5 research outputs found

    i-dashboard: Real-time decision support for manufacturing industry

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    Purpose - Decision support tool is becoming an important tool to assist decision maker in making good business decision.An accurate decision support is the main business measurement and benchmarking where it technically assists a corporate organization to gain competitive advantage.Most often, the business operation data are collected daily and recorded in MS Office files in silos and not integrated.Therefore, data across multiple departments were unable to be made available in a timely manner.Due to this reason, there is a need for such data management system that contains integrated data with the ability to assist fast and appropriate decision making with an aid of visual graphical information. In this study, i-Dasboard is applied to a selected manufacturing industry, aims to assist a General Manager to make a decision based on the online information provided by the relevant departments prior to approving a request from the clients. Dashboard can be easily delivered to assist the user in decision making (Abdul Rahman, Bena Adamu & Harun, 2017).It is a tool that organizes the presentation of information in a way that is easy to be interpreted (Chowdhary et al., 2005) and allows data to be exported into other formats.In some cases, it also provides online analytical processing that enables multi-dimensional analytical queries, encompasses relational database report writing and data mining. Following Karami et al. (2013), and Siraj and Shadan (2015), different dashboard views have been designed for users based on their roles in the organization.For example, Siraj and Shadan (2015) proposed a dashboard application design that provides a singlescreen display of relevant information such as the phone performance and coin collection reports, as well as generating revenue to enable faster and more effective decision making.Visualization is a technique for a dashboard to connect the user in the information processing experience.According to Few (2006), dashboard is the most important visual display that should be good in delivering information at first glance

    A Clinical Dashboard to Reduce Missed Opportunities to Measure Dialysis Adequacy

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    In the local department, pre-pilot dialysis adequacy data was housed in a spreadsheet with manually entered, month-old data, inaccessible to clinic staff. The inoperability of the local QAPI workbook and EHR as well as data inaccessibility to staff resulted in missed opportunities to measure Kt/V. Based on the synthesis of evidence, dashboards have been utilized in a variety of interdisciplinary clinical settings with positive outcomes in addressing patient care gaps. The purpose of this pilot was to implement the Epic Dashboard that displays automated, real-time quality metric data to reduce missed opportunities to measure Kt/V in the outpatient HD setting. To evaluate dashboard efficacy, the proportion of missed opportunities to measure Kt/V three months pre-implementation was compared to the proportion of missed opportunities three months post-implementation; results did not show a statistically significant difference in missed opportunities to measure Kt/V. Counterbalance surveys to assess perceived impact by local staff yielded themes of sufficient education, dashboard ease of use, and enhanced ability to impact patient outcomes. The results of this QI pilot demonstrated the need for further research to better understand the development, utilization, and associated benefits of data dashboard integration in the clinical setting

    Nurses’ Perceived Comparative Usefulness between an Icon-based Electronic Clinical Dashboard and an Integrated Clinical System

