202 research outputs found

    Secure Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have emerged as a promising concept to meet the challenges in next-generation networks such as providing flexible, adaptive, and reconfigurable architecture while offering cost-effective solutions to the service providers. Unlike traditional Wi-Fi networks, with each access point (AP) connected to the wired network, in WMNs only a subset of the APs are required to be connected to the wired network. The APs that are connected to the wired network are called the Internet gateways (IGWs), while the APs that do not have wired connections are called the mesh routers (MRs). The MRs are connected to the IGWs using multi-hop communication. The IGWs provide access to conventional clients and interconnect ad hoc, sensor, cellular, and other networks to the Internet. However, most of the existing routing protocols for WMNs are extensions of protocols originally designed for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and thus they perform sub-optimally. Moreover, most routing protocols for WMNs are designed without security issues in mind, where the nodes are all assumed to be honest. In practical deployment scenarios, this assumption does not hold. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of security issues in WMNs and then particularly focuses on secure routing in these networks. First, it identifies security vulnerabilities in the medium access control (MAC) and the network layers. Various possibilities of compromising data confidentiality, data integrity, replay attacks and offline cryptanalysis are also discussed. Then various types of attacks in the MAC and the network layers are discussed. After enumerating the various types of attacks on the MAC and the network layer, the chapter briefly discusses on some of the preventive mechanisms for these attacks.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    A Review of 6LoWPAN Routing Protocols

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    Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group has standardized the transmission ofinternet protocol version 6 (IPv6) packets over IEEE 802.15.4 low power wireless personal areanetwork (LoWPAN) as 6LoWPAN protocol. It provides the wireless sensor network (WSN) node withIP communication capabilities by putting an adaptation layer above the 802.15.4 link layer. Differentmechanisms performed by adaptation layer require the 6LoWPAN header encapsulation in the packet.Although routing is among the key issues of 6LoWPAN research, the way to encapsulate a new routingheader in the 6LoWPAN packet has yet been investigated thoroughly. In this paper, different ways ofrouting header encapsulation in 6LoWPAN protocol stack is discussed. The simplified version Ad-HocOn-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) such as On-Demand Distance Vector (LOAD) and DynamicMANET On-demand for 6LoWPAN (DYMO-low) have currently been proposed in 6LoWPANrouting. Hierarchical routing (HiLow) is another routing protocol that is used in 6LoWPAN to increasethe network scalability. Some comparisons of these routing protocols have been made in terms of theirrouting metric such as number of hops count. The used control messages for the route discovery indifferent routing protocols have also been investigated. These comparisons show that each routingprotocol has its own advantage depends on the involved applications. There are some tradeoffs ofrespective routing protocols. The routing protocol that uses hello message may provide more reliablebut results a higher delay in the packet routing

    Wireless Multi Hop Access Networks and Protocols

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    As more and more applications and services in our society now depend on the Internet, it is important that dynamically deployed wireless multi hop networks are able to gain access to the Internet and other infrastructure networks and services. This thesis proposes and evaluates solutions for providing multi hop Internet Access. It investigates how ad hoc networks can be combined with wireless and mesh networks in order to create wireless multi hop access networks. When several access points to the Internet are available, and the mobile node roams to a new access point, the node has to make a decision when and how to change its point of attachment. The thesis describes how to consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless medium, how to handle the fact that other nodes on the path to the access point are also mobile which results in frequent link and route breaks, and the impact the change of attachment has on already existing connections. Medium access and routing protocols have been developed that consider both the long term and the short term variations of a mobile wireless network. The long term variations consider the fact that as nodes are mobile, links will frequently break and new links appear and thus the network topology map is constantly redrawn. The short term variations consider the rapid fluctuations of the wireless channel caused by mobility and multi path propagation deviations. In order to achieve diversity forwarding, protocols are presented which consider the network topology and the state of the wireless channel when decisions about forwarding need to be made. The medium access protocols are able to perform multi dimensional fast link adaptation on a per packet level with forwarding considerations. This i ncludes power, rate, code and channel adaptation. This will enable the type of performance improvements that are of significant importance for the success of multi hop wireless networks

    An Overview of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for the Existing Protocols and Applications

