530 research outputs found

    An efficient imaging algorithm for GNSS-R bi-static SAR

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    Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) based Bi-static Synthetic Aperture Radar (BSAR) is becoming more and more important in remote sensing, given its low power, low mass, low cost, and real-time global coverage capability. Due to its complex configuration, the imaging for GNSS-R BSAR is usually based on the Back-Projection Algorithm (BPA), which is very time consuming. In this paper, an efficient and general imaging algorithm for GNSS-R BSAR is presented. A Two Step Range Cell Migration (TSRCM) correction is firstly applied. The first step roughly compensates the RCM and Doppler phase caused by the motion of the transmitter, which simplifies the SAR data into the quasi-mono-static case. The second step removes the residual RCM caused by the motion of the receiver using the modified frequency scaling algorithm. Then, a cubic phase perturbation operation is introduced to equalize the Doppler frequency modulation rate along the same range cell. Finally, azimuth phase compensation and geometric correction are completed to obtain the focused SAR image. A simulation and experiment are conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm, showing that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the BPA, without causing significant degradation in imaging quality

    Moving target detection in multi-static GNSS-based passive radar based on multi-Bernoulli filter

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    Over the past few years, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based passive radar (GBPR) has attracted more and more attention and has developed very quickly. However, the low power level of GNSS signal limits its application. To enhance the ability of moving target detection, a multi-static GBPR (MsGBPR) system is considered in this paper, and a modified iterated-corrector multi-Bernoulli (ICMB) filter is also proposed. The likelihood ratio model of the MsGBPR with range-Doppler map is first presented. Then, a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) online estimation method is proposed, which can estimate the fluctuating and unknown map SNR effectively. After that, a modified ICMB filter and its sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) implementation are proposed, which can update all measurements from multi-transmitters in the optimum order (ascending order). Moreover, based on the proposed method, a moving target detecting framework using MsGBPR data is also presented. Finally, performance of the proposed method is demonstrated by numerical simulations and preliminary experimental results, and it is shown that the position and velocity of the moving target can be estimated accuratel

    A generic level 1 simulator for spaceborne GNSS-R missions and application to GEROS-ISS ocean reflectometry

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In the past decade Global Navigation Satellites System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) has emerged as a new technique for earth remote sensing for various applications, such as ocean altimetry and sea state monitoring. After the success of the GNSS-R demonstrator payloads aboard the UK-DMC or TDS-1 satellites; at present, there are several missions planned to carry GNSS reflectometers. The GNSS rEflectometry, Radio Occultation, and Scatterometry onboard International Space Station (GEROS-ISS) is an innovative ISS experiment exploiting GNSS-R technique to measure key parameters of ocean, land, and ice surfaces. For GEROS-ISS mission, the European Space Agency (ESA) supported the study of GNSS-R assessment of requirements and consolidation of retrieval algorithms (GARCA). For this, it was required to accurately simulate the GEROS-ISS measurements including the whole range of parameters affecting the observation conditions and the instrument, which is called GEROS-SIM. To meet these requirements, the PAU/PARIS end-to-end performance simulator (P2^{2}EPS) previously developed by UPC BarcelonaTech was used as the baseline building blocks for the level 1 (L1) processor of GEROS-SIM. P2^{2}EPS is a flexible tool, and is capable of systematically simulating the GNSS-R observations for spaceborne GNSS-R missions. Thanks to the completeness and flexibility, the instrument-to-L1 data module of GEROS-SIM could be implemented by proper modification and update of P2^{2}EPS. The developed GEROS-SIM was verified and validated in the GARCA study as comparing to the TDS-1 measurements. This paper presents the design, implementation, and results of the GEROS-SIM L1 module in a generic way to be applied to GNSS-R instruments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Overview of the International Radar Symposium Best Papers, 2019, Ulm, Germany

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    Active and Passive Multi-Sensor Radar Imaging Techniques Exploiting Spatial Diversity

