44 research outputs found

    TopX : efficient and versatile top-k query processing for text, structured, and semistructured data

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    TopX is a top-k retrieval engine for text and XML data. Unlike Boolean engines, it stops query processing as soon as it can safely determine the k top-ranked result objects according to a monotonous score aggregation function with respect to a multidimensional query. The main contributions of the thesis unfold into four main points, confirmed by previous publications at international conferences or workshops: • Top-k query processing with probabilistic guarantees. • Index-access optimized top-k query processing. • Dynamic and self-tuning, incremental query expansion for top-k query processing. • Efficient support for ranked XML retrieval and full-text search. Our experiments demonstrate the viability and improved efficiency of our approach compared to existing related work for a broad variety of retrieval scenarios.TopX ist eine Top-k Suchmaschine für Text und XML Daten. Im Gegensatz zu Boole\u27; schen Suchmaschinen terminiert TopX die Anfragebearbeitung, sobald die k besten Ergebnisobjekte im Hinblick auf eine mehrdimensionale Anfrage gefunden wurden. Die Hauptbeiträge dieser Arbeit teilen sich in vier Schwerpunkte basierend auf vorherigen Veröffentlichungen bei internationalen Konferenzen oder Workshops: • Top-k Anfragebearbeitung mit probabilistischen Garantien. • Zugriffsoptimierte Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Dynamische und selbstoptimierende, inkrementelle Anfrageexpansion für Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Effiziente Unterstützung für XML-Anfragen und Volltextsuche. Unsere Experimente bestätigen die Vielseitigkeit und gesteigerte Effizienz unserer Verfahren gegenüber existierenden, führenden Ansätzen für eine weite Bandbreite von Anwendungen in der Informationssuche

    An Exponentiation Method for XML Element Retrieval

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    XML document is now widely used for modelling and storing structured documents. The structure is very rich and carries important information about contents and their relationships, for example, e-Commerce. XML data-centric collections require query terms allowing users to specify constraints on the document structure; mapping structure queries and assigning the weight are significant for the set of possibly relevant documents with respect to structural conditions. In this paper, we present an extension to the MEXIR search system that supports the combination of structural and content queries in the form of content-and-structure queries, which we call the Exponentiation function. It has been shown the structural information improve the effectiveness of the search system up to 52.60% over the baseline BM25 at MAP

    31. međunarodna konferencija Very Large Data Bases

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    Dana je vijest o održanoj 31. međunarodnoj konferenciji Very Large Data Bases