16,995 research outputs found

    An Output-sensitive Algorithm for Computing Projections of Resultant Polytopes

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    We develop an incremental algorithm to compute the Newton polytope of the resultant, aka resultant polytope, or its projection along a given direction. The resultant is fundamental in algebraic elimination and in implicitization of parametric hypersurfaces. Our algorithm exactly computes vertex- and halfspace-representations of the desired polytope using an oracle producing resultant vertices in a given direction. It is output-sensitive as it uses one oracle call per vertex. We overcome the bottleneck of determinantal predicates by hashing, thus accelerating execution from 1818 to 100100 times. We implement our algorithm using the experimental CGAL package {\tt triangulation}. A variant of the algorithm computes successively tighter inner and outer approximations: when these polytopes have, respectively, 90\% and 105\% of the true volume, runtime is reduced up to 2525 times. Our method computes instances of 55-, 66- or 77-dimensional polytopes with 3535K, 2323K or 500500 vertices, resp., within 22hr. Compared to tropical geometry software, ours is faster up to dimension 55 or 66, and competitive in higher dimensions

    Towards Mixed Gr{\"o}bner Basis Algorithms: the Multihomogeneous and Sparse Case

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    One of the biggest open problems in computational algebra is the design of efficient algorithms for Gr{\"o}bner basis computations that take into account the sparsity of the input polynomials. We can perform such computations in the case of unmixed polynomial systems, that is systems with polynomials having the same support, using the approach of Faug{\`e}re, Spaenlehauer, and Svartz [ISSAC'14]. We present two algorithms for sparse Gr{\"o}bner bases computations for mixed systems. The first one computes with mixed sparse systems and exploits the supports of the polynomials. Under regularity assumptions, it performs no reductions to zero. For mixed, square, and 0-dimensional multihomogeneous polynomial systems, we present a dedicated, and potentially more efficient, algorithm that exploits different algebraic properties that performs no reduction to zero. We give an explicit bound for the maximal degree appearing in the computations

    Elimination for generic sparse polynomial systems

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    We present a new probabilistic symbolic algorithm that, given a variety defined in an n-dimensional affine space by a generic sparse system with fixed supports, computes the Zariski closure of its projection to an l-dimensional coordinate affine space with l < n. The complexity of the algorithm depends polynomially on combinatorial invariants associated to the supports.Comment: 22 page

    Toric Generalized Characteristic Polynomials

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    We illustrate an efficient new method for handling polynomial systems with degenerate solution sets. In particular, a corollary of our techniques is a new algorithm to find an isolated point in every excess component of the zero set (over an algebraically closed field) of any nn by nn system of polynomial equations. Since we use the sparse resultant, we thus obtain complexity bounds (for converting any input polynomial system into a multilinear factorization problem) which are close to cubic in the degree of the underlying variety -- significantly better than previous bounds which were pseudo-polynomial in the classical B\'ezout bound. By carefully taking into account the underlying toric geometry, we are also able to improve the reliability of certain sparse resultant based algorithms for polynomial system solving

    Toric Intersection Theory for Affine Root Counting

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    Given any polynomial system with fixed monomial term structure, we give explicit formulae for the generic number of roots with specified coordinate vanishing restrictions. For the case of affine space minus an arbitrary union of coordinate hyperplanes, these formulae are also the tightest possible upper bounds on the number of isolated roots. We also characterize, in terms of sparse resultants, precisely when these upper bounds are attained. Finally, we reformulate and extend some of the prior combinatorial results of the author on which subsets of coefficients must be chosen generically for our formulae to be exact. Our underlying framework provides a new toric variety setting for computational intersection theory in affine space minus an arbitrary union of coordinate hyperplanes. We thus show that, at least for root counting, it is better to work in a naturally associated toric compactification instead of always resorting to products of projective spaces