6 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison of Static CMOS and Domino Logic Style in VLSI Design: A Review

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    Of late, there is a steep rise in the usage of handheld gadgets and high speed applications. VLSI designers often choose static CMOS logic style for low power applications. This logic style provides low power dissipation and is free from signal noise integrity issues. However, designs based on this logic style often are slow and cannot be used in high performance circuits. On the other hand designs based on Domino logic style yield high performance and occupy less area. Yet, they have more power dissipation compared to their static CMOS counterparts. As a practice, designers during circuit synthesis, mix more than one logic style judiciously to obtain the advantages of each logic style. Carefully designing a mixed static Domino CMOS circuit can tap the advantages of both static and Domino logic styles overcoming their own short comings

    Physical Design and Clock Tree Synthesis Methods For A 8-Bit Processor

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    Now days a number of processors are available with a lot kind of feature from different industries. A processor with similar kind of architecture of the current processors only missing the memory stuffs like the RAM and ROM has been designed here with the help of Verilog style of coding. This processor contains architecturally the program counter, instruction register, ALU, ALU latch, General Purpose Registers, control state module, flag registers and the core module containing all the modules. And a test module is designed for testing the processor. After the design of the processor with successful functionality, the processor is synthesized with 180nm technology. The synthesis is performed with the data path optimization like the selection of proper adders and multipliers for timing optimization in the data path while the ALU operations are performed. During synthesis how to take care of the worst negative slack (WNS), how to include the clock gating cells, how to define the cost and path groups etc. have been covered. After the proper synthesis we get the proper net list and the synthesized constraint file for carrying out the physical design. In physical design the steps like floor-planning, partitioning, placement, legalization of the placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing etc. have been performed. At all the stages the static timing analysis is performed for the timing meet of the design for better performance in terms of timing or frequency. Each steps of physical design are discussed with special effort towards the concepts behind the step. Out of all the steps of physical design the clock tree synthesis is performed with some improvement in the performance of the clock tree by creating a symmetrical clock tree and maintaining more common clock paths. A special algorithm has been framed for creating a symmetrical clock tree and thereby making the power consumption of the clock tree low

    An Effective Gated Clock Tree Design Based on Activity and Register Aware Placement

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    Power and Thermal Management of System-on-Chip

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    Estimation à haut-niveau des dégradations temporelles dans les processeurs (méthodologie et mise en oeuvre logicielle)

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    Actuellement, les circuits numériques nécessitent d'être de plus en plus performants. Aussi, les produits doivent être conçus le plus rapidement possible afin de gagner les précieuses parts de marché. Les méthodes rapides de conception et l