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of two or more devices or nodes or terminals with wireless communications and networking capability that communicate with each other without the aid of any centralized administrator also the wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any existing fixed network infrastructure. And it's an autonomous system in which mobile hosts connected by wireless links are free to be dynamically and some time act as routers at the same time, and we discuss in this paper the distinct characteristics of traditional wired networks, including network configuration may change at any time, there is no direction or limit the movement and so on, and thus needed a new optional path Agreement (Routing Protocol) to identify nodes for these actions communicate with each other path, An ideal choice way the agreement should not only be able to find the right path, and the Ad Hoc Network must be able to adapt to changing network of this type at any time. and we talk in details in this paper all the information of Mobile Ad Hoc Network which include the History of ad hoc, wireless ad hoc, wireless mobile approaches and types of mobile ad Hoc networks, and then we present more than 13 types of the routing Ad Hoc Networks protocols have been proposed. In this paper, the more representative of routing protocols, analysis of individual characteristics and advantages and disadvantages to collate and compare, and present the all applications or the Possible Service of Ad Hoc Networks.Comment: 24 Pages, JGraph-Hoc Journa

    Mobility-based Routing Overhead Management in Reconfigurable Wireless Ad hoc Networks

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    Mobility-Based Routing Overhead Management in Reconfigurable Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Routing Overheads are the non-data message packets whose roles are establishment and maintenance of routes for data packets as well as neighbourhood discovery and maintenance. They have to be broadcasted in the network either through flooding or other techniques that can ensure that a path exists before data packets can be sent to various destinations. They can be sent reactively or periodically to neighbours so as to keep nodes updated on their neighbourhoods. While we cannot do without these overhead packets, they occupy much of the limited wireless bandwidth available in wireless networks. In a reconfigurable wireless ad hoc network scenario, these packets have more negative effects, as links need to be confirmed more frequently than in traditional networks mainly because of the unpredictable behaviour of the ad hoc networks. We therefore need suitable algorithms that will manage these overheads so as to allow data packet to have more access to the wireless medium, save node energy for longer life of the network, increased efficiency, and scalability. Various protocols have been suggested in the research area. They mostly address routing overheads for suitability of particular protocols leading to lack of standardisation and inapplicability to other protocol classes. In this dissertation ways of ensuring that the routing overheads are kept low are investigated. The issue is addressed both at node and network levels with a common goal of improving efficiency and performance of ad hoc networks without dedicating ourselves to a particular class of routing protocol. At node level, a method hereby referred to as "link availability forecast", that minimises routing overheads used for maintenance of neighbourhood, is derived. The targeted packets are packets that are broadcasted periodically (e.g. hello messages). The basic idea in this method is collection of mobility parameters from the neighbours and predictions or forecasts of these parameters in future. Using these parameters in simple calculations helps in identifying link availabilities between nodes participating in maintenance of networks backbone. At the network level, various approaches have been suggested. The first approach is the cone flooding method that broadcasts route request messages through a predetermined cone shaped region. This region is determined through computation using last known mobility parameters of the destination. Another approach is what is hereby referred as "destination search reverse zone method". In this method, a node will keep routes to destinations for a long time and use these routes for tracing the destination. The destination will then initiate route search in a reverse manner, whereby the source selects the best route for next delivery. A modification to this method is for the source node to determine the zone of route search and define the boundaries within which the packet should be broadcasted. The later method has been used for simulation purposes. The protocol used for verification of the improvements offered by the schemes was the AODV. The link availability forecast scheme was implemented on the AODV and labelled AODV_LA while the network level implementation was labelled AODV_RO. A combination of the two schemes was labelled AODV_LARO

