that a robot should possess to carry out effective human-robot interactions. In recent years, there is a high exploitation of artificial intelligence algorithms in robotics applications. Inspired by the recent successes of deep learning methods, we propose an end-to-end learning approach for the place classification problem. With deep architectures, this methodology automatically discovers features and contributes in general to higher classification accuracies. The pipeline of our approach is composed of three parts. First, we construct multiple layers of laser range data to represent the environment information in different levels of granularity. Second, each layer of data are fed into a deep neural network for classification, where a graph regularization is imposed to the deep architecture for keeping local consistency between adjacent samples. Finally, the predicted labels obtained from all layers are fused based on confidence trees to maximize the overall confidence. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our end-to-end place classification framework in which both the multilayer structure and the graph regularization promote the classification performance. Furthermore, results show that the features automatically learned from the raw input range data can achieve competitive results to the features constructed based on statistical and geometrical information

    The Map Equation Goes Neural

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    Community detection and graph clustering are essential for unsupervised data exploration and understanding the high-level organisation of networked systems. Recently, graph clustering has received attention as a primary task for graph neural networks. Although hierarchical graph pooling has been shown to improve performance in graph and node classification tasks, it performs poorly in identifying meaningful clusters. Community detection has a long history in network science, but typically relies on optimising objective functions with custom-tailored search algorithms, not leveraging recent advances in deep learning, particularly from graph neural networks. In this paper, we narrow this gap between the deep learning and network science communities. We consider the map equation, an information-theoretic objective function for unsupervised community detection. Expressing it in a fully differentiable tensor form that produces soft cluster assignments, we optimise the map equation with deep learning through gradient descent. More specifically, the reformulated map equation is a loss function compatible with any graph neural network architecture, enabling flexible clustering and graph pooling that clusters both graph structure and data features in an end-to-end way, automatically finding an optimum number of clusters without explicit regularisation by following the minimum description length principle. We evaluate our approach experimentally using different neural network architectures for unsupervised clustering in synthetic and real data. Our results show that our approach achieves competitive performance against baselines, naturally detects overlapping communities, and avoids over-partitioning sparse graphs

    Graph Convolutional Neural Networks based on Quantum Vertex Saliency

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    This paper proposes a new Quantum Spatial Graph Convolutional Neural Network (QSGCNN) model that can directly learn a classification function for graphs of arbitrary sizes. Unlike state-of-the-art Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) models, the proposed QSGCNN model incorporates the process of identifying transitive aligned vertices between graphs, and transforms arbitrary sized graphs into fixed-sized aligned vertex grid structures. In order to learn representative graph characteristics, a new quantum spatial graph convolution is proposed and employed to extract multi-scale vertex features, in terms of quantum information propagation between grid vertices of each graph. Since the quantum spatial convolution preserves the grid structures of the input vertices (i.e., the convolution layer does not change the original spatial sequence of vertices), the proposed QSGCNN model allows to directly employ the traditional convolutional neural network architecture to further learn from the global graph topology, providing an end-to-end deep learning architecture that integrates the graph representation and learning in the quantum spatial graph convolution layer and the traditional convolutional layer for graph classifications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QSGCNN model in relation to existing state-of-the-art methods. The proposed QSGCNN model addresses the shortcomings of information loss and imprecise information representation arising in existing GCN models associated with the use of SortPooling or SumPooling layers. Experiments on benchmark graph classification datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed QSGCNN model

    Attributed Graph Classification via Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

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    From social networks to biological networks, graphs are a natural way to represent a diverse set of real-world data. This research presents attributed graph convolutional neural network with a pooling layer (AGCP for short), a novel end-to-end deep neural network model which captures the higher-order latent attributes of weighted, labeled, undirected, attributed graphs of arbitrary size. The architecture of AGCP is an efficient variant of convolutional neural network (CNN) and has a linear filter function that convolves over the fixed topological structure of a graph to learn local and global attributes of the graph. Convolution is followed by a pooling layer that coarsens the graph while preserving the global structure of the original input graph using information gain. On the other hand, advances in high throughput technologies for next-generation sequencing have enabled machine learning research to acquire and extract knowledge from biological networks. We apply AGCP on three bioinformatics networks, ENZYMES, D&D, and GINA a graph dataset of gene interaction networks with genomic mutation attributes as the attributes of the vertices. In several experiments on these datasets, we demonstrate that AGCP yields better results in terms of classification accuracy relative to the previously proposed models by a considerable margin

    Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation

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    International audienceSemantic segmentation models are limited in their ability to scale to large numbers of object classes. In this paper, we introduce the new task of zero-shot semantic segmentation: learning pixel-wise classifiers for never-seen object categories with zero training examples. To this end, we present a novel architecture, ZS3Net, combining a deep visual segmentation model with an approach to generate visual representations from semantic word embeddings. By this way, ZS3Net addresses pixel classification tasks where both seen and unseen categories are faced at test time (so called "generalized" zero-shot classification). Performance is further improved by a self-training step that relies on automatic pseudo-labeling of pixels from unseen classes. On the two standard segmentation datasets, Pascal-VOC and Pascal-Context, we propose zero-shot benchmarks and set competitive baselines. For complex scenes as ones in the Pascal-Context dataset, we extend our approach by using a graph-context encoding to fully leverage spatial context priors coming from class-wise segmentation maps.Code and models are available at: https://github.com/valeoai/zero_shot_semantic_segmentatio