8,770 research outputs found

    Public or private economies of knowledge: The economics of diffusion and appropriation of bioinformatics tools

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    The past three decades have witnessed a period of great turbulence in the economies of biological knowledge, during which there has been great uncertainty as to how and where boundaries could be drawn between public or private knowledge especially with regard to the explosive growth in biological databases and their related bioinformatic tools. This paper will focus on some of the key software tools developed in relation to bio-databases. It will argue that bioinformatic tools are particularly economically unstable, and that there is a continuing tension and competition between their public and private modes of production, appropriation, distribution, and use. The paper adopts an ?instituted economic process? approach, and in this paper will elaborate on processes of making knowledge public in the creation of ?public goods?. The question is one of continuously creating and sustaining new institutions of the commons. We believe this critical to an understanding of the division and interdependency between public and private economies of knowledge

    A review of domain adaptation without target labels

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    Domain adaptation has become a prominent problem setting in machine learning and related fields. This review asks the question: how can a classifier learn from a source domain and generalize to a target domain? We present a categorization of approaches, divided into, what we refer to as, sample-based, feature-based and inference-based methods. Sample-based methods focus on weighting individual observations during training based on their importance to the target domain. Feature-based methods revolve around on mapping, projecting and representing features such that a source classifier performs well on the target domain and inference-based methods incorporate adaptation into the parameter estimation procedure, for instance through constraints on the optimization procedure. Additionally, we review a number of conditions that allow for formulating bounds on the cross-domain generalization error. Our categorization highlights recurring ideas and raises questions important to further research.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Recovering complete and draft population genomes from metagenome datasets.

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    Assembly of metagenomic sequence data into microbial genomes is of fundamental value to improving our understanding of microbial ecology and metabolism by elucidating the functional potential of hard-to-culture microorganisms. Here, we provide a synthesis of available methods to bin metagenomic contigs into species-level groups and highlight how genetic diversity, sequencing depth, and coverage influence binning success. Despite the computational cost on application to deeply sequenced complex metagenomes (e.g., soil), covarying patterns of contig coverage across multiple datasets significantly improves the binning process. We also discuss and compare current genome validation methods and reveal how these methods tackle the problem of chimeric genome bins i.e., sequences from multiple species. Finally, we explore how population genome assembly can be used to uncover biogeographic trends and to characterize the effect of in situ functional constraints on the genome-wide evolution

    Distribution-Based Categorization of Classifier Transfer Learning

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    Transfer Learning (TL) aims to transfer knowledge acquired in one problem, the source problem, onto another problem, the target problem, dispensing with the bottom-up construction of the target model. Due to its relevance, TL has gained significant interest in the Machine Learning community since it paves the way to devise intelligent learning models that can easily be tailored to many different applications. As it is natural in a fast evolving area, a wide variety of TL methods, settings and nomenclature have been proposed so far. However, a wide range of works have been reporting different names for the same concepts. This concept and terminology mixture contribute however to obscure the TL field, hindering its proper consideration. In this paper we present a review of the literature on the majority of classification TL methods, and also a distribution-based categorization of TL with a common nomenclature suitable to classification problems. Under this perspective three main TL categories are presented, discussed and illustrated with examples

    Identifying statistical dependence in genomic sequences via mutual information estimates

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    Questions of understanding and quantifying the representation and amount of information in organisms have become a central part of biological research, as they potentially hold the key to fundamental advances. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of information-theoretic tools for the task of identifying segments of biomolecules (DNA or RNA) that are statistically correlated. We develop a precise and reliable methodology, based on the notion of mutual information, for finding and extracting statistical as well as structural dependencies. A simple threshold function is defined, and its use in quantifying the level of significance of dependencies between biological segments is explored. These tools are used in two specific applications. First, for the identification of correlations between different parts of the maize zmSRp32 gene. There, we find significant dependencies between the 5' untranslated region in zmSRp32 and its alternatively spliced exons. This observation may indicate the presence of as-yet unknown alternative splicing mechanisms or structural scaffolds. Second, using data from the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), we demonstrate that our approach is particularly well suited for the problem of discovering short tandem repeats, an application of importance in genetic profiling.Comment: Preliminary version. Final version in EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. See http://www.hindawi.com/journals/bsb

    Approximate Two-Party Privacy-Preserving String Matching with Linear Complexity

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    Consider two parties who want to compare their strings, e.g., genomes, but do not want to reveal them to each other. We present a system for privacy-preserving matching of strings, which differs from existing systems by providing a deterministic approximation instead of an exact distance. It is efficient (linear complexity), non-interactive and does not involve a third party which makes it particularly suitable for cloud computing. We extend our protocol, such that it mitigates iterated differential attacks proposed by Goodrich. Further an implementation of the system is evaluated and compared against current privacy-preserving string matching algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    MISSEL: a method to identify a large number of small species-specific genomic subsequences and its application to viruses classification

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    Continuous improvements in next generation sequencing technologies led to ever-increasing collections of genomic sequences, which have not been easily characterized by biologists, and whose analysis requires huge computational effort. The classification of species emerged as one of the main applications of DNA analysis and has been addressed with several approaches, e.g., multiple alignments-, phylogenetic trees-, statistical- and character-based methods

    Training-free Measures Based on Algorithmic Probability Identify High Nucleosome Occupancy in DNA Sequences

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    We introduce and study a set of training-free methods of information-theoretic and algorithmic complexity nature applied to DNA sequences to identify their potential capabilities to determine nucleosomal binding sites. We test our measures on well-studied genomic sequences of different sizes drawn from different sources. The measures reveal the known in vivo versus in vitro predictive discrepancies and uncover their potential to pinpoint (high) nucleosome occupancy. We explore different possible signals within and beyond the nucleosome length and find that complexity indices are informative of nucleosome occupancy. We compare against the gold standard (Kaplan model) and find similar and complementary results with the main difference that our sequence complexity approach. For example, for high occupancy, complexity-based scores outperform the Kaplan model for predicting binding representing a significant advancement in predicting the highest nucleosome occupancy following a training-free approach.Comment: 8 pages main text (4 figures), 12 total with Supplementary (1 figure