    Quality of service on ad-hoc wireless networks

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    Over the last years, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have captured the attention of the research community. The flexibility and cost savings they provide, due to the fact that no infrastructure is needed to deploy a MANET, is one of the most attractive possibilities of this technology. However, along with the flexibility, lots of problems arise due to the bad quality of transmission media, the scarcity of resources, etc. Since real-time communications will be common in MANETs, there has been an increasing motivation on the introduction of Quality of Service (QoS) in such networks. However, many characteristics of MANETs make QoS provisioning a difficult problem.In order to avoid congestion, a reservation mechanism that works together with a Connection Admission Control (CAC) seems to be a reasonable solution. However, most of the QoS approaches found in literature for MANETs do not use reservations. One reason for that, is the difficulty on determining the available bandwidth at a node. This is needed to decide whether there are enough resources to accommodate a new connection.This thesis proposes a simple, yet effective, method for nodes in a CSMA-based MANET to compute their available bandwidth in a distributed way. Based on this value, a QoS reservation mechanism called BRAWN (Bandwidth Reservation over Ad-hoc Networks) is introduced for multirate MANETs, allowing bandwidth allocation on a per flow basis. By multirate we refer to those networks where wireless nodes are able to dynamically switch among several link rates. This allows nodes to select the highest possible transmission rate for exchanging data, independently for each neighbor.The BRAWN mechanism not only guarantees certain QoS levels, but also naturally distributes the traffic more evenly among network nodes (i.e. load balancing). It works completely on the network layer, so that no modifications on lower layers are required, although some information about the network congestion state could also be taken into account if provided by the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer. The thesis analyzes the applicability of the proposed reservation mechanism over both proactive and reactive routing protocols, and extensions to such protocols are proposed whenever needed in order to improve their performance on multirate networks. On mobile scenarios, BRAWN also achieves high QoS provisioning levels by letting the nodes to periodically refresh QoS reservations. This extension of the protocol for mobile nodes is referred as BRAWN-R (BRAWN with Refreshments).Summarizing, the outstanding features of the reservation mechanism proposed by this thesis are: (i) Multirate, i.e. it allows wireless nodes to choose among different transmission rates, in order to accommodate to different channel conditions. (ii) Targeted to CSMA-based wireless MAC protocols, e.g. 802.11. (iii) Reservation based, allowing the network nodes to pro-actively protect ongoing QoS flows, and applying an effective CAC. (iv) Adaptive to topology changes introduced by the mobility of the nodes, re-routing QoS flows to more efficient paths. (v) Feasible and simple to implement over existing MANET routing protocols (as it is shown by the prototype presented at the end of the study).Postprint (published version

    Towards tailored and adaptive wireless multi-hop routing protocols

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    Routing and Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of a set of nodes which can form a network among themselves. MANETs have applications in areas such as military, disaster rescue operations, monitoring animal habitats, etc. where establishing fixed communication infrastructure is not feasible. Routing protocols designed for MANETs can be broadly classified as position-based (geographic), topology-based and hybrid. Geographic routing uses location information of nodes to route messages. Topology-based routing uses network state information for route discovery and maintenance. Hybrid routing protocols use features in both position-based and topology-based approaches. Position-based routing protocols route packets towards the destination using greedy forwarding (i.e., an intermediate node forwards packets to a neighbor that is closer to the destination than itself). If a node has no neighbor that is closer to the destination than itself, greedy forwarding fails. In this case, we say there is void. Different position-based routing protocols use different methods for dealing with voids. Topology-based routing protocols can be classified into on-demand (reactive) routing protocols and proactive routing protocols. Generally, on-demand routing protocols establish routes when needed by flooding route requests throughout the entire network, which is not a scalable approach. Reactive routing protocols try to maintain routes between every pair of nodes by periodically exchanging messages with each other which is not a scalable approach also. This thesis addresses some of these issues and makes the following contribution. First, we present a position-based routing protocol called Greedy Routing Protocol with Backtracking (GRB) which uses a simple backtracking technique to route around voids, unlike existing position-based routing protocols which construct planarized graph of the local network to route around voids. We compare the performance of our protocol with the well known Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol and the Ad-Hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol as well as the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. Performance evaluation shows that our protocol has less control overhead than those of DSR, AODV, and GPSR. Performance evaluation also shows that our protocol has a higher packet-delivery ratio, lower end-to-end delay, and less hop count, on average, compared to AODV, DSR and GPSR. We then present an on-demand routing protocol called ``Hybrid On-demand Greedy Routing Protocol with Backtracking for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks which uses greedy approach for route discovery. This prevents flooding route requests, unlike the existing on-demand routing protocols. This approach also helps in finding routes that have lower hop counts than AODV and DSR. Our performance evaluation confirms that our protocol performs better than AODV and DSR, on average, with respect to hop count, packet-delivery ratio and control overhead. In MANETs, all nodes need to cooperate to establish routes. Establishing secure and valid routes in the presence of adversaries is a challenge in MANETs. Some of the well-known source routing protocols presented in the literature (e.g., Ariadne and endairA) which claim to establish secure routes are susceptible to hidden channel attacks. We address this issue and present a secure routing protocol called SAriadne, based on sanitizable signatures. We show that our protocol detects and prevents hidden channel attacks