244 research outputs found

    Meta-heuristic based Construction Supply Chain Modelling and Optimization

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    Driven by the severe competition within the construction industry, the necessity of improving and optimizing the performance of construction supply chain has been aroused. This thesis proposes three problems with regard to the construction supply chain optimization from three perspectives, namely, deterministic single objective optimization, stochastic optimization and multi-objective optimization respectively. Mathematical models for each problem are constructed accordingly and meta-heuristic algorithms are developed and applied for resolving these three problems

    Effective and efficient estimation of distribution algorithms for permutation and scheduling problems.

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    Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) is a branch of evolutionary computation that learn a probabilistic model of good solutions. Probabilistic models are used to represent relationships between solution variables which may give useful, human-understandable insights into real-world problems. Also, developing an effective PM has been shown to significantly reduce function evaluations needed to reach good solutions. This is also useful for real-world problems because their representations are often complex needing more computation to arrive at good solutions. In particular, many real-world problems are naturally represented as permutations and have expensive evaluation functions. EDAs can, however, be computationally expensive when models are too complex. There has therefore been much recent work on developing suitable EDAs for permutation representation. EDAs can now produce state-of-the-art performance on some permutation benchmark problems. However, models are still complex and computationally expensive making them hard to apply to real-world problems. This study investigates some limitations of EDAs in solving permutation and scheduling problems. The focus of this thesis is on addressing redundancies in the Random Key representation, preserving diversity in EDA, simplifying the complexity attributed to the use of multiple local improvement procedures and transferring knowledge from solving a benchmark project scheduling problem to a similar real-world problem. In this thesis, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem benchmarks as well as significantly reducing both the computational effort required to build the probabilistic model and the number of function evaluations. We also achieve competitive results on project scheduling benchmarks. Methods adapted for solving a real-world project scheduling problem presents significant improvements

    A Computational Approach to Patient Flow Logistics in Hospitals

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    Scheduling decisions in hospitals are often taken in a decentralized way. This means that different specialized hospital units decide autonomously on e.g. patient admissions and schedules of shared resources. Decision support in such a setting requires methods and techniques that are different from the majority of existing literature in which centralized models are assumed. The design and analysis of such methods and techniques is the focus of this thesis. Specifically, we develop computational models to provide dynamic decision support for hospital resource management, the prediction of future resource occupancy and the application thereof. Hospital resource management targets the efficient deployment of resources like operating rooms and beds. Allocating resources to hospital units is a major managerial issue as the relationship between resources, utilization and patient flow of different patient groups is complex. The issues are further complicated by the fact that patient arrivals are dynamic and treatment processes are stochastic. Our approach to providing decision support combines techniques from multi-agent systems and computational intelligence (CI). This combination of techniques allows to properly consider the dynamics of the problem while reflecting the distributed decision making practice in hospitals. Multi-agent techniques are used to model multiple hospital care units and their decision policies, multiple patient groups with stochastic treatment processes and uncertain resource availability due to overlapping patient treatment processes. The agent-based model closely resembles the real-world situation. Optimization and learning techniques from CI allow for designing and evaluating improved (adaptive) decision policies for the agent-based model, which can then be implemented easily in hospital practice. In order to gain insight into the functioning of this complex and dynamic problem setting, we developed an agent-based model for the hospital care units with their patients. To assess the applicability of this agent-based model, we developed an extensive simulation. Several experiments demonstrate the functionality of the simulation and show that it is an accurate representation of the real world. The simulation is used to study decision support in resource management and patient admission control. To further improve the quality of decision support, we study the prediction of future hospital resource usage. Using prediction, the future impact of taking a certain decision can be taken into account. In the problem setting at hand for instance, predicting the resource utilization resulting from an admission decision is important to prevent future bottlenecks that may cause the blocking of patient flow and increase patient waiting times. The methods we investigate for the task of prediction are forward simulation and supervised learning using neural networks. In an extensive analysis we study the underlying probability distributions of resource occupancy and investigate, by stochastic techniques, how to obtain accurate and precise prediction outcomes. To optimize resource allocation decisions we consider multiple criteria that are important in the hospital problem setting. We use three conflicting objectives in the optimization: maximal patient throughput, minimal resource costs and minimal usage of back-up capacity. All criteria can be taken into account by finding decision policies that have the best trade-off between the criteria. We derived various decision policies that partly allow for adaptive resource allocations. The design of the policies allows the policies to be easily understandable for hospital experts. Moreover, we present a bed exchange mechanism that enables a realistic implementation of these adaptive policies in practice. In our optimization approach, the parameters of the different decision policies are determined using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). Specifically, the MOEA optimizes the output of the simulation (i.e. the three optimization criteria) as a function of the policy parameters. Our results on resource management show that the benchmark allocations obtained from a case study are considerably improved by the optimized decision policies. Furthermore, our results show that using adaptive policies can lead to better results and that further improvements may be obtained by integrating prediction into a decision policy

