430 research outputs found

    Learning Code Transformations via Neural Machine Translation

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    Source code evolves – inevitably – to remain useful, secure, correct, readable, and efficient. Developers perform software evolution and maintenance activities by transforming existing source code via corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive changes. These code changes are usually managed and stored by a variety of tools and infrastructures such as version control, issue trackers, and code review systems. Software Evolution and Maintenance researchers have been mining these code archives in order to distill useful insights on the nature of such developers’ activities. One of the long-lasting goal of Software Engineering research is to better support and automate different types of code changes performed by developers. In this thesis we depart from classic manually crafted rule- or heuristic-based approaches, and propose a novel technique to learn code transformations by leveraging the vast amount of publicly available code changes performed by developers. We rely on Deep Learning, and in particular on Neural Machine Translation (NMT), to train models able to learn code change patterns and apply them to novel, unseen, source code. First, we tackle the problem of generating source code mutants for Mutation Testing. In contrast with classic approaches, which rely on handcrafted mutation operators, we propose to automatically learn how to mutate source code by observing real faults. We mine millions of bug fixing commits from GitHub, process and abstract their source code. This data is used to train and evaluate an NMT model to translate fixed code into buggy code (i.e., the mutated code). In the second project, we rely on the same dataset of bug-fixes to learn code transformations for the purpose of Automated Program Repair (APR). This represents one of the most challenging research problem in Software Engineering, whose goal is to automatically fix bugs without developers’ intervention. We train a model to translate buggy code into fixed code (i.e., learning patches) and, in conjunction with Beam Search, generate many different potential patches for a given buggy method. In our empirical investigation we found that such a model is able to fix thousands of unique buggy methods in the wild.Finally, in our third project we push our novel technique to the limits and enlarge the scope to consider not only bug-fixing activities, but any type of meaningful code changes performed by developers. We focus on accepted and merged code changes that undergone a Pull Request (PR) process. We quantitatively and qualitatively investigate the code transformations learned by the model to build a taxonomy. The taxonomy shows that NMT can replicate a wide variety of meaningful code changes, especially refactorings and bug-fixing activities. In this dissertation we illustrate and evaluate the proposed techniques, which represent a significant departure from earlier approaches in the literature. The promising results corroborate the potential applicability of learning techniques, such as NMT, to a variety of Software Engineering tasks

    A Survey of Learning-based Automated Program Repair

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    Automated program repair (APR) aims to fix software bugs automatically and plays a crucial role in software development and maintenance. With the recent advances in deep learning (DL), an increasing number of APR techniques have been proposed to leverage neural networks to learn bug-fixing patterns from massive open-source code repositories. Such learning-based techniques usually treat APR as a neural machine translation (NMT) task, where buggy code snippets (i.e., source language) are translated into fixed code snippets (i.e., target language) automatically. Benefiting from the powerful capability of DL to learn hidden relationships from previous bug-fixing datasets, learning-based APR techniques have achieved remarkable performance. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey to summarize the current state-of-the-art research in the learning-based APR community. We illustrate the general workflow of learning-based APR techniques and detail the crucial components, including fault localization, patch generation, patch ranking, patch validation, and patch correctness phases. We then discuss the widely-adopted datasets and evaluation metrics and outline existing empirical studies. We discuss several critical aspects of learning-based APR techniques, such as repair domains, industrial deployment, and the open science issue. We highlight several practical guidelines on applying DL techniques for future APR studies, such as exploring explainable patch generation and utilizing code features. Overall, our paper can help researchers gain a comprehensive understanding about the achievements of the existing learning-based APR techniques and promote the practical application of these techniques. Our artifacts are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/QuanjunZhang/AwesomeLearningAPR}

    Mining Fix Patterns for FindBugs Violations

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    In this paper, we first collect and track a large number of fixed and unfixed violations across revisions of software. The empirical analyses reveal that there are discrepancies in the distributions of violations that are detected and those that are fixed, in terms of occurrences, spread and categories, which can provide insights into prioritizing violations. To automatically identify patterns in violations and their fixes, we propose an approach that utilizes convolutional neural networks to learn features and clustering to regroup similar instances. We then evaluate the usefulness of the identified fix patterns by applying them to unfixed violations. The results show that developers will accept and merge a majority (69/116) of fixes generated from the inferred fix patterns. It is also noteworthy that the yielded patterns are applicable to four real bugs in the Defects4J major benchmark for software testing and automated repair.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineerin

    Evaluating Pre-trained Language Models for Repairing API Misuses

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    API misuses often lead to software bugs, crashes, and vulnerabilities. While several API misuse detectors have been proposed, there are no automatic repair tools specifically designed for this purpose. In a recent study, test-suite-based automatic program repair (APR) tools were found to be ineffective in repairing API misuses. Still, since the study focused on non-learning-aided APR tools, it remains unknown whether learning-aided APR tools are capable of fixing API misuses. In recent years, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have succeeded greatly in many natural language processing tasks. There is a rising interest in applying PLMs to APR. However, there has not been any study that investigates the effectiveness of PLMs in repairing API misuse. To fill this gap, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study on 11 learning-aided APR tools, which include 9 of the state-of-the-art general-purpose PLMs and two APR tools. We evaluate these models with an API-misuse repair dataset, consisting of two variants. Our results show that PLMs perform better than the studied APR tools in repairing API misuses. Among the 9 pre-trained models tested, CodeT5 is the best performer in the exact match. We also offer insights and potential exploration directions for future research.Comment: Under review by TOSE
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