5 research outputs found

    An improved real hybrid genetic algorithm

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    Želeći riješiti problem prerane konvergencije genetskog algoritma i algoritma roja čestica, kako bi se omogućilo da te dvije metode konvergiraju ka globalnom optimalnom rješenju uz najveću vjerojatnoću te da se poboljša učinkovitost algoritma, u članku će se kombinirati poboljšani genetski algoritam s metodom poboljšane optimalizacije roja čestica da bi se sastavio miješani poboljšani algoritam. Uz različite referentne funkcije upotrjebljene za testiranje funkcioniranja stvarno hibridnog genetskog algoritma, rezultati pokazuju da hibridni algoritam ima dobru globalnu sposobnost pretraživanja, brzu konvergenciju, dobru kvalitetu rješenja i dobru performansu rezultata optimalizacije.Aiming at the problem of premature convergence of genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm, in order to let the two methods converge to the global optimal solution with the greatest probability and improve the efficiency of the algorithm, the paper will combine improved genetic algorithm with improved particle swarm optimization method to constitute mixed improved algorithm. Through multiple benchmark function used to test the performance of real hybrid genetic algorithm, the results show that hybrid algorithm has good global search ability, fast convergence, good quality of the solution, and good robust performance of its optimization results

    Development of Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of sensor nodes with limited processing capability and limited nonrechargeable battery power. Energy consumption in WSN is a significant issue in networks for improving network lifetime. It is essential to develop an energy aware clustering protocol in WSN to reduce energy consumption for increasing network lifetime. In this paper, a neuro-fuzzy energy aware clustering scheme (NFEACS) is proposed to form optimum and energy aware clusters. NFEACS consists of two parts: fuzzy subsystem and neural network system that achieved energy efficiency in forming clusters and cluster heads in WSN. NFEACS used neural network that provides effective training set related to energy and received signal strength of all nodes to estimate the expected energy for tentative cluster heads. Sensor nodes with higher energy are trained with center location of base station to select energy aware cluster heads. Fuzzy rule is used in fuzzy logic part that inputs to form clusters. NFEACS is designed for WSN handling mobility of node. The proposed scheme NFEACS is compared with related clustering schemes, cluster-head election mechanism using fuzzy logic, and energy aware fuzzy unequal clustering. The experiment results show that NFEACS performs better than the other related schemes