    Modelling activity times by hybrid synthetic method

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    Uncertain (manual) activity times impact a number of manufacturing system modules: plant and layout design, capacity analysis, operator assignment, process planning, scheduling and simulation. Direct observation cannot be used for non-existent production lines. A hybrid direct observation/synthetic method derived from Method Time Measurement available in industry is proposed. To determine accurate activity times required by heuristics and metaheuristics optimisation, manufacturing system modules are modelled by MILP and operator efficiency parameters are used for time standardisation. Among human factors considered are skill and ergonomics. Application to the sterilisation of reusable medical devices is extensively described. Experimental data taken from observation on the field and a worst-case date have shown the model direct applicability for professionals also to non-manufacturing cases

    Online Build-Order Optimization for Real-Time Strategy Agents Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The investigation introduces a novel approach for online build-order optimization in real-time strategy (RTS) games. The goal of our research is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) RTS planning agent for military critical decision- making education with the ability to perform at an expert human level, as well as to assess a players critical decision- making ability or skill-level. Build-order optimization is modeled as a multi-objective problem (MOP), and solutions are generated utilizing a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) that provides a set of good build-orders to a RTS planning agent. We de ne three research objectives: (1) Design, implement and validate a capability to determine the skill-level of a RTS player. (2) Design, implement and validate a strategic planning tool that produces near expert level build-orders which are an ordered sequence of actions a player can issue to achieve a goal, and (3) Integrate the strategic planning tool into our existing RTS agent framework and an RTS game engine. The skill-level metric we selected provides an original and needed method of evaluating a RTS players skill-level during game play. This metric is a high-level description of how quickly a player executes a strategy versus known players executing the same strategy. Our strategic planning tool combines a game simulator and an MOEA to produce a set of diverse and good build-orders for an RTS agent. Through the integration of case-base reasoning (CBR), planning goals are derived and expert build- orders are injected into a MOEA population. The MOEA then produces a diverse and approximate Pareto front that is integrated into our AI RTS agent framework. Thus, the planning tool provides an innovative online approach for strategic planning in RTS games. Experimentation via the Spring Engine Balanced Annihilation game reveals that the strategic planner is able to discover build-orders that are better than an expert scripted agent and thus achieve faster strategy execution times

    A dynamic scheduling model for construction enterprises

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    The vast majority of researches in the scheduling context focused on finding optimal or near-optimal predictive schedules under different scheduling problem characteristics. In the construction industry, predictive schedules are often produced in advance in order to direct construction operations and to support other planning activities. However, construction projects operate in dynamic environments subject to various real-time events, which usually disrupt the predictive optimal schedules, leading to schedules neither feasible nor optimal. Accordingly, the development of a dynamic scheduling model which can accommodate these real-time events would be of great importance for the successful implementation of construction scheduling systems. This research sought to develop a dynamic scheduling based solution which can be practically used for real time analysis and scheduling of construction projects, in addition to resources optimization for construction enterprises. The literature reviews for scheduling, dynamic scheduling, and optimization showed that despite the numerous researches presented and application performed in the dynamic scheduling field within manufacturing and other industries, there was dearth in dynamic scheduling literature in relation to the construction industry. The research followed two main interacting research paths, a path related to the development of the practical solution, and another path related to the core model development. The aim of the first path (or the proposed practical solution path) was to develop a computer-based dynamic scheduling framework which can be used in practical applications within the construction industry. Following the scheduling literature review, the construction project management community s opinions about the problem under study and the user requirements for the proposed solution were collected from 364 construction project management practitioners from 52 countries via a questionnaire survey and were used to form the basis for the functional specifications of a dynamic scheduling framework. The framework was in the form of a software tool fully integrated with current planning/scheduling practices with all core modelling which can support the integration of the dynamic scheduling processes to the current planning/scheduling process with minimal experience requirement from users about optimization. The second research path, or the dynamic scheduling core model development path, started with the development of a mathematical model based on the scheduling models in literature, with several extensions according to the practical considerations related to the construction industry, as investigated in the questionnaire survey. Scheduling problems are complex from operational research perspective; so, for the proposed solution to be functional in optimizing construction schedules, an optimization algorithm was developed to suit the problem's characteristics and to be used as part of the dynamic scheduling model's core. The developed algorithm contained few contributions to the scheduling context (such as schedule justification heuristics, and rectification to schedule generation schemes), as well as suggested modifications to the formulation and process of the adopted optimization technique (particle swarm optimization) leading to considerable improvement to this techniques outputs with respect to schedules quality. After the completion of the model development path, the first research path was concluded by combining the gathered solution's functional specifications and the developed dynamic scheduling model into a software tool, which was developed to verify & validate the proposed model s functionalities and the overall solution s practicality and scalability. The verification process started with an extensive testing of the model s static functionality using several well recognized scheduling problem sets available in literature, and the results showed that the developed algorithm can be ranked as one of the best state-of-the-art algorithms for solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems. To verify the software tool and the dynamic features of the developed model (or the formulation of data transfers from one optimization stage to the next), a case study was implemented on a construction entity in the Arabian Gulf area, having a mega project under construction, with all aspects to resemble an enterprise structure. The case study results showed that the proposed solution reasonably performed under large scale practical application (where all optimization targets were met in reasonable time) for all designed schedule preparation processes (baseline, progress updates, look-ahead schedules, and what-if schedules). Finally, to confirm and validate the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed solution, the solution's framework and the verification results were presented to field experts, and their opinions were collected through validation forms. The feedbacks received were very positive, where field experts/practitioners confirmed that the proposed solution achieved the main functionalities as designed in the solution s framework, and performed efficiently under the complexity of the applied case study

