5 research outputs found

    Побудова та статистичний аналіз ГПВЧ на основі фракталів

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    У даній роботі розглянута проблема необхідності випадкових чисел у сучасних галузях, що використовують прикладну математику. Дана робота є дослідженням нових методів для постійного генерування псевдовипадкових послідовностей довільної довжини. Методи, розглянуті у роботі передбачають можливість генерування дихотомічних псевдовипадкових за допомогою побудов фрактальних структур. Одними з головних об’єктів дослідження є фрактали. В ході роботи будуть запропоновані їх нові прикладні значення, розглянуті різні методи взаємодії з ними, підходи до їх програмної реалізації. Актуальність даної теми пов’язана з великим попитом на генератори псевдовипадкових чисел, які відповідають загальновизнаним стандартам, таким як NIST, тести Diehard, частотним перевіркам та багатьом іншим. Попит викликаний широким спектром застосування псевдовипадкових вибірок у найрізноманітніших сферах, таких як Методи Монте-Карло, криптографія, імітаційне моделювання, тощо.This paper considers the problem of the need for random numbers in modern fields using applied mathematics. This work is a study of new methods for the constant generation of pseudo-random sequences of arbitrary length. The methods considered in this work provide for the possibility of generating dichotomous pseudorandom by constructing fractal structures. Fractals are one of the main objects of research. In the course of work their new applied values ​​will be offered, various methods of interaction with them, approaches to their program realization will be considered. The relevance of this topic is due to the great demand for pseudo-random number generators that meet generally accepted standards, such as NIST, Diehard tests, frequency checks and many others. Demand is caused by a wide range of applications of pseudo-random samples in various fields, such as Monte Carlo methods, cryptography, simulation, etc

    Retail Inventory Control Strategies

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    Despite using computerized merchandise control systems in retail, the rate of stockouts has remained stagnant. The inability to satisfy customer needs has caused a loss of 4% in potential revenue and resulted in dissatisfied customers. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore cost-effective inventory control strategies used by discount retail managers. The conceptual framework that grounded the study was chaos theory, which helped identify why some business leaders rely on forecasting techniques or other cost-effective strategies as an attempt to prevent stockouts. The target population was comprised of discount retail managers located throughout northeast Jacksonville, Florida. Purposeful sampling led to selecting 6 retail managers who successfully demonstrated cost-effective inventory control strategies for mitigating stockouts. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews, company websites, and company documents. Analysis included using nodes to identify similar words and axial-coding to categorize the nodes into themes. Transcript evaluation, member checking, and methodological triangulation strengthened the credibility of the findings. Five themes emerged: (a) internal stockout reduction strategies, (b) external stockout reduction strategies, (c) replenishment system strategies, (d) inventory optimization strategies, and (e) best practices for inventory control. This study may contribute to positive social change by improving inventory management, which may reduce demand fluctuations in the supply chain and reduce logistics costs in the transportation of freight thereby leading to improved customer satisfaction

    Revenue Losses: Exploring Strategies Required by Managers to Inhibit Movie Piracy

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    The piracy of movie products resulted in 72,000 lost jobs and $4.5 billion in lost wages to the United States economy in 2012. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore what strategies movie corporation managers use to inhibit piracy of movie products to achieve profitability. The sample consisted of 6 movie industry managers who managed movie corporations for not less than 5 years in New York City. The conceptual framework for this study was based on the general systems theory. Data were collected through face-to-face semistructured interviews. Transcript review and member checking were used to ensure credibility and trustworthiness of the interpretation of participants\u27 responses. The 3 major themes that emerged in the study include the perceived effects of movie industry managers\u27 marketing management strategies, legal management strategies, and customer management strategies for inhibiting product piracy. Findings from this study contribute to social change by indicating strategies that other movie industry managers may use to prevent piracy of product, sustain business, and reduce the negative effects of job loss. The results of this study thus may contribute to the prosperity of movie industry leaders, employees, their families, communities, and the local economy

    Sustainability Strategies for Small Business Survival Beyond 5 Years

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    Owners of small retail businesses who fail to implement adequate managerial strategies experience reduced profits and sustainability challenges. Small businesses account for 85.3% of the market, and 66% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years due to low sales and personnel issues. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the managerial strategies that owners of successful small retail businesses implemented to sustain their operations for longer than the first 5 years. The population for the study included owners of 3 small retail businesses in the southeastern region of the United States, who successfully implemented managerial strategies and remained in business for longer than 5 years. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with the owners and from a review of the company websites and social media pages. Systems theory and the general systems theory was the conceptual framework for the study. Data were analyzed in accordance with Yin\u27s 5-phase data analysis process consisting of pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis, program logic models, and cross-case synthesis. Three themes emerged from the data analysis: updating the business model, addressing customer feedback, and enhancing business efficiency. The findings of this study could contribute to positive social change by providing insights for owners of small retail businesses regarding strategy execution for managerial approaches that increase business productivity, which may lead to the improved economic wellbeing of some employees as well as positive contributions to the communities\u27 retail businesses serve

    Small Business Owners\u27 Strategies for Success

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    Small businesses represent 99.7% of all employers in the United States and account for 63% of new jobs; however, 50% of small businesses fail within 5 years of operation. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that some small restaurant owners used to succeed in business for longer than 5 years. The sample population for the study was the owners of 3 small restaurants in the northeastern region of the United States who have a minimum of 5 years\u27 experience in operating a successful business. Chaos theory provided the conceptual framework for the study. Data collection methods were semistructured interviews and review of company documents and archival records. Member checking of interview transcripts was used to strengthen the credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness of the findings. Based on the methodological triangulation of the data sources and using the van Kaam process, themes emerged. The principal themes that emerged were networking, customer satisfaction, and leadership. The findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing strategies that small business owners need to be successful and possibly improve the prosperity of the community and local economy