212 research outputs found

    Radio resource management and metric estimation for multicarrier CDMA systems

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    Information Technology

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    The new millennium has been labeled as the century of the personal communications revolution or more specifically, the digital wireless communications revolution. The introduction of new multimedia services has created higher loads on available radio resources. These services can be presented in different levels of quality of service. Namely, the task of the radio resource manager is to provide these levels. Radio resources are scarce and need to be shared by many users. The sharing has to be carried out in an efficient way avoiding as much as possible any waste of resources. The main contribution focus of this work is on radio resource management in opportunistic systems. In opportunistic communications dynamic rate and power allocation may be performed over the dimensions of time, frequency and space in a wireless system. In this work a number of these allocation schemes are proposed. A downlink scheduler is introduced in this work that controls the activity of the users. The scheduler is a simple integral controller that controls the activity of users, increasing or decreasing it depending on the degree of proximity to a requested quality of service level. The scheduler is designed to be a best effort scheduler; that is, in the event the requested quality of service (QoS) cannot be attained, users are always guaranteed the basic QoS level provided by a proportional fair scheduler. In a proportional fair scheduler, the user with the best rate quality factor is selected. The rate quality here is the instantaneous achievable rate divided by the average throughput Uplink scheduling is more challenging than its downlink counterpart due to signalling restrictions and additional constraints on resource allocations. For instance, in long term evolution systems, single carrier FDMA is to be utilized which requires the frequency domain resource allocation to be done in such a way that a user could only be allocated subsequent bands. We suggest for the uplink a scheduler that follows a heuristic approach in its decision. The scheduler is mainly based on the gradient algorithm that maximizes the gradient of a certain utility. The utility could be a function of any QoS. In addition, an optimal uplink scheduler for the same system is presented. This optimal scheduler is valid in theory only, nevertheless, it provides a considerable benchmark for evaluation of performance for the heuristic scheduler as well as other algorithms of the same system. A study is also made for the feedback information in a multi-carrier system. In a multi-carrier system, reporting the channel state information (CSI) of every subcarrier will result in huge overhead and consequent waste in bandwidth. In this work the subcarriers are grouped into subbands which are in turn grouped into blocks and a study is made to find the minimum amount of information for the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) of the blocks. The thesis also deals with admission control and proposes an opportunistic admission controller. The controller gradually integrates a new user requesting admission into the system. The system is probed to examine the effect of the new user on existing connections. The user is finally fully admitted if by the end of the probing, the quality of service (QoS) of existing connections did not drop below a certain threshold. It is imperative to mention that the research work of this thesis is mainly focused on non-real time applications.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Resource Allocation in Uplink Long Term Evolution

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    One of the most crucial goals of future cellular systems is to minimize transmission power while increasing system performance. This master thesis work presents two channel-queue-aware scheduling schemes to allocate channels among active users in uplink LTE. Transmission power, packet delays and data rates are three of the most important criteria critically affecting the resource allocation designs. Therefore, each of these two scheduling algorithms proposes a practical method that assigns resources in such a way so as to optimally maximize data rate and minimize transmission power and packet delays while ensuring the QoS requirements. After converting the resource allocation problem into an optimization problem, the objective function and associated constraints are derived. Due to the contiguity constraint, which is imposed by SC-FDMA in uplink LTE, binary integer programming is employed to solve the optimization problem. Also the heuristic algorithms that approximate optimal schemes are presented to decrease the algorithm complexity