    Evolutionary Algorithms for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems

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    The resource constrained project scheduling problems (RCPSPs) are well-known challenging research problems that require efficient solutions to meet the planning need of many practical high-value projects. RCPSPs are usually solved using optimization problem-solving approaches. In recent years, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been extensively employed to solve optimization problems, including RCPSPs. Despite that numerous EAs have been developed for solving various RCPSPs, there is no single algorithm that is consistently effective across a wide range of problems. In this context, this thesis aims to propose a few new algorithms for solving different RCPSPs that include singular-resource and multiple-resource problems with single and multiple objectives. In general, RCPSPs are solved with an assumption that its activities are homogeneous, where all activities require all resource types. However, many activities are often singular, requiring only a single resource to complete an activity. Even though the existing algorithms that were developed for multi-resource problems, can solve this RCPSP variant with minor modifications, they are computationally expensive because they include some unnecessary resource constraints in the optimization process. In this thesis, at first, a problem with singular resource and single objective is considered. A heuristic-embedded genetic algorithm (GA) has been proposed for solving this problem, and it's effectiveness has been investigated. To enhance the performance of this algorithm, three heuristics are proposed and integrated with it. As there are no test problems available for singular resource problems, new benchmark problems are generated by modifying the existing multi-resource RCPSPs test set. As compared with experimental results of one of the modified algorithms and an exact solver, it was shown that the proposed algorithm achieved a better quality of solution while requiring a significantly smaller computational budget. The proposed algorithm is then extended to make it suitable for solving multi-resource cases with a single objective, which are known as traditional RCPSPs. A self-adaptive GA is developed for this problem. The proposed self-adaptive component of the algorithm selects an appropriate genetic operator based on their performance as the evolution progresses and increases. To judge the performance of this algorithm, small to large-scale problem instances have been solved from the PSP Library and the results are compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the proposed algorithm was able to obtain much better solutions than the non-self-adaptive GA. Furthermore, the proposed approach outperformed the state-of-the-art algorithms. In practice, cost of some resources varies with the day of the week or specific days in the month or year. To consider these day dependent costs, a new cost function is developed that is integrated with the usual cost fitness function in a multi-objective version of RCPSPs. Completion time is considered as the second objective. A heuristic-embedded self-adaptive multi-objective GA is proposed for both singular and multi-resource problems. In this algorithm, the selection mechanism is based on crowding distance and a reference point. A customized mutation operator is also introduced. The experimental results show that the proposed variant, with reference points-based selection, outperformed the variant, with crowding distance-based selection. In many situations, resource availability varies with time, such as time of the day and in some particular days. A dynamic multi-operators-based GA is proposed to deal with this variant. Along with the genetic operators, two local search methods are also included in the self-adaptive mechanism. The proposed approach has been validated using both large-scale singular and multi-resource problem instances with a single objective. Its experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed dynamic multi-operator-based approach. In summary, the proposed algorithms can solve different variants of RCPSPs that cover a broad spectrum of project scheduling problems, with significantly less computational tim