1,105 research outputs found

    Validating Network Value of Influencers by means of Explanations

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    Recently, there has been significant interest in social influence analysis. One of the central problems in this area is the problem of identifying influencers, such that by convincing these users to perform a certain action (like buying a new product), a large number of other users get influenced to follow the action. The client of such an application is a marketer who would target these influencers for marketing a given new product, say by providing free samples or discounts. It is natural that before committing resources for targeting an influencer the marketer would be interested in validating the influence (or network value) of influencers returned. This requires digging deeper into such analytical questions as: who are their followers, on what actions (or products) they are influential, etc. However, the current approaches to identifying influencers largely work as a black box in this respect. The goal of this paper is to open up the black box, address these questions and provide informative and crisp explanations for validating the network value of influencers. We formulate the problem of providing explanations (called PROXI) as a discrete optimization problem of feature selection. We show that PROXI is not only NP-hard to solve exactly, it is NP-hard to approximate within any reasonable factor. Nevertheless, we show interesting properties of the objective function and develop an intuitive greedy heuristic. We perform detailed experimental analysis on two real world datasets - Twitter and Flixster, and show that our approach is useful in generating concise and insightful explanations of the influence distribution of users and that our greedy algorithm is effective and efficient with respect to several baselines

    Social network analytics and visualization: Dynamic topic-based influence analysis in evolving micro-blogs

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    Influence Analysis is one of the well-known areas of Social Network Analysis. However, discovering influencers from micro-blog networks based on topics has gained recent popularity due to its specificity. Besides, these data networks are massive, continuous and evolving. Therefore, to address the above challenges we propose a dynamic framework for topic modelling and identifying influencers in the same process. It incorporates dynamic sampling, community detection and network statistics over graph data stream from a social media activity management application. Further, we compare the graph measures against each other empirically and observe that there is no evidence of correlation between the sets of users having large number of friends and the users whose posts achieve high acceptance (i.e., highly liked, commented and shared posts). Therefore, we propose a novel approach that incorporates a user's reachability and also acceptability by other users. Consequently, we improve on graph metrics by including a dynamic acceptance score (integrating content quality with network structure) for ranking influencers in micro-blogs. Additionally, we analysed the topic clusters' structure and quality with empirical experiments and visualization.Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: UIDB/50014/202

    Influence Analysis for Online Social Networks

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    From past to present: spam detection and identifying opinion leaders in social networks

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    On microblogging sites, which are gaining more and more users every day, a wide range of ideas are quickly emerging, spreading, and creating interactive environments. In some cases, in Turkey as well as in the rest of the world, it was noticed that events were published on microblogging sites before appearing in visual, audio and printed news sources. Thanks to the rapid flow of information in social networks, it can reach millions of people in seconds. In this context, social media can be seen as one of the most important sources of information affecting public opinion. Since the information in social networks became accessible, research started to be conducted using the information on the social networks. While the studies about spam detection and identification of opinion leaders gained popularity, surveys about these topics began to be published. This study also shows the importance of spam detection and identification of opinion leaders in social networks. It is seen that the data collected from social platforms, especially in recent years, has sourced many state-of-art applications. There are independent surveys that focus on filtering the spam content and detecting influencers on social networks. This survey analyzes both spam detection studies and opinion leader identification and categorizes these studies by their methodologies. As far as we know there is no survey that contains approaches for both spam detection and opinion leader identification in social networks. This survey contains an overview of the past and recent advances in both spam detection and opinion leader identification studies in social networks. Furthermore, readers of this survey have the opportunity of understanding general aspects of different studies about spam detection and opinion leader identification while observing key points and comparisons of these studies.This work is supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through grant number 118E315 and grant number 120E187. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of TUBITAK.Publisher's VersionEmerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)Q4WOS:00080858480001

    Influence Detection And Spread Estimation in Social Networks

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    A social network is an online platform, where people communicate and share information with each other. Popular social network features, which make them di erent from traditional communication platforms, are: following a user, re-tweeting a post, liking and commenting on a post etc. Many companies use various social networking platforms extensively as a medium for marketing their products. A xed amount of budget is alloted by the companies to maximize the positive in uence of their product. Every social network consists of a set of users (people) with connections between them. Each user has the potential to extend its in uence across this network. The amount of in uence propagated by some users is larger as compared to others. Companies, given a xed budget, target this subset of users to attain maximum in uence spread. We can model this as an in uence maximization problem. This subset of users then in uence the behavior or choices of other users by methods like word of mouth, actions etc. through an in uence propagation across the network. The aim of this project is to compare di erent known and new proposed algorithms for the in uence maximization problem. We measure the e ciency of each algorithm based on the number of vertices in uenced by the initial set of in uencers. In addition, a comparison of computation time required for each algorithm is done using various synthetic random graphs and real world social network datasets