    4G Technology Features and Evolution towards IMT-Advanced

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    Kiinteiden- ja mobiilipalveluiden kysyntä kasvaa nopeasti ympäri maailmaa. Älykkäiden päätelaitteiden, kuten iPhone:n ja Nokia N900:n markkinoilletulo yhdistettynä näiden korkeaan markkinapenetraatioon ja korkealuokkaiseen käyttäjäkokemukseen lisäävät entisestään palveluiden kysyntää ja luovat tarpeen jatkuvalle innovoinnille langattomien teknologioiden alalla tavoitteena lisäkapasiteetin ja paremman palvelunlaadun tarjoaminen. Termi 4G (4th Generation) viittaa tuleviin neljännen sukupolven mobiileihin langattomiin palveluihin, jotka International Telecommunications Union:in Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) on määritellyt ja nimennyt International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced). Nämä ovat järjestelmiä, jotka pitävät sisällään IMT:n ne uudet ominaisuudet, jotka ylittävät IMT-2000:n vaatimukset. Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) ja IEEE 802.16m ovat IMT-A sertifiointiin lähetetyt kaksi pääasiallista kandidaattiteknologiaa. Tässä diplomityössä esitellään kolmannen sukupolven järjestelmien kehityspolku LTE:hen ja IEEE 802.16e-2005 asti. Lisäksi työssä esitetään LTE-Advanced:n ja IEEE 802.16m:n uudet vaatimukset ja ominaisuudet sekä vertaillaan näiden lähestymistapoja IMT-A vaatimusten täyttämiseksi. Lopuksi työssä luodaan katsaus LTE ja IEEE 802.16e-2005 (markkinointinimeltään Mobile WiMAX) -järjestelmien markkinatilanteeseen.The demand for affordable bandwidth in fixed and mobile services is growing rapidly around the world. The emergence of smart devices like the iPhone and Nokia N900, coupled with their high market penetration and superior user experience is behind this increased demand, inevitably driving the need for continued innovations in the wireless data technologies industry to provide more capacity and higher quality of service. The term "4G" meaning the 4th Generation of wireless technology describes mobile wireless services which have been defined by the ITU's Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) and titled International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced). These are mobile systems that include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000. Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) and IEEE 802.16m are the two main candidate technologies submitted for IMT-Advanced certification. This thesis reviews the technology roadmap up to and including current 3G systems LTE from the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and IEEE 802.16e-2005 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Furthermore, new requirements and features for LTE-Advanced and IEEE 802.16m as well as a comparative approach towards IMT-Advanced certification are presented. Finally, the thesis concludes with a discussion on the market status and deployment strategies of LTE and IEEE 802.16e-2005, or Mobile WiMAX as it is being marketed

    Load balancing using cell range expansion in LTE advanced heterogeneous networks

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    The use of heterogeneous networks is on the increase, fueled by consumer demand for more data. The main objective of heterogeneous networks is to increase capacity. They offer solutions for efficient use of spectrum, load balancing and improvement of cell edge coverage amongst others. However, these solutions have inherent challenges such as inter-cell interference and poor mobility management. In heterogeneous networks there is transmit power disparity between macro cell and pico cell tiers, which causes load imbalance between the tiers. Due to the conventional user-cell association strategy, whereby users associate to a base station with the strongest received signal strength, few users associate to small cells compared to macro cells. To counter the effects of transmit power disparity, cell range expansion is used instead of the conventional strategy. The focus of our work is on load balancing using cell range expansion (CRE) and network utility optimization techniques to ensure fair sharing of load in a macro and pico cell LTE Advanced heterogeneous network. The aim is to investigate how to use an adaptive cell range expansion bias to optimize Pico cell coverage for load balancing. Reviewed literature points out several approaches to solve the load balancing problem in heterogeneous networks, which include, cell range expansion and utility function optimization. Then, we use cell range expansion, and logarithmic utility functions to design a load balancing algorithm. In the algorithm, user and base station associations are optimized by adapting CRE bias to pico base station load status. A price update mechanism based on a suboptimal solution of a network utility optimization problem is used to adapt the CRE bias. The price is derived from the load status of each pico base station. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated by means of an LTE MATLAB toolbox. Simulations were conducted according to 3GPP and ITU guidelines for modelling heterogeneous networks and propagation environment respectively. Compared to a static CRE configuration, the algorithm achieved more fairness in load distribution. Further, it achieved a better trade-off between cell edge and cell centre user throughputs. [Please note: this thesis file has been deferred until December 2016

