249 research outputs found

    Incremental complexity of a bi-objective hypergraph transversal problem

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    The hypergraph transversal problem has been intensively studied, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. In particular , its incremental complexity is known to be quasi-polynomial in general and polynomial for bounded hypergraphs. Recent applications in computational biology however require to solve a generalization of this problem, that we call bi-objective transversal problem. The instance is in this case composed of a pair of hypergraphs (A, B), and the aim is to find minimal sets which hit all the hyperedges of A while intersecting a minimal set of hyperedges of B. In this paper, we formalize this problem, link it to a problem on monotone boolean ∧\land -- √\lor formulae of depth 3 and study its incremental complexity

    Efficient enumeration of solutions produced by closure operations

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    In this paper we address the problem of generating all elements obtained by the saturation of an initial set by some operations. More precisely, we prove that we can generate the closure of a boolean relation (a set of boolean vectors) by polymorphisms with a polynomial delay. Therefore we can compute with polynomial delay the closure of a family of sets by any set of "set operations": union, intersection, symmetric difference, subsets, supersets 
\dots). To do so, we study the MembershipFMembership_{\mathcal{F}} problem: for a set of operations F\mathcal{F}, decide whether an element belongs to the closure by F\mathcal{F} of a family of elements. In the boolean case, we prove that MembershipFMembership_{\mathcal{F}} is in P for any set of boolean operations F\mathcal{F}. When the input vectors are over a domain larger than two elements, we prove that the generic enumeration method fails, since MembershipFMembership_{\mathcal{F}} is NP-hard for some F\mathcal{F}. We also study the problem of generating minimal or maximal elements of closures and prove that some of them are related to well known enumeration problems such as the enumeration of the circuits of a matroid or the enumeration of maximal independent sets of a hypergraph. This article improves on previous works of the same authors.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. Long version of the article arXiv:1509.05623 of the same name which appeared in STACS 2016. Final version for DMTCS journa

    Minimal dominating sets enumeration with FPT-delay parameterized by the degeneracy and maximum degree

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    At STOC 2002, Eiter, Gottlob, and Makino presented a technique called ordered generation that yields an nO(d)n^{O(d)}-delay algorithm listing all minimal transversals of an nn-vertex hypergraph of degeneracy dd. Recently at IWOCA 2019, Conte, Kant\'e, Marino, and Uno asked whether this XP-delay algorithm parameterized by dd could be made FPT-delay parameterized by dd and the maximum degree Δ\Delta, i.e., an algorithm with delay f(d,Δ)⋅nO(1)f(d,\Delta)\cdot n^{O(1)} for some computable function ff. Moreover, as a first step toward answering that question, they note that the same delay is open for the intimately related problem of listing all minimal dominating sets in graphs. In this paper, we answer the latter question in the affirmative.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Efficiently Enumerating Hitting Sets of Hypergraphs Arising in Data Profiling

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    We devise an enumeration method for inclusion-wise minimal hitting sets in hypergraphs. It has delay O(mk* +1 · n2) and uses linear space. Hereby, n is the number of vertices, m the number of hyperedges, and k* the rank of the transversal hypergraph. In particular, on classes of hypergraphs for which the cardinality k* of the largest minimal hitting set is bounded, the delay is polynomial. The algorithm solves the extension problem for minimal hitting sets as a subroutine. We show that the extension problem is W[3]-complete when parameterised by the cardinality of the set which is to be extended. For the subroutine, we give an algorithm that is optimal under the exponential time hypothesis. Despite these lower bounds, we provide empirical evidence showing that the enumeration outperforms the theoretical worst-case guarantee on hypergraphs arising in the profiling of relational databases, namely, in the detection of unique column combinations

    Generating vertices of polyhedra and related problems of monotone generation

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    Dually conformal hypergraphs

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    Given a hypergraph H\mathcal{H}, the dual hypergraph of H\mathcal{H} is the hypergraph of all minimal transversals of H\mathcal{H}. The dual hypergraph is always Sperner, that is, no hyperedge contains another. A special case of Sperner hypergraphs are the conformal Sperner hypergraphs, which correspond to the families of maximal cliques of graphs. All these notions play an important role in many fields of mathematics and computer science, including combinatorics, algebra, database theory, etc. In this paper we study conformality of dual hypergraphs. While we do not settle the computational complexity status of recognizing this property, we show that the problem is in co-NP and can be solved in polynomial time for hypergraphs of bounded dimension. In the special case of dimension 33, we reduce the problem to 22-Satisfiability. Our approach has an implication in algorithmic graph theory: we obtain a polynomial-time algorithm for recognizing graphs in which all minimal transversals of maximal cliques have size at most kk, for any fixed kk

    Enumerating Vertices of 0/1-Polyhedra associated with 0/1-Totally Unimodular Matrices

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    We give an incremental polynomial time algorithm for enumerating the vertices of any polyhedron P=P(A,1_)={x in R^n | Ax >= 1_, x >= 0_}, when A is a totally unimodular matrix. Our algorithm is based on decomposing the hypergraph transversal problem for unimodular hypergraphs using Seymour\u27s decomposition of totally unimodular matrices, and may be of independent interest
