2,926 research outputs found

    An empirical study of neural network-based audience response technology in a human anatomy course for pharmacy students.

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    This paper presents an empirical study of a formative neural network-based assessment approach, by using mobile technology to provide pharmacy students with intelligent diagnostic feedback. An unsupervised learning algorithm was integrated with an audience response system called SIDRA, in order to generate states that collect some commonality in responses to questions and add diagnostic feedback for guided learning. A total of 89 pharmacy students enrolled on a Human Anatomy course were taught using two different teaching methods. Forty-four students employed intelligent SIDRA (i-SIDRA), whereas 45 students received the same training but without using i-SIDRA. A statistically significant difference was found between the experimental group (i-SIDRA) and the control group (traditional learning methodology), with T (87)=6.598, p < 0.001. In four MCQs tests, the difference between the number of correct answers in the first attempt and in the last attempt was also studied. A global effect size of 0.644 was achieved in the meta-analysis carried out. The students expressed satisfaction with the content provided by i-SIDRA and the methodology used during the process of learning anatomy (M=4.59). The new empirical contribution presented in this paper allows instructors to perform post hoc analyses of each particular student's progress to ensure appropriate training

    E-learning in Pharmacy Education: what do we know about it?

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    The increase and flexibilization of e-learning in Brazil has generated concern about the low capacity to ensure the quality of institutions and courses. The objective is to identify the literature on experiences of pharmaceutical e-learning. A scope review was carried out, mapping key concepts and evidence. The selected articles, without period restriction, from the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases provided data on the educational level of experience, modality, workload, content delivery method, instruments used, types of topics, evaluation information and purpose of the study. There were 87 articles on preparation for subsequent classes; feedback or continuation of previous classes; to specific training; the comparison between face-to-face and distance education modalities; and distance learning. Among the subjects treated, 51.8% involved pharmaceutical clinic and 42.5% basic science. Positive student assessment was found in more than 92% of cases. Isolation, and deficits in social and analytical skills were negative points. Technology infrastructure can impact learning. In Brazil, the health area has manifested opposition to the use of distance education in undergraduate studies. There is no evidence on the organization of undergraduate distance courses, but there are elements indicating risks to the results of training and development of professional skills in this modality

    Sistema de retroalimentación inteligente basado en conocimiento común para la enseñanza virtual tutorizada

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    Introducción: Los sistemas de respuesta de la audiencia (SRA) son una tecnología que permite a un grupo de estudiantes responder de forma electrónica a un cuestionario. Este recurso permite: (1) promover el aprendizaje activo; (2) mejorar la motivación; (3) crear un entorno para estudiantes tímidos; (4) controlar la asistencia a clase; (5) aumentar la colaboración entre docente y estudiante e incluso entre los propios estudiantes; y (6) realizar evaluaciones a los estudiantes. Los SRA han incorporado en los últimos años la gamificación para crear una experiencia más emocionante y entretenida para los asistentes. Una de las aplicaciones de la inteligencia artificial en la educación consiste en el uso de redes neuronales o sistemas de clustering para incorporar técnicas de diagnóstico cognitivo. Estos sistemas se entrenan utilizando respuestas a cuestionarios que contienen preguntas tipo test, con el objetivo de agrupar el conocimiento en función de estas respuestas. El docente proporciona retroalimentación en forma de texto o imágenes para cada grupo de conocimiento formado. En sucesivas pruebas utilizando el cuestionario, el sistema clasifica a los estudiantes en uno de los grupos de conocimiento cada vez que responden a las preguntas, brindándoles retroalimentación personalizada e instantánea asociada a ese grupo específico de conocimiento. Hipótesis: La hipótesis de esta tesis es “si se emplearan procesos de autoevaluación con aprendizaje centrado en el discente junto con herramientas de aprendizaje gamificadas e inteligentes que apoyaran estos procesos, entonces se alcanzarían mejoras en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes”. Objetivos: El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es definir procesos de autoevaluación con aprendizaje centrado en el discente junto con herramientas de autoevaluación gamificada, personalizada e inteligente y su validación en el contexto del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. El objetivo principal marcado se desglosa en los siguientes objetivos específicos: 1. Identificar y estudiar las técnicas alternativas de gamificación empleadas en la enseñanza, tanto presencial como virtual. 2. Estudiar la literatura existente sobre SRA y sistemas de tutorización inteligente basados en grupos de conocimiento. 3. Definir procesos de autoevaluación centrados en el discente y apoyados en sistemas de autoevaluación gamificados e inteligentes. 4. Proporcionar aplicaciones de autoevaluación gamificada e inteligente para la enseñanza virtual tutorizada. 5. Evaluar los procesos de autoevaluación y las aplicaciones anteriores construidas mediante validación empírica planteando experimentos en un entorno de enseñanza universitaria, para contrastar la eficacia formativa de la propuesta. Metodología: Se empleó un estudio bibliométrico y se revisó el estado del problema siguiendo protocolos de revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura que permiten hacer reproducible el estudio. Además, para las tareas de investigación se utilizó un método integrado de Investigación-Acción, una metodología que aporta rigor y un enfoque sistemático, incluyendo ciclos de investigación y ciclos de resolución de problemas. Esta metodología implica un ciclo continuo de reflexión, acción y evaluación, con el objetivo de generar conocimiento práctico y lograr mejoras concretas en una determinada situación o contexto. Para formalizar los resultados de los experimentos se hizo uso de análisis estadísticos. Conclusiones: Esta tesis doctoral mostró evidencias de que el uso del SRA gamificado y los sistemas de retroalimentación basado en diagnóstico cognitivo, guiados por un adecuado proceso de autoevaluación, mejoran el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, aunque los resultados podrían no ser extrapolables a todas las disciplinas. La incorporación de elementos de gamificación a los SRA tiene un impacto de diferente alcance en el aprendizaje del estudiante, según el elemento de gamificación utilizado. Los elementos de gamificación que suponen un refuerzo positivo para los estudiantes como son las insignias, producen mayores alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco que aquellos que son neutros como el ranking. El tipo de retroalimentación en los sistemas de tutorización inteligente basados en grupos de conocimiento es crucial para potenciar su eficacia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Los educadores deben considerar el contexto de aplicación, analizar las ventajas y desventajas de los SRA gamificados y los sistemas de retroalimentación inteligente en el diseño curricular, adoptar un enfoque reflexivo y considerar los objetivos generales de aprendizaje y los tipos de estudiantes.Introduction: Audience Response Systems (ARS) is a technology that allows a group of students to respond electronically to a questionnaire. This resource makes it possible to: (1) promote active learning; (2) improve motivation; (3) create an environment for shy students; (4) monitor class attendance; (5) increase collaboration between teacher and student and even among students themselves; and (6) conduct student evaluations. ARS has in recent years incorporated gamification to create a more exciting and entertaining experience for attendees. One of the applications of artificial intelligence in education is the use of neural networks or clustering systems to incorporate cognitive diagnosis techniques. These systems are trained using answers to questionnaires containing multiple-choice questions, with the aim of clustering knowledge based on these answers. The teacher provides feedback in the form of text or images for each knowledge cluster formed. In subsequent tests using the questionnaire, the system classifies students into one of the knowledge groups each time they answer the questions, providing them with personalised and instantaneous feedback associated with that specific knowledge group. Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this thesis is "if self-assessment processes with learner-centred learning were used in conjunction with gamified and intelligent learning tools to support these processes, then improvements in students' academic performance would be achieved". Objectives: The aim of this doctoral thesis is to define self-assessment processes with learner-centred learning together with gamified, personalised and intelligent self-assessment tools and their validation in the context of the European Higher Education Area. The main objective is divided into the following specific objectives: 1. Identify and study the alternative gamification techniques used in teaching, both face-to-face and virtual. 2. To study the existing literature on ARS and intelligent tutoring systems based on knowledge groups. 3. To define learner-centred self-assessment processes supported by gamified and intelligent self-assessment systems. 4. To provide gamified and intelligent self-assessment applications for tutored e-learning. 5. To evaluate the self-assessment processes and the previous applications built by means of empirical validation through experiments in a university teaching environment, in order to contrast the training effectiveness of the proposal. Methodology: A bibliometric study was used, and the state of the problem was reviewed following systematic literature review protocols that allow the study to be reproducible. In addition, an integrated Action Research method was used for the research tasks, a methodology that provides rigour and a systematic approach, including research cycles and problem-solving cycles. This methodology involves a continuous cycle of reflection, action and evaluation, with the aim of generating practical knowledge and achieving concrete improvements in a given situation or context. Statistical analysis was used to formalise the results of the experiments. Conclusions: This doctoral thesis showed evidence that the use of gamified ARS and cognitive diagnostic-based feedback systems, guided by an adequate self-assessment process, improve students' academic performance, although the results might not be extrapolable to all disciplines. Incorporating gamification elements into ARS has a different impact on student learning depending on the gamification element used. Gamification elements that provide positive reinforcement for students, such as badges, produce greater alterations in heart rate than those that are neutral, such as ranking. The type of feedback in intelligent tutoring systems based on knowledge groups is crucial to enhance their effectiveness in student learning. Educators should consider the context of application, analyse the advantages and disadvantages of gamified ARS and intelligent feedback systems in curriculum design, adopt a reflective approach and consider the overall learning objectives and types of learners

    11th Annual Research Week

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    A History of Mission Driven Scholarshi

    The University of Iowa General Catalog 2016-17

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    Adaptive learning: a cluster-based literature review (2011-2022)

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    Adaptive learning is a personalized instruction system that adjusts to the needs, preferences, and progress of learners. This paper reviews the current and future developments of adaptive learning in higher education, especially in relation to the digital education strategy of the European Union. It also uses a cluster analysis framework to explore the main themes and their relationships in the academic literature on adaptive learning. The paper highlights the potential of emerging technologies such as AI, eye-tracking, and physiological measurements to improve the personalization and effectiveness of adaptive learning systems. It presents various methods, algorithms, and prototypes that incorporate learning styles into adaptive learning. It also stresses the importance of continuous professional development in e-learning, media literacy, computer security, and andragogy for teachers who use adaptive learning systems. The paper concludes that adaptive learning can promote creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning in Ukrainian higher education, but it also acknowledges the challenges and suggests further research to assess its impact