141 research outputs found

    Untriviality of Trivial Packages

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    Nowadays, developing software would be unthinkable without the use of third-party packages. Although such code reuse helps to achieve rapid continuous delivery of software to end-users, blindly reusing code has its pitfalls. Prior work investigated the rationale for using packages of small size, known as trivial packages, that implement simple functionality. This prior work showed that, although these trivial packages are simple, they are popular and prevalent in the \npm ecosystem. This popularity and prevalence of trivial packages piqued our interest in questioning; first, the `triviality' of these packages and, second, the impact of using these packages on the quality of the client software applications. To better understand the `triviality' of trivial packages and their impact, in this thesis we report on two large scale empirical studies. In both studies, we mine a large set of JavaScript applications that use trivial \npm packages. In the first study, we evaluate the `triviality' of these packages from two complementary points of view: based on application usage and ecosystem usage. Our result shows that trivial packages are being used in important JavaScript files, by the means of their `centrality', in software applications. Additionally, by analyzing all external package API calls in these JavaScript files, we find that a high percentage of these API calls are attributed to trivial packages. Therefore, these packages play a significant role in JavaScript files. Furthermore, in the package dependency network, we observe that 16.8% packages are trivial and in some cases removing a trivial package can break approximately 30% of the packages in the ecosystem. In the second study, we started by understanding the circumstances which incorporate trivial packages in software applications. We analyze and classify commits that introduce trivial packages into software applications. We notice that developers resort to trivial packages while performing a wild range of development tasks that are mostly related to `Building' and `Refactoring'. We empirically evaluate the bugginess of the files and applications that use trivial packages. Our result shows that JavaScript files and applications that use trivial packages tend to have a higher percentage of bug-fixing commits than files and applications that do not depend on trivial packages. Overall, the findings of our thesis indicate that although smaller in size and complexity, trivial packages are highly depended on packages. These packages may be trivial by the means of size, their utility in software applications suggests that their role is not so trivial

    DependencyVis: Helping Developers Visualize Software Dependency Information

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    The use of dependencies have been increasing in popularity over the past decade, especially as package managers such as JavaScript\u27s npm has made getting these packages a simple command to run. However, while incidents such as the left-pad incident has increased awareness of how vulnerable relying on these packages are, there is still some work to be done when it comes to getting developers to take the extra research step to determine if a package is up to standards. Finding metrics of different packages and comparing them is always a difficult and time consuming task, especially since potential vulnerabilities are not the only metric to consider. For example, considering how popular and how actively maintained the package is also just as important. Therefore, we propose a visualization tool called DependencyVis that is specific to JavaScript projects and npm packages as a solution by analyzing a project\u27s dependencies in order to help developers by looking up the many basic metrics that can address a dependency\u27s popularity, activeness, and vulnerabilities such as the number of GitHub stars, forks, and issues as well as security advisory information from npm audit. This thesis then proposes many use cases for DependencyVis to help users compare dependencies by displaying the dependencies in a graph with metrics represented by aspects such as node color or node size

    What constitutes Software? An Empirical, Descriptive Study of Artifacts

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    Beyond Traditional Software Development: Studying and Supporting the Role of Reusing Crowdsourced Knowledge in Software Development

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    As software development is becoming increasingly complex, developers often need to reuse others’ code or knowledge made available online to tackle problems encountered during software development and maintenance. This phenomenon of using others' code or knowledge, often found on online forums, is referred to as crowdsourcing. A good example of crowdsourcing is posting a coding question on the Stack Overflow website and having others contribute code that solves that question. Recently, the phenomenon of crowdsourcing has attracted much attention from researchers and practitioners and recent studies show that crowdsourcing improves productivity and reduces time-to-market. However, like any solution, crowdsourcing brings with it challenges such as quality, maintenance, and even legal issues. The research presented in this thesis presents the result of a series of large-scale empirical studies involving some of the most popular crowdsourcing platforms such as Stack Overflow, Node Package Manager (npm), and Python Package Index (PyPI). The focus of these empirical studies is to investigate the role of reusing crowdsourcing knowledge and more particularly crowd code in the software development process. We first present two empirical studies on the reuse of knowledge from crowdsourcing platforms namely Stack Overflow. We found that reusing knowledge from this crowdsourcing platform has the potential to assist software development practices, specifically through source code reuse. However, relying on such crowdsourced knowledge might also negatively affect the quality of the software projects. Second, we empirically examine the type of development knowledge constructed on crowdsourcing platforms. We examine the use of trivial packages on npm and PyPI platforms. We found that trivial packages are common and developers tend to use them because they provide them with well tested and implemented code. However, developers are concerned about the maintenance overhead of these trivial packages due to the extra dependencies that trivial packages introduce. Finally, we used the gained knowledge to propose a pragmatic solution to improve the efficiency of relying on the crowd in software development. We proposed a rule-based technique that automatically detects commits that can skip the continuous integration process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed technique on a dataset of open-source Java projects. Our results show that continuous integration can be used to improve the efficiency of the reused code from crowdsourcing platforms. Among the findings of this thesis are that the way software is developed has changed dramatically. Developers rely on crowdsourcing to address problems encountered during software development and maintenance. The results presented in this thesis provides new insights on how knowledge from these crowdsourced platforms is reused in software systems and how some of this knowledge can be better integrated into current software development processes and best practices
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