    Radio network planning and optimisation for WCDMA

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    The present thesis introduces the radio network planning process and optimisation for WCDMA (FDD mode), as defined by 3GPP. This thesis consists of three parts: modelling and tools for radio network planning, process for pre-operational network control and optimisation for the operational network. General challenges to face in 3G network control are based on the fact that many issues are interconnected and should be simultaneously considered, such as Planning means not only to meet current status and demands, but the solution should also comply with the future requirements by providing an acceptable development path. Traffic modelling is not only the question about the total amount of traffic growth, but also the question about the future service distribution and performance demands. All CDMA systems have a relation between capacity and coverage. Consequently, the network planning itself is not only based on propagation estimation but also on the interference situation in the network. Ideally, site selection consideration will be done based on the network analysis with planned load and traffic/service portfolio, taking possible co-siting constraints into account. Provision of multiple services and seamless management of at least two multiple access systems require rapid evolution of the management tools and processes. The network performance in terms of capacity, quality, and implementation and operational costs forms a multidimensional space. Operators' task will be to convert the business strategy to an operating point in the performance space in a cost efficient manner. The contribution of this thesis in terms of modelling and tools is as follows: Improvement of the accuracy of radio link budget by introducing power control headroom (also called fast fading margin). Improvement of loading equation by introducing a transmit power increase term. Development of theory and modelling for a planning tool capable of multi-service and multi-carrier interference, capacity and coverage analysis. Development and implementation an interface taking into account the true traffic distribution (not uniform) and terminal speed. In the area of pre-operational planning process the contribution of this thesis is as follows: Development of dimensioning methodology for multi-service network site density estimation, utilising the modelling of power control headroom, transmit power increase, soft handover and Eb/N0. Development of radio network planning process for multi-service environment including capacity and coverage evaluation for a given traffic mixture, quality and area requirements. Analysis of means to improve radio network performance with Mast Head Amplifier (MHA), diversity reception, sectorisation and proper antenna selection. In the area of optimisation of the operational network the contribution of this thesis is as follows: Definition for optimisation target in the case of 3G. The optimisation will be capacity-quality trade-off management instead of plain quality improvement process. Introduction of Self Organizing Map (SOM) in the analysis of cellular networks. Analysis of the applicability of SOM in WCDMA cellular network optimisation. Introduction of SOM based applications to support network capacity-quality trade-off management. It is worth noting that process and methods described in this work are not limited to 3G systems with WCDMA radio access technology, but they are applicable to other CDMA standards as well.reviewe

    Improving relay based cellular networks performance in highly user congested and emergency situations

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    PhDRelay based cellular networks (RBCNs) are the technologies that incorporate multi-hop communication into traditional cellular networks. A RBCN can potentially support higher data rates, more stable radio coverage and more dynamic services. In reality, RBCNs still suffer from performance degradation in terms of high user congestion, base station failure and overloading in emergency situations. The focus of this thesis is to explore the potential to improve IEEE802.16j supported RBCN performance in user congestion and emergency situations using adjustments to the RF layer (by antenna adjustments or extensions using multi-hop) and cooperative adjustment algorithms, e.g. based on controlling frequency allocation centrally and using distributed approaches. The first part of this thesis designs and validates network reconfiguration algorithms for RBCN, including a cooperative antenna power control algorithm and a heuristic antenna tilting algorithm. The second part of this thesis investigates centralized and distributed dynamic frequency allocation for higher RBCN frequency efficiency, network resilience, and computation simplicity. It is demonstrated that these benefits mitigate user congestion and base station failure problems significantly. Additionally, interweaving coordinated dynamic frequency allocation and antenna tilting is investigated in order to obtain the benefits of both actions. The third part of this thesis incorporates Delay Tolerate Networking (DTN) technology into RBCN to let users self-organize to connect to functional base station through multi-hops supported by other users. Through the use of DTN, RBCN coverage and performance are improved. This thesis explores the augmentation of DTN routing protocols to let more un-covered users connect to base stations and improve network load balancin