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    The work here presented reports several innovative SAR and ISAR radar imaging techniques exploiting the spatial diversity offered by multi-sensor systems in order to improve the performance with respect to the conventional, single channel cases. Both the cases of dedicated transmitters and exploitation of opportunity transmitters are considered

    Active and Passive Multi-Sensor Radar Imaging Techniques Exploiting Spatial Diversity

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    The work here presented reports several innovative SAR and ISAR radar imaging techniques exploiting the spatial diversity offered by multi-sensor systems in order to improve the performance with respect to the conventional, single channel cases. Both the cases of dedicated transmitters and exploitation of opportunity transmitters are considered

    GNSS transpolar earth reflectometry exploriNg system (G-TERN): mission concept

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    The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Transpolar Earth Reflectometry exploriNg system (G-TERN) was proposed in response to ESA's Earth Explorer 9 revised call by a team of 33 multi-disciplinary scientists. The primary objective of the mission is to quantify at high spatio-temporal resolution crucial characteristics, processes and interactions between sea ice, and other Earth system components in order to advance the understanding and prediction of climate change and its impacts on the environment and society. The objective is articulated through three key questions. 1) In a rapidly changing Arctic regime and under the resilient Antarctic sea ice trend, how will highly dynamic forcings and couplings between the various components of the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere modify or influence the processes governing the characteristics of the sea ice cover (ice production, growth, deformation, and melt)? 2) What are the impacts of extreme events and feedback mechanisms on sea ice evolution? 3) What are the effects of the cryosphere behaviors, either rapidly changing or resiliently stable, on the global oceanic and atmospheric circulation and mid-latitude extreme events? To contribute answering these questions, G-TERN will measure key parameters of the sea ice, the oceans, and the atmosphere with frequent and dense coverage over polar areas, becoming a “dynamic mapper”of the ice conditions, the ice production, and the loss in multiple time and space scales, and surrounding environment. Over polar areas, the G-TERN will measure sea ice surface elevation (<;10 cm precision), roughness, and polarimetry aspects at 30-km resolution and 3-days full coverage. G-TERN will implement the interferometric GNSS reflectometry concept, from a single satellite in near-polar orbit with capability for 12 simultaneous observations. Unlike currently orbiting GNSS reflectometry missions, the G-TERN uses the full GNSS available bandwidth to improve its ranging measurements. The lifetime would be 2025-2030 or optimally 2025-2035, covering key stages of the transition toward a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. This paper describes the mission objectives, it reviews its measurement techniques, summarizes the suggested implementation, and finally, it estimates the expected performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Monitoring of critical infrastructures by micro-motion estimation : the Mosul dam destabilization

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    In this paper, authors propose a new procedure to provide a tool for monitoring critical infrastructures. Particularly, through the analysis of COSMO-SkyMed satellite data, a detailed and updated survey is provided, for monitoring the accelerating destabilization process of the Mosul dam, that represents the largest hydraulic facility of Iraq and is located on the Tigris river. The destructive potential of the wave that would be generated, in the event of the dam destruction, could have serious consequences. If the concern for human lives comes first, the concern for cultural heritage protection is not negligible, since several archaeological sites are located around the Mosul dam. The proposed procedure is an in-depth modal assessment based on the micro-motion estimation, through a Doppler sub-apertures tracking and a Multi-Chromatic Analysis (MCA). The method is based initially on the Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) that is also discussed for completeness and validation. The modal analysis has detected the presence of several areas of resonance that could mean the presence of cracks, and the results have shown that the dam is still in a strong destabilization. Moreover, the dam appears to be divided into two parts: the northern part is accelerating rapidly while the southern part is decelerating and a main crack in this north-south junction is found. The estimated velocities through the PS-InSAR technique show a good agreement with the GNSS in-situ measurements, resulting in a very high correlation coefficient and showing how the proposed procedure works efficiently
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