13 research outputs found

    An efficient projector-based passivity test for descriptor systems

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    An efficient passivity test based on canonical projector techniques is proposed for descriptor systems (DSs) widely encountered in circuit and system modeling. The test features a natural flow that first evaluates the index of a DS, followed by possible decoupling into its proper and improper subsystems. Explicit state-space formulations for respective subsystems are derived to facilitate further processing such as model order reduction and/or passivity enforcement. Efficient projector construction and a fast generalized Hamiltonian test for the proper-part passivity are also elaborated. Numerical examples then confirm the superiority of the proposed method over existing passivity tests for DSs based on linear matrix inequalities or skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencils. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A moment-matching scheme for the passivity-preserving model order reduction of indefinite descriptor systems with possible polynomial parts

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    Passivity-preserving model order reduction (MOR) of descriptor systems (DSs) is highly desired in the simulation of VLSI interconnects and on-chip passives. One popular method is PRIMA, a Krylov-subspace projection approach which preserves the passivity of positive semidefinite (PSD) structured DSs. However, system passivity is not guaranteed by PRIMA when the system is indefinite. Furthermore, the possible polynomial parts of singular systems are normally not captured. For indefinite DSs, positive-real balanced truncation (PRBT) can generate passive reduced-order models (ROMs), whose main bottleneck lies in solving the dual expensive generalized algebraic Riccati equations (GAREs). This paper presents a novel moment-matching MORfor indefinite DSs, which preserves both the system passivity and, if present, also the improper polynomial part. This method only requires solving one GARE, therefore it is cheaper than existing PRBT schemes. On the other hand, the proposed algorithm is capable of preserving the passivity of indefinite DSs, which is not guaranteed by traditional moment-matching MORs. Examples are finally presented showing that our method is superior to PRIMA in terms of accuracy. ©2011 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe 16th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2011), Yokohama, Japan, 25-28 January 2011. In Proceedings of the 16th ASP-DAC, 2011, p. 49-54, paper 1C-

    A Perturbation Scheme for Passivity Verification and Enforcement of Parameterized Macromodels

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    This paper presents an algorithm for checking and enforcing passivity of behavioral reduced-order macromodels of LTI systems, whose frequency-domain (scattering) responses depend on external parameters. Such models, which are typically extracted from sampled input-output responses obtained from numerical solution of first-principle physical models, usually expressed as Partial Differential Equations, prove extremely useful in design flows, since they allow optimization, what-if or sensitivity analyses, and design centering. Starting from an implicit parameterization of both poles and residues of the model, as resulting from well-known model identification schemes based on the Generalized Sanathanan-Koerner iteration, we construct a parameter-dependent Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian matrix pencil. The iterative extraction of purely imaginary eigenvalues ot fhe pencil, combined with an adaptive sampling scheme in the parameter space, is able to identify all regions in the frequency-parameter plane where local passivity violations occur. Then, a singular value perturbation scheme is setup to iteratively correct the model coefficients, until all local passivity violations are eliminated. The final result is a corrected model, which is uniformly passive throughout the parameter range. Several numerical examples denomstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology on 13-Apr-201

    Passivity check of S-Parameter descriptor systems via S-Parameter generalized hamiltonian methods

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    This paper extends the generalized Hamiltonian method (GHM) (Zhang , 2009; Zhang and Wong, 2010) and its half-size variant (HGHM) (Zhang and Wong, 2010) to their S-parameter counterparts (called S-GHM and S-HGHM, respectively), for testing the passivity of S-parameter descriptor-form models widely used in high-speed circuit and electromagnetic simulations. The proposed methods are capable of accurately detecting the possible nonpassive regions of descriptor-form models with either scattering or hybrid (impedance or admittance) transfer matrices. Their effectiveness and accuracy are verified with several practical examples. The S-GHM and S-HGHM methods presented here provide a foundation for the passivity enforcement of SS- parameter descriptor systems. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Simulation of electromagnetic descriptor models using projectors

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    Electromagnetic descriptor models are models which lead to differential algebraic equations (DAEs). Some of these models mostly arise from electric circuit and power networks. The most frequently used modeling technique in the electric network design is the modified nodal analysis (MNA) which leads to differential algebraic equations in descriptor form. DAEs are known to be very difficult to solve numerically due to the sensitivity of their solutions to perturbations. We use the tractability index to measure this sensitivity since it can be computed numerically. Simulation of DAEs is a very difficult task especially for those with index greater than one. To solve higher-index DAEs, one needs to use multistep methods such as Backward difference formulas (BDFs). In this paper, we present an easier method of solving DAEs numerically using special projectors. This is done by first splitting the DAE system into differential and algebraic parts. We then use the existing numerical integration methods to approximate the solutions of the differential part and the solutions of the algebraic parts are computed explicitly. The desired solution of the DAE system is obtained by taking the linear combination of the solutions of the differential and algebraic parts. Our method is robust and efficient, and can be used on both small and very large systems

