142 research outputs found

    Evaluation of HOLD solution: A case study of the upstream supply chain of Norne

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    Confidential until 5-dec-201

    Mapping information flow: a case study of an upstream supply network

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    Confidential until 7 August 20142014-08-0

    Differences in Information Systems Development and Evolution Practice between the Local and Governmental Public Sector

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    We have in earlier work reported differences between how public and private Norwegian organizations are able to use time on value adding activities in their work on IT. Using responses to the ‘IT i Praksis’ – surveys done by Rambøll in 2021, we in this paper look upon differ-ences between local (municipalities) and governmental agencies. ‘IT i praksis’ is distributed to Norwegian public organizations, and the overall response rate is around 45-50%, although not all respondents answer all questions. The data presented in this paper is based on re-sponses from 255 public organizations, with 176 municipalities, and 79 public organizations on national or regional level that have re-sponded. Overall, the investigation confirms the results from earlier investigations when it comes to maturity of practice in public sector and how this might influence their ability to have time available for value added IT-activities. In this investigation we also find differ-ences within public sector, with municipalities scoring worse on sev-eral parameters for successful management and evolution of IT

    A descriptive analysis of value creation at Statoil Mongstad and its supply chain

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    Value chain is a sequence of activities that flow from raw materials to delivery of product or service. Value chain in oil industry extends from exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas up to sales of refined products. Refineries play a key important in the supply chain of an oil company, as it is where crude oil is processed into refined products. The emphasis of this work is on Statoil Mongstad. Statoil Mongstad is a refinery located at Mongstad. In order to get overview of Statoil Mongstad’s value chain, this thesis describes and discusses Statoil Mongstad’s organisation structure, production processes, costing and pricing principles and policies, and finally its supply chain

    The Role of Institutions and Policy in Knowledge Sector Development: An Assessment of the Danish and Norwegian Information Communication Technology Sectors

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    The Nordic economies of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden outperform on average nearly ever OECD country in the share of value added stemming from the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. Early investments in computing and telecommunications, supportive social democratic institutions, and effective innovation/technology policy, help to explain overall Nordic ICT performance. Cross-country variation persists in sector outcomes, however, and cannot be reduced to differences in institutions and policy. Denmark and Sweden have moved toward liberalization while Finland and Norway maintain commitments to social democracy and yet Finland and Sweden outperform Denmark and Norway in ICT sector development. Institutionalists explain the successes of Finland and Sweden through lighthouse effects, cluster dynamics, institutional adjustments, and policy initiatives, however there has been comparatively less research on the lagging countries of Denmark and Norway where none of the aforementioned conditions fully explain aggregate outcomes. My analysis focuses on the underperformance of Denmark and Norway by identifying the role of intra-sectoral dualism in which institutions and policy favor certain firm types over others. The research indicates that limited liberal reforms in Denmark benefit startups and small firms through increased labor freedoms, risk-based financing, deregulation, and strong cluster dynamics. Conversely, the dismantling of institutional supports, organizational restructuring, and labor redundancies has eviscerated large incumbent firms. In Norway, statist social democratic institutions and innovation/technology policy entrench domestic incumbent firms through state ownership, regional protectionism, and extensive regulation. Startups and small firms are less successful due to crowding out in labor and financial markets, cluster fragmentation, and the lack of targeted sector supports. Taken together, Danish and Norwegian outcomes in ICT are lower on aggregate because institutions and policy favor certain firm types over others causing intra-sectoral dualism

    Supply chain of the Shtokman field development project

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    Supply chains are always fairly complex, and each industry’s chain has its own quirks and characteristics. The strategic nature of the product makes the oil and gas supply chain distinct from other industries. The given work sets a task to investigate the supply chain in oil and gas on the example of the Shtokman gas and condensate field development project. It is quite a challenging mission if to take into consideration the size of the project and its unique character. The given research is conducted to develop and extend the supply chain theory in oil and gas industry. The research objectives lead to use the theory-oriented type of research with stress on theory testing. Under these circumstances, the single-case study method and semistructured interviews as a primary source of data are chosen. To build the entire supply chain of the Shtokman project there is a need to describe it first. The history of the field exploration, selection of partners, engineering concept of the project are reflected in the empirical part. Additionally, the project’s description includes the transportation system and marketing strategy of natural gas and LNG distribution. Moreover, the environmental and political aspects of the project which are essential for oil and gas field development find its reflection in the practical part of the work. The analysis of the project with regard to the received from interviews data and other reliable sources of information helps to build the supply chain in the Shtokman project and put value on the supply chain integration and cooperation. The concept implements the theory in practice and develops some propositions that characterize the supply chain in oil and gas industry. Here is a main contribution to the theory development. The research confirms importance and relevance of the stated problem. The future replication studies are significant in order to enhance the generalizability of the findings
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