30,259 research outputs found

    Localized Feature Selection For Unsupervised Learning

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    Clustering is the unsupervised classification of data objects into different groups (clusters) such that objects in one group are similar together and dissimilar from another group. Feature selection for unsupervised learning is a technique that chooses the best feature subset for clustering. In general, unsupervised feature selection algorithms conduct feature selection in a global sense by producing a common feature subset for all the clusters. This, however, can be invalid in clustering practice, where the local intrinsic property of data matters more, which implies that localized feature selection is more desirable. In this dissertation, we focus on cluster-wise feature selection for unsupervised learning. We first propose a Cross-Projection method to achieve localized feature selection. The proposed algorithm computes adjusted and normalized scatter separability for individual clusters. A sequential backward search is then applied to find the optimal (perhaps local) feature subsets for each cluster. Our experimental results show the need for feature selection in clustering and the benefits of selecting features locally. We also present another approach based on Maximal Likelihood with Gaussian mixture. We introduce a probabilistic model based on Gaussian mixture. The feature relevance for an individual cluster is treated as a probability, which is represented by localized feature saliency and estimated through Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm during the clustering process. In addition, the number of clusters is determined by integrating a Minimum Message Length (MML) criterion. Experiments carried out on both synthetic and real-world datasets illustrate the performance of the approach in finding embedded clusters. Another novel approach based on Bayesian framework is successfully implemented. We place prior distributions over the parameters of the Gaussian mixture model, and maximize the marginal log-likelihood given mixing co-efficient and feature saliency. The parameters are estimated by Bayesian Variational Learning. This approach computes the feature saliency for each cluster, and detects the number of clusters simultaneously

    Copula models in machine learning

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    The introduction of copulas, which allow separating the dependence structure of a multivariate distribution from its marginal behaviour, was a major advance in dependence modelling. Copulas brought new theoretical insights to the concept of dependence and enabled the construction of a variety of new multivariate distributions. Despite their popularity in statistics and financial modelling, copulas have remained largely unknown in the machine learning community until recently. This thesis investigates the use of copula models, in particular Gaussian copulas, for solving various machine learning problems and makes contributions in the domains of dependence detection between datasets, compression based on side information, and variable selection. Our first contribution is the introduction of a copula mixture model to perform dependency-seeking clustering for co-occurring samples from different data sources. The model takes advantage of the great flexibility offered by the copula framework to extend mixtures of Canonical Correlation Analyzers to multivariate data with arbitrary continuous marginal densities. We formulate our model as a non-parametric Bayesian mixture and provide an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo inference algorithm for it. Experiments on real and synthetic data demonstrate that the increased flexibility of the copula mixture significantly improves the quality of the clustering and the interpretability of the results. The second contribution is a reformulation of the information bottleneck (IB) problem in terms of a copula, using the equivalence between mutual information and negative copula entropy. Focusing on the Gaussian copula, we extend the analytical IB solution available for the multivariate Gaussian case to meta-Gaussian distributions which retain a Gaussian dependence structure but allow arbitrary marginal densities. The resulting approach extends the range of applicability of IB to non-Gaussian continuous data and is less sensitive to outliers than the original IB formulation. Our third and final contribution is the development of a novel sparse compression technique based on the information bottleneck (IB) principle, which takes into account side information. We achieve this by introducing a sparse variant of IB that compresses the data by preserving the information in only a few selected input dimensions. By assuming a Gaussian copula we can capture arbitrary non-Gaussian marginals, continuous or discrete. We use our model to select a subset of biomarkers relevant to the evolution of malignant melanoma and show that our sparse selection provides reliable predictors
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