    PEDS: Passivity enforcement for descriptor systems via Hamiltonian- symplectic matrix pencil perturbation

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    Passivity is a crucial property of macromodels to guarantee stable global (interconnected) simulation. However, weakly nonpassive models may be generated for passive circuits and systems in various contexts, such as data fitting, model order reduction (MOR) and electromagnetic (EM) macromodeling. Therefore, a post-processing passivity enforcement algorithm is desired. Most existing algorithms are designed to handle poleresidue models. The few algorithms for state space models only handle regular systems (RSs) with a nonsingular D+D T term. To the authors' best knowledge, no algorithm has been proposed to enforce passivity for more general descriptor systems (DSs) and state space models with singular D + D T terms. In this paper, a new post-processing passivity enforcement algorithm based on perturbation of Hamiltonian-symplectic matrix pencil, PEDS, is proposed. PEDS, for the first time, can enforce passivity for DSs. It can also handle all kinds of state space models (both RSs and DSs) with singular D + D T terms. Moreover, a criterion to control the error of perturbation is devised, with which the optimal passive models with the best accuracy can be obtained. Numerical examples then verify that PEDS is efficient, robust and relatively cheap for passivity enforcement of DSs with mild passivity violations. ©2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versionThe IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2010), San Jose, CA., 7-11 November 2010. In Proceedings of ICCAD, 2010, p. 800-80

    A practical regularization technique for modified nodal analysis in large-scale time-domain circuit simulation

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    Fast full-chip time-domain simulation calls for advanced numerical integration techniques with capability to handle the systems with (tens of) millions of variables resulting from the modified nodal analysis (MNA). General MNA formulation, however, leads to a differential algebraic equation (DAE) system with singular coefficient matrix, for which most of explicit methods, which usually offer better scalability than implicit methods, are not readily available. In this paper, we develop a practical two-stage strategy to remove the singularity in MNA equations of large-scale circuit networks. A topological index reduction is first applied to reduce the DAE index of the MNA equation to one. The index-1 system is then fed into a systematic process to eliminate excess variables in one run, which leads to a nonsingular system. The whole regularization process is devised with emphasis on exact equivalence, low complexity, and sparsity preservation, and is thus well suited to handle extremely large circuits. © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Uniformly Stable Parameterized Macromodeling through Positive Definite Basis Funtions

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    Reduced-order models are widely used to reduce the computational cost required by the numerical assessment of electrical performance during the design cycle of electronic circuits and systems. Although standard macromodeling algorithms can be considered to be well consolidated, the generation of macromodels that embed in a closed form some dependence on the design variables still presents considerable margins for improvement. One of these aspects is enforcement of uniform stability throughout the parameter space of interest. This paper proposes a novel parameterized macromodeling strategy, which enforces by construction that all macromodel poles are stable for any combination of possibly several independent design variables. The key enabling factor is adoption of positive definite multivariate basis functions for the representation of model variations induced by the parameters. This representation leads to robust model generation from tabulated frequency responses, at a computational cost that is dramatically reduced with respect to competing approaches. This result arises from a number of algebraic constraints for stability enforcement that depends on the model complexity (number of basis functions) and not on the model behavior as a function of the parameters. As a byproduct, the proposed strategy lends itself to much improved scaling with the dimension of parameter space, allowing to circumvent the curse of dimensionality that may occur when the number of independent parameters grows beyond few units. To this end, we exploit representations based on positive definite radial basis functions. The benefits of the proposed approach are demonstrated through an extensive experimental campaign applied to both passive and active devices and components, comparing the performance of different model parameterizations in terms of accuracy, time requirements and model compactness

    Enforcing passivity of parameterized LTI macromodels via Hamiltonian-driven multivariate adaptive sampling

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    We present an algorithm for passivity verification and enforcement of multivariate macromodels whose state-space matrices depend in closed form on a set of external or design parameters. Uniform passivity throughout the parameter space is a fundamental requirement of parameterized macromodels of physically passive structures, that must be guaranteed during model generation. Otherwise, numerical instabilities may occur, due to the ability of non-passive models to generate energy. In this work, we propose the first available algorithm that, starting from a generic parameter-depedent state-space model, identifies the regions in the frequency-parameter space where the model behaves locally as a non-passive system. The approach we pursue is based on an adaptive sampling scheme in the parameter space, which iteratively constructs and perturbs the eigenvalue spectrum of suitable Skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian (SHH) pencils, with the objective of identifying the regions where some of these eigenvalues become purely imaginary, thus pinpointing local passivity violations. The proposed scheme is able to detect all relevant violations. An outer iterative perturbation method is then applied to the model coefficients in order to remove such violations and achieve uniform passivity. Although a formal proof of global convergence is not available, the effectiveness of the proposed implementation of the passivity verification and enforcement schemes is demonstrated on several examples