4 research outputs found

    An Empirical Investigation of Filter Attribute Selection Techniques for Software Quality Classification

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    Attribute selection is an important activity in data preprocessing for software quality modeling and other data mining problems. The software quality models have been used to improve the fault detection process. Finding faulty components in a software system during early stages of software development process can lead to a more reliable final product and can reduce development and maintenance costs. It has been shown in some studies that prediction accuracy of the models improves when irrelevant and redundant features are removed from the original data set. In this study, we investigated four filter attribute selection techniques, Automatic Hybrid Search (AHS), Rough Sets (RS), Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) and Probabilistic Search (PS) and conducted the experiments by using them on a very large telecommunications software system. In order to evaluate their classification performance on the smaller subsets of attributes selected using different approaches, we built several classification models using five different classifiers. The empirical results demonstrated that by applying an attribution selection approach we can build classification models with an accuracy comparable to that built with a complete set of attributes. Moreover, the smaller subset of attributes has less than 15 percent of the complete set of attributes. Therefore, the metrics collection, model calibration, model validation, and model evaluation times of future software development efforts of similar systems can be significantly reduced. In addition, we demonstrated that our recently proposed attribute selection technique, KS, outperformed the other three attribute selection techniques

    A Feature Ranking Algorithm in Pragmatic Quality Factor Model for Software Quality Assessment

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    Software quality is an important research area and has gain considerable attention from software engineering community in identification of priority quality attributes in software development process. This thesis describes original research in the field of software quality model by presenting a Feature Ranking Algorithm (FRA) for Pragmatic Quality Factor (PQF) model. The proposed algorithm is able to improve the weaknesses in PQF model in updating and learning the important attributes for software quality assessment. The existing assessment techniques lack of the capability to rank the quality attributes and data learning which can enhance the quality assessment process. The aim of the study is to identify and propose the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique for improving quality assessment technique in PQF model. Therefore, FRA using FRT was constructed and the performance of the FRA was evaluated. The methodology used consists of theoretical study, design of formal framework on intelligent software quality, identification of Feature Ranking Technique (FRT), construction and evaluation of FRA algorithm. The assessment of quality attributes has been improved using FRA algorithm enriched with a formula to calculate the priority of attributes and followed by learning adaptation through Java Library for Multi Label Learning (MULAN) application. The result shows that the performance of FRA correlates strongly to PQF model with 98% correlation compared to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Correlation Based Filter (KSCBF) algorithm with 83% correlation. Statistical significance test was also performed with score of 0.052 compared to the KSCBF algorithm with score of 0.048. The result shows that the FRA was more significant than KSCBF algorithm. The main contribution of this research is on the implementation of FRT with proposed Most Priority of Features (MPF) calculation in FRA for attributes assessment. Overall, the findings and contributions can be regarded as a novel effort in software quality for attributes selection

    Empirical analysis of classifiers and feature selection techniques on mobile phone data activities

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    Mobile phones nowadays become ubiquitous device and not only a device to facilitate communication, with some addition feature of hardware and software.There are many activities can be captured using mobile phone with many of features.However, not all of these features could benefit to the in processing and analyzer.The large number of features, in some cases, gives less accuracy influence the result. In the same time, a large feature takes requires longer time to build model. This paper aims to analyze accuracy impact of selected feature selection techniques and classifiers that taken on mobile phone activity data and evaluate the method. Furthermore, with use feature selection and discussed emphasis on accuracy impact on classified data of respective classifier, usage of features can be determined. To find the suitable combination between the classifier and the feature selection sometime is crucial. A series of tests conducted in Weka on the accuracy on feature selection shows a consistency on the results although with different order of features.The result found that combination of K* algorithm and correlation feature selection is the best combination with high accuracy rate and in the same time produce less feature subset

    Empirical analysis of classifiers and feature selection techniques on mobile phone data activities

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    Mobile phones nowadays become ubiquitous device and not only a device to facilitate communication, with some addition feature of hardware and software.There are many activities can be captured using mobile phone with many of features.However, not all of these features could benefit to the in processing and analyzer.The large number of features, in some cases, gives less accuracy influence the result. In the same time, a large feature takes requires longer time to build model. This paper aims to analyze accuracy impact of selected feature selection techniques and classifiers that taken on mobile phone activity data and evaluate the method. Furthermore, with use feature selection and discussed emphasis on accuracy impact on classified data of respective classifier, usage of features can be determined. To find the suitable combination between the classifier and the feature selection sometime is crucial. A series of tests conducted in Weka on the accuracy on feature selection shows a consistency on the results although with different order of features.The result found that combination of K* algorithm and correlation feature selection is the best combination with high accuracy rate and in the same time produce less feature subset