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2019. Major: Nursing. Advisor: Connie White Delaney. 1 computer file (PDF); viii, 113 pages.Nurses place a high value on spending as much time as possible directly caring for patients. Optimizing the health system to allow nurses adequate patient-centered time is essential for improved patient experiences, improved health of populations, reducing the overall cost of healthcare, and improving the work life of health care clinicians and staff. As nurses are asked repeatedly to do more with less in a constantly changing and demanding work environment, it will be essential that technology is viewed by nurses as a partner. Pivotal to a successful integration of the technology is understanding nurses’ intentions to use the technology within their practice. The purpose of this research is to compare nurses’ perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), and workload burden for the Integrated Clinical System (ICS) and the icon-based electronic clinical dashboard system, INFUZE. The comparison of the nurses’ perceptions between the ICS and INFUZE, was conducted via a retrospective descriptive, comparative mixed-methods design using secondary data. Data from a private clinical database representing 189 registered nurses (RNs) practicing from September 2012 through December 2012 was used in the secondary data analysis. Data compared RNs’ perceptions of the current electronic health record (EHR) system and a home-grown (native) prototype called INFUZE. The dataset included quantitative measurement regarding usefulness, ease of use, and cognitive workload as measured by either a five-point (Technology Assessment Model [TAM]) or seven-point (NASA Task Load Index [TLX]) Likert scale. To complement and provide further insight, focus group data was also included and analyzed using a constant comparative and content analysis. The mixed-method design compared nurses’ perceptions of the availability of patient data between two systems and measured the need for timely access to pertinent patient data. New insights for clinical data use to support nurses were discovered. This descriptive, comparative mixed methods study compared nurses’ PU, PEU, and workload burden for the ICS and the icon-based electronic clinical dashboard system, INFUZE. The research approach used an extended conceptual framework, utilization the TAM and NASA TLX models and the inclusion of external variables of support resources, experience, demographics, and relevance to task. The secondary dataset included ICS (N=131) questionnaire data INFUZE (n=85) questionnaire data complete between September 19, 2012 and January 31, 2013. Transcripts of three voluntary focus groups were analyzed using content analysis methods to synthesize the feedback of 13 nurse participants. For PEU and PU, ICS was favored over INFUZE. For workload, INFUZE was favored over ICS. Focus group analysis revealed that there would be value in implementing an integrated dashboard interface if it is helpful in consuming actionable data rapidly; however, if it is not helpful, the interface would be irrelevant and/or burdensome. Furthermore, nurses considered the learning curve for new technology burdensome. In summary, the use of icons and/or dashboards tailored to the specific needs of nursing has potential to improve nurses’ experience, if the dashboard is a seamless part of the workflow and is integrated within existing technology. Further research is needed to understand human-computer interaction for specific interfaces in situ, toward the goal of developing an interface that is effective as an integrated and seamless companion to the core EHR

