77 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of End-User Satisfaction toward E-Banking in Indonesia (A Comparison Model of ATMs, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking)

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    In this research, we explored the status of electronic banking adoption by comparing ATM, internet banking, and mobile banking in Indonesia, as one of developing countries. This study investigates the differences and similarities between other banking channels to create new customer satisfaction model. We also examines the combination effects of traditional ATMs, Internet banking, m-banking in Indonesia by combining technology readiness dimension, social presence issue, perceived usefulness, trust, and other constructs with DeLone and McLean model. An empirical study was conducted and data were collected from Indonesia. The results indicate that perceived usefulness plays the most important role to examine end user satisfaction in ATM model; perceived usefulness, perceived convenience, and trust is the most significant constructs in internet banking adoption. And, our last model also results that trust is the most critical aspect to be considered in order to gain success in m-banking implementation in this country

    A strategic perspective on the emergence and evolution of e-Banking in Saudi Arabia

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    The aim of the thesis is to look at the emergence and evolution of e-banking in Saudi Arabia, with particular emphasis on the processes of how banks implement e-banking to build their capabilities and create new value strategies. The research process focuses on understanding (1) how banks implement e-banking to build their capabilities as well as to create new value strategies, (2) how e-banking capabilities have been built, and (3) the role played by e-banking in shaping the strategic direction of banks. This requires understanding of a variety of aspects (i) the value created by e-banking products and services within different banks, (ii) the process of e-banking development within the different banks, (iii) how banks approach e-banking products and services, and (iv) how the banks align the demand and supply factors surrounding e-banking products and servicesThe theoretical approach blends inputs from different disciplines relevant to understand and deal with the subject matter of this thesis, including value creation and capability-building literature, technology implementation literature, with particular emphasis on the processes of implementing network technologies and e-businesses, as well as literature on process approaches. The methodological approach makes use of the case study strategy (Yin 2003) as research strategy, a multiple-case embedded design, as research design strategy, and three sources of evidence: (1) a survey distributed to all Saudi Arabian banks, (2) semi-structured interviews, and (3) archival records of e-banking transactions. The main fieldwork is longitudinal and takes place during three rounds: SeptemberOctober 2003, December 2003-March 2004, and December 2005-January 2006.The thesis investigates the emergence and evolution of e-banking at six Saudi Arabian banks: Samba Financial Group (Samba), AlRajhi Bank (AlRajhi), Saudi Investment Bank (Saib), Saudi Hollandi Bank (Hollandi), National Commercial Bank (AlAhli), and Riyad Bank (Riyad). This is followed by an investigation of the emergence and evolution of electronic securities trading systems at the Saudi Capital Market (i. e., Tadawul), providing an external view of the emergence and evolution of ebanking in Saudi Arabia.The analysis of the empirical material implements the theoretical propositions strategy via utilisation of the "sociotechnical constituencies" approach (Molina 1990; 1993) and its associated analytical tools of the "diamond of alignment" (Molina 1995), "alignment web" (Molina 2003) and "dynamic strategy mapping" (DSM) (Molina 2005). The aim is not only to use the approach to reveal how banks build their e-banking capabilities and create new value strategies, but also to test critically the applicability of the "sociotechnical constituencies" approach and its associated analytical tools for understanding e-banking value creation and capability-building strategies.The overall result of the investigation conducted by this thesis suggests that the Saudi Arabian ebanking' constituency-building process shows distinctive processes of sociotechnical alignment by each one of the specific Saudi banks' e-banking constituencies in the study. In addition, the use of Molina's "alignment web" to assess the state of each of the specific e-banking constituency-building processes helps identify the areas of strengths and weaknesses in these processes of sociotechnical alignment. The distinctiveness of development by each sociotechnical constituency is also highlighted by the application of the Molina's "dynamic strategy mapping" (DSM), showing that each constituency has its own combination of strategic ingredients.Although this thesis demonstrates strengths in the areas of logic replication, narrative writing, and validating procedure, in future studies it would be interesting to enhance its theoretical background, chronological structure, and quantitative assessment. This thesis contributes to providing a rich insight into the emergence and evolution of e-banking in Saudi Arabia, particularly at six of eleven Saudi banks as well as the technological systems of the Saudi Capital Market. Such contribution may be used to inform the future alignment strategy pursued by each the Saudi Arabian e-banking constituencies

    Impact of Technological Innovations on Bank Performance in Selected West African Countries (1997-2020)

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    Purpose: Technological innovations are understood as new or improved processes, products or services, the technical characteristics of which are significantly different from the previous ones. Technological innovations in the banking sector have undoubtedly improved the functionality and performance of banks across the globe including West African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and Coted’Ivoire. It has redefined the way and regime in banking operation in West Africa. It enables banks to improve the quality of service delivery to their numerous customers and makes it easy for customers to access banking services at the lowest cost possible. This study, therefore, focused on examining the impact of technological innovations on bank performance in West Africa.   Method: A set of annual time series covering the period 1997 to 2020 and a multiple regression analysis including an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model, a fully modified OLS (FMOLS) model and a dynamic OLS (DOLS) model were used. Bank performance was measured using bank return on assets (ROA) and bank return on equity (ROE), while technological innovation was measured using indicators such as Internet Banking (INB), Automated Teller Machines (ATM), Mobile Banking (MBN) and Point of Sale (POS) whose control variables are inflation rate (INFR) and exchange rate (EXR).   Results and conclusion: Findings from the ARDL panel results show that both positive and negative long-term relationships exist between technological innovation and bank performance in West Africa. We thoroughly verified the results from the ARDL model with FMOLS and DOLS and the findings show that technological innovation has a positive and negative long-run relationship with bank performance in West Africa and the results were the same for Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast.   Originality/Value: This study, therefore, recommends that improving the quality of technologically innovative tools of banks such as internet banking, ATMs, POS and mobile banking with quality apparatus can lead to improved bank performance. Banks should also invest in cyber security to ensure funds deposited in banks are safe which will boost investor and customer confidence, acceptance and lead to increased bank performance

    Customer Satisfaction with Cell Phone Banking in South Africa

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing satisfaction with cell phone banking in South Africa. The study followed a qualitative approach in which in-depth interviews were conducted with a set of South African cell phone banking users. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the data. It was confirmed that factors known to influence satisfaction with other electronic services such as Internet banking were of relevance for cell phone banking too, i.e. Service Quality; Information Quality, System Quality; Transaction and Payment Quality, Perceived Usefulness, Innovativeness, Trust and Security. In addition it was found that prior electronic banking experience, the type of phone used and the type of banking service employed play a secondary role in influencing customer cell phone banking satisfaction. These findings are discussed and implications drawn

    An empirical framework for banking digitally unbanked seniors

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    Abstract in English and AfrikaansThe main thrust of the thesis is an empirical analysis of the problems experienced by unbanked seniors to conduct digital banking. Population ageing is a worldwide phenomenon and seniors’ numbers are projected to grow to beyond 1 billion people globally by this year (2020). Currently, seniors and other banking customers are surrounded by various forms of e-banking technologies. E-banking is further envisaged to be the catalyst of the financial inclusion of the unbanked people of all ages. However, the problem is that customers’ adoption of e-banking is a challenge for the banks. Seniors are particularly not willing to use e-banking. Thus, seniors stay digitally unbanked and this makes their inclusion into the financial marketplace a priority. How the banks could use e-banking to bank digitally unbanked seniors and, as a consequence improve financial inclusion, is the problem the study set out to resolve. Therefore, an empirical analysis of the problems experienced by unbanked seniors to conduct digital banking was conducted and, as a result, an empirical framework of how the banks can extend these services to this population segment was developed. An original theoretical framework primarily founded on the TAM and Baroudi’s customers’ technology design involvement theory was proposed. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with latent constructs was utilised. The measurement model was first estimated and then covariance matrix between variables served as input to estimate the structural coefficients between constructs. The study’s data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire survey, utilising a probability sampling method with a sample of 420 digitally unbanked seniors. A focus group with banking industry experts was also held to consider the findings. The study’s findings empirically verified the study’s model’s strength in determining digitally unbanked seniors’ willingness to use e-banking. Latent constructs under consideration included customer co-creation, awareness and empowerment, design, perceived ease of use, usefulness, cost, attitude, privacy and security, and trust. The findings demonstrate that design, attitude, privacy and security are statistically significant determinants of digitally unbanked seniors’ willingness to use e-banking. Managerial implications and recommendations are provided in the recommendations chapter.Die hoofbetoog van die tesis is ’n empiriese ontleding van die probleme wat ervaar word deur ongebankte pensionarisse om hulle banksake digitaal te doen. Bevolkingsveroudering is ’n wêreldwye verskynsel en daar is voorspel dat die getal pensionarisse teen vanjaar (2020) 1 miljard mense wêreldwyd sou verbysteek. Tans is daar ’n groot verskeidenheid elektroniese bankdienste beskikbaar wat pensionarisse en ander bankkliënte kan gebruik om hulle banksake te doen. Daar word ook verwag dat elektroniese bankwese die katalisator sal wees van die finansiële insluiting van ongebankte mense van alle ouderdomme. Die probleem is egter dat die aanname van elektroniese bankwese deur kliënte ’n uitdaging vir banke is. Pensionarisse is veral nie gewillig om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik nie, en hulle bly dus ongebank. Dit veroorsaak dat hulle insluiting in die finansiële mark ’n prioriteit is. Die probleem wat hierdie studie wil oplos is hoe die banke elektroniese bankwese kan gebruik om digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse te kry om bankdienste te gebruik. Dus is ’n empiriese ontleding uitgevoer van die probleme wat ongebankte pensionarisse ervaar om hulle banksake digitaal te doen. Gevolglik is ’n empiriese raamwerk ontwikkel van hoe die banke hulle dienste na hierdie bevolkingsegment kan uitbrei. ’n Oorspronklike, teoretiese raamwerk, wat hoofsaaklik gegrond is op die kliëntetegnologieontwerp-betrokkenheidsteorie van TAM en Baroudi, is voorgestel. Strukturele gelykstellingsmodellering (SEM) met lantente konstruksie is aangewend. Die metingsmodel is eers bereken en die kovariansiematriks tussen veranderlikes het gedien as inset om die strukturele koëffisiënte tussen konstrukte te bereken. Die studie se data is ingesamel deur middel van ’n gestruktureerde vraelysopname, met ’n waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming van 420 digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse. Daar is ook ’n fokusgroep met kundiges in die bankwese gehou om die bevindings te oorweeg. Die studie se bevindings het die studiemodel se vermoë om die gewilligheid te bepaal van digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik empiries bevestig. Latente konstrukte onder oorweging het medeskepping van kliënte, bewustheid en bemagtiging, ontwerp, waargenome gebruiksgemak, bruikbaarheid, koste, houding, privaatheid en sekuriteit, en vertroue ingesluit. Die bevindings demonstreer dat ontwerp, houding, privaatheid en sekuriteit statisties beduidende determinante is van digitaal ongebankte pensionarisse se gewilligheid om elektroniese bankdienste te gebruik. Bestuursimplikasies en aanbevelings word voorsien in die aanbevelingshoofstuk.Business ManagementD. B. L. (Marketing

    Past, Present and Future of M-Banking Research: A Literature Review

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    Technology acceptance in internet banking: A generational perspective

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    The technology is up for grabs and it is pretty much shaping up as the future of services, communications and so on. Some people, as well as companies, tend to use it and mostly rely on it to perform their daily basis activities. Some don’t. With that being said it is important to acknowledge why are some generations and sectors so perfectly engaged with terms like internet banking, and other generations and sectors are so reluctant to its usage. This study provides a look at what are the main factors contributing to the generation’s Y and Z technology acceptance. And what’s the difference this acceptance can make in service sectors such as the banking sector. Through the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) Model the factors and benefits of technology will be put up to test. Generation Y and Z partake in an online survey that counted with 311 respondents to determine their technology intention and usage. The advantages and limitations of the proposed framework are also discussed.A tecnologia está pronta para ser utilizada e está praticamente a moldar-se como o futuro dos serviços, das comunicações e assim em diante. Algumas pessoas, bem como empresas, tendem a utilizá-la e, na sua maioria, confiam nela para realizar as suas atividades diárias. Algumas não o fazem. Dito isto, é importante reconhecer porque é que algumas gerações e setores estão tão perfeitamente envolvidos com termos como o Internet Banking, e outras gerações e setores estão tão relutantes à sua utilização. Este estudo fornece um olhar sobre quais são os principais fatores que contribuem para a aceitação da tecnologia da geração Y e Z. E qual a diferença que esta aceitação pode fazer em setores de serviços, tais como o setor bancário. Através do modelo UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) os fatores e benefícios da tecnologia serão postos à prova. As Geração Y e Z participam num inquérito online que conta com 311 inquiridos para determinar a sua intenção e utilização da tecnologia. As vantagens e limitações do estudo são também discutidas

    The impact on organisational performance as a result of investment in self-service technology within the South African financial services industry

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    The advent of self-service technology (SST) and the adoption thereof has occurred in many industries and sectors globally. The financial services and banking sector embraced the SST transformation and invested heavily into this channel including the South African industry. This study aims to understand the causal relationship between the investment into the SST channel and the impact it has on organisational performance within the South African context. This research exercise applied a single unit of analysis case study research strategy to examine the impact on the organisation's various performance criteria, namely profitability, productivity, cost efficiency and intangible benefits as a result of a SST investment strategy. Qualitative data was collected from interviews with key informants from the selected organisation and analysed thematically. The study adopted a theory based deductive approach using the DeLone and McLean model of IS success (2003) as its underlying research framework. The findings of this study deduced that with an appropriate investment strategy in SSTs, there would be a positive impact on the net benefits of the organisation with an explicit relationship dynamic. This study lends support to earlier studies of this nature, particularly with regard to the SST channel offering, as there is a lack of literature due to the evolution of perception and recency of this technology channel. The relationship dynamic aspects between the constructs of this study also contributes to the closing of gaps within the body of knowledge that exists. However it must be noted that these findings are based on a single unit of analysis case study research strategy which connotes limitations in terms of generalisations
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