2,538 research outputs found

    Amorphous slicing of extended finite state machines

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    Slicing is useful for many Software Engineering applications and has been widely studied for three decades, but there has been comparatively little work on slicing Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs). This paper introduces a set of dependency based EFSM slicing algorithms and an accompanying tool. We demonstrate that our algorithms are suitable for dependence based slicing. We use our tool to conduct experiments on ten EFSMs, including benchmarks and industrial EFSMs. Ours is the first empirical study of dependence based program slicing for EFSMs. Compared to the only previously published dependence based algorithm, our average slice is smaller 40% of the time and larger only 10% of the time, with an average slice size of 35% for termination insensitive slicing

    Code extraction algorithms which unify slicing and concept assignment

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    One approach to reverse engineering is to partially automate subcomponent extraction, improvement and subsequent recombination. Two previously proposed automated techniques for supporting this activity are slicing and concept assignment. However, neither is directly applicable in isolation; slicing criteria (sets of program variables) are simply too low level in many cases, while concept assignment typically fails to produce executable subcomponents. This paper introduces a unification of slicing and concept assignment which exploits their combined advantages, while overcoming their individual weaknesses. Our 'concept slices' are extracted using high level criteria, while producing executable subprograms. The paper introduces three ways of combining slicing, and concept assignment and algorithms for each. The application of the concept slicing algorithms is illustrated with a case study from a large financial organisation

    An Introduction to Slice-Based Cohesion and Coupling Metrics

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    This report provides an overview of slice-based software metrics. It brings together information about the development of the metrics from Weiser’s original idea that program slices may be used in the measurement of program complexity, with alternative slice-based measures proposed by other researchers. In particular, it details two aspects of slice-based metric calculation not covered elsewhere in the literature: output variables and worked examples of the calculations. First, output variables are explained, their use explored and standard reference terms and usage proposed. Calculating slice-based metrics requires a clear understanding of ‘output variables’ because they form the basis for extracting the program slices on which the calculations depend. This report includes a survey of the variation in the definition of output variables used by different research groups and suggests standard terms of reference for these variables. Our study identifies four elements which are combined in the definition of output variables. These are the function return value, modified global variables, modified reference parameters and variables printed or otherwise output by the module. Second, slice-based metric calculations are explained with the aid of worked examples, to assist newcomers to the field. Step-by-step calculations of slice-based cohesion and coupling metrics based on the vertices output by the static analysis tool CodeSurfer (R) are presented and compared with line-based calculations

    Test Case Purification for Improving Fault Localization

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    Finding and fixing bugs are time-consuming activities in software development. Spectrum-based fault localization aims to identify the faulty position in source code based on the execution trace of test cases. Failing test cases and their assertions form test oracles for the failing behavior of the system under analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel concept of spectrum driven test case purification for improving fault localization. The goal of test case purification is to separate existing test cases into small fractions (called purified test cases) and to enhance the test oracles to further localize faults. Combining with an original fault localization technique (e.g., Tarantula), test case purification results in better ranking the program statements. Our experiments on 1800 faults in six open-source Java programs show that test case purification can effectively improve existing fault localization techniques

    Do the Fix Ingredients Already Exist? An Empirical Inquiry into the Redundancy Assumptions of Program Repair Approaches

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    Much initial research on automatic program repair has focused on experimental results to probe their potential to find patches and reduce development effort. Relatively less effort has been put into understanding the hows and whys of such approaches. For example, a critical assumption of the GenProg technique is that certain bugs can be fixed by copying and re-arranging existing code. In other words, GenProg assumes that the fix ingredients already exist elsewhere in the code. In this paper, we formalize these assumptions around the concept of ''temporal redundancy''. A temporally redundant commit is only composed of what has already existed in previous commits. Our experiments show that a large proportion of commits that add existing code are temporally redundant. This validates the fundamental redundancy assumption of GenProg.Comment: ICSE - 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (2014

    ConSUS: A light-weight program conditioner

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    Program conditioning consists of identifying and removing a set of statements which cannot be executed when a condition of interest holds at some point in a program. It has been applied to problems in maintenance, testing, re-use and re-engineering. All current approaches to program conditioning rely upon both symbolic execution and reasoning about symbolic predicates. The reasoning can be performed by a ‘heavy duty’ theorem prover but this may impose unrealistic performance constraints. This paper reports on a lightweight approach to theorem proving using the FermaT Simplify decision procedure. This is used as a component to ConSUS, a program conditioning system for the Wide Spectrum Language WSL. The paper describes the symbolic execution algorithm used by ConSUS, which prunes as it conditions. The paper also provides empirical evidence that conditioning produces a significant reduction in program size and, although exponential in the worst case, the conditioning system has low degree polynomial behaviour in many cases, thereby making it scalable to unit level applications of program conditioning

    Locating Faults with Program Slicing: An Empirical Analysis

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    Statistical fault localization is an easily deployed technique for quickly determining candidates for faulty code locations. If a human programmer has to search the fault beyond the top candidate locations, though, more traditional techniques of following dependencies along dynamic slices may be better suited. In a large study of 457 bugs (369 single faults and 88 multiple faults) in 46 open source C programs, we compare the effectiveness of statistical fault localization against dynamic slicing. For single faults, we find that dynamic slicing was eight percentage points more effective than the best performing statistical debugging formula; for 66% of the bugs, dynamic slicing finds the fault earlier than the best performing statistical debugging formula. In our evaluation, dynamic slicing is more effective for programs with single fault, but statistical debugging performs better on multiple faults. Best results, however, are obtained by a hybrid approach: If programmers first examine at most the top five most suspicious locations from statistical debugging, and then switch to dynamic slices, on average, they will need to examine 15% (30 lines) of the code. These findings hold for 18 most effective statistical debugging formulas and our results are independent of the number of faults (i.e. single or multiple faults) and error type (i.e. artificial or real errors)

    Reproducing Failures in Fault Signatures

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    Software often fails in the field, however reproducing and debugging field failures is very challenging: the failure-inducing input may be missing, and the program setup can be complicated and hard to reproduce by the developers. In this paper, we propose to generate fault signatures from the failure locations and the original source code to reproduce the faults in small executable programs. We say that a fault signature reproduces the fault in the original program if the two failed in the same location, triggered the same error conditions after executing the same selective sequences of failure-inducing statements. A fault signature aims to contain only sufficient statements that can reproduce the faults. That way, it provides some context to inform how a fault is developed and also avoids unnecessary complexity and setups that may block fault diagnosis. To compute fault signatures from the failures, we applied a path-sensitive static analysis tool to generate a path that leads to the fault, and then applied an existing syntactic patching tool to convert the path into an executable program. Our evaluation on real-world bugs from Corebench, BugBench, and Manybugs shows that fault signatures can reproduce the fault for the original programs. Because fault signatures are less complex, automatic test input generation tools generated failure-inducing inputs that could not be generated by using the entire programs. Some failure-inducing inputs can be directly transferred to the original programs. Our experimental data are publicly available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5430155

    Static Execute After algorithms as alternatives for impact analysis

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    Impact analysis plays an important role in many software engineering tasks such as software maintenance, regression testing and debugging. In this paper, we present a static method to compute the impact sets of particular program points. For large programs, this method is more effective than the slightly more precise slicing. Our technique can also be used on larger programs with over thousands of lines of code where no slicers can be applied since the determination of the program dependence graphs, which are the bases of slicing, is an especially expensive task. As a result, our method could be efficiently used in the field of impact analysis

    A comparison of tree- and line-oriented observational slicing

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    Observation-based slicing and its generalization observational slicing are recently-introduced, language-independent dynamic slicing techniques. They both construct slices based on the dependencies observed during program execution, rather than static or dynamic dependence analysis. The original implementation of the observation-based slicing algorithm used lines of source code as its program representation. A recent variation, developed to slice modelling languages (such as Simulink), used an XML representation of an executable model. We ported the XML slicer to source code by constructing a tree representation of traditional source code through the use of srcML. This work compares the tree- and line-based slicers using four experiments involving twenty different programs, ranging from classic benchmarks to million-line production systems. The resulting slices are essentially the same size for the majority of the programs and are often identical. However, structural constraints imposed by the tree representation sometimes force the slicer to retain enclosing control structures. It can also “bog down” trying to delete single-token subtrees. This occasionally makes the tree-based slices larger and the tree-based slicer slower than a parallelised version of the line-based slicer. In addition, a Java versus C comparison finds that the two languages lead to similar slices, but Java code takes noticeably longer to slice. The initial experiments suggest two improvements to the tree-based slicer: the addition of a size threshold, for ignoring small subtrees, and subtree replacement. The former enables the slicer to run 3.4 times faster while producing slices that are only about 9% larger. At the same time the subtree replacement reduces size by about 8–12% and allows the tree-based slicer to produce more natural slices