    Adaptive dashboard for IoT environments: application for senior residences

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    Les tableaux de bord sont de puissants outils électroniques qui peuvent fournir des informations exploitables et utiles pour une intervention rapide et une prise de décision éclairée. Ils peuvent être particulièrement bénéfiques pour favoriser un vieillissement en bonne santé en fournissant aux professionnels de la santé un aperçu en un coup d'œil des conditions du patient (par exemple, les personnes âgées). Alors que la population des personnes âgées augmente dans plusieurs pays, dont le Canada, un grand nombre d'entre eux seront forcés de déménager dans des résidences pour personnes âgées pour des raisons telles que la fragilité, la démence ou le sentiment de solitude. Cette population importante de personnes âgées augmentera la charge de travail des infirmières et des professionnels de la santé travaillant dans ces lieux, en raison du fait que les personnes âgées ont besoin de visites fréquentes et d'une surveillance en raison de leur état de santé. Ce problème a le potentiel de mettre plus de pression sur le système de santé déjà tendu dans les prochaines années. La pénurie d'infirmières et de main-d'œuvre rend la situation plus grave, en particulier dans les pays développés. Il faudrait donc prendre des initiatives pour soutenir les soignants de ces résidences. Le tableau de bord peut jouer un rôle clé pour aider les professionnels de la santé dans leurs tâches car il peut fournir des informations en un coup d'œil et en temps réel sur la situation actuelle. De nos jours, avec les progrès technologiques dans les dispositifs de détection et l'infrastructure IoT ainsi qu'un accès Internet élargi, la surveillance des patients à distance est devenue une option réalisable. Par ailleurs, en utilisant un tableau de bord, les professionnels de la santé peuvent visualiser les informations collectées à distance pour surveiller les personnes âgées vivant dans des résidences, ce qui fera gagner un temps considérable aux professionnels de la santé et les aidera à servir plus de patients. Cependant, il est important de considérer que les résidences pour personnes âgées accueillent généralement un grand nombre de résidents et les professionnels de la santé qui les desservent. Chaque professionnel de la santé est motivé par certains objectifs et exécute des tâches précises selon des priorités différentes. Cette différence change la façon dont chaque fournisseur de soins de santé utilisera le tableau de bord, car ils ont besoin d'informations qui les aident dans leurs tâches principales. Les informations qu'un groupe de professionnels de la santé trouve bénéfiques peuvent ne pas être utiles pour un autre groupe. Ainsi, la méthode de visualisation utilisée pour un individu peut ne pas être significative pour un autre. Par conséquence, les informations doivent être présentées de manière personnalisée et adaptée à un utilisateur ciblé. Il est important de souligner que la visualisation appropriée des informations dans les tableaux de bord est un facteur clé pour offrir une valeur réelle aux utilisateurs. Cette diversité de besoins, de préférences et de priorités doit être prise en compte tout au long de l'élaboration du tableau de bord. En raison de la diversité des rôles et des intérêts existant dans les résidences pour personnes âgées, et compte tenu du coût élevé du développement du tableau de bord, il est très difficile de développer des tableaux de bord séparés pour chaque partie. Cependant, les solutions existantes dans la littérature sont développées à l'aide de méthodes statiques et se concentrent sur la satisfaction des besoins d'un groupe particulier. Ces approches limitent les capacités des tableaux de bord existants à s'adapter aux besoins des différentes personnes. Dans cette étude, nous présentons AMI-Dash comme une tentative de réalisation d'une solution de tableau de bord qui permet une conception dynamique et une visualisation appropriée des informations pour plusieurs groupes. Notre solution vise à fournir les bonnes informations aux bonnes personnes en minimisant le temps nécessaire pour fournir un tableau de bord aux professionnels la santé, afin de les aider dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions en accédant à des informations exploitables. Nous avons également évalué notre solution sous deux aspects : l'évaluation de l'interaction homme-machine et l'évaluation technique. Le résultat de notre évaluation montre que la solution proposée peut satisfaire à la fois les exigences de l'utilisateur final et les exigences techniques tout en maintenant un haut niveau de satisfaction.Abstract: Dashboards are powerful electronic tools that can provide actionable insights for timely intervention and wise decision-making. They can be particularly beneficial to support healthy aging by providing healthcare professionals with at-a-glance overview of health conditions of patients (e.g., older adults). As the population of older adults is increasing in several countries including Canada, a large number of them will be forced to move to Senior Residences due to reasons like frailty, dementia or loneliness. This swelled senior population will increase the workload of nurses and health professionals working in these places, due to the fact that older adults need frequent visits and monitoring because of their health condition. This issue has the potential to put more pressure on the already stretched healthcare system in the next years. The situation is aggravated when it is coincided with the shortage of nurses and workforce especially in developed countries. Therefore, initiative should be taken to support healthcare professionals in these residences. Dashboard can play a key role to support healthcare professionals in their tasks as it can provide real-time information about the current situation in more helpful visualization form. Nowadays, with technological advancements in sensing devices and IoT infrastructure along with broadened internet access, remote patient monitoring has become a feasible option. By utilizing a dashboard, healthcare professionals can visualize information collected remotely to monitor patients/ older adults living in senior residences, which will save a considerable time of healthcare professionals and support them to serve more patients. However, it is important to consider that senior residences usually host a large number of older adults and healthcare professionals that serve them. Each healthcare professional is driven with certain goals, and they have different tasks and priorities. This difference, change how each healthcare professional will utilize the dashboard, as they need information that helps them in their main tasks. The information that a group of healthcare professionals find beneficial might not be useful for another group, and the visualization method used for an individual might not be meaningful for another. Therefore, information should be presented in a personalized way to the targeted user. It is important to emphasize that appropriate visualization of interesting information, in dashboards is a key factor to deliver real value to dashboard users. Due to the variety of roles and interests that exists in senior residences, and considering high development cost of a dashboard, developing separate dashboards for each party is not only difficult but also time consuming. Still, existing solutions in the literature are developed using static methods and they focused on satisfying the needs of a particular group in their domain. These approaches limited the capabilities of existing dashboards to adapt to the needs of different people. We argue that dashboard has to be tailored in order to address the diversity in needs, preferences and priorities of healthcare professionals. In this study we introduce AMI-Dash as an attempt to achieve a dashboard solution that allows dynamic design and information visualization. Our solution focused on providing the right information to the right people while minimizing the time required to deliver a dashboard to health professionals, so that supporting them in performing their duties by accessing timely and actionable information. We also evaluated our proposed solution from two aspects: Human-Computer Interaction Evaluation and Technical Evaluation. The result of our evaluation shows that proposed solution can satisfy both end-user and technical requirements while maintaining a high-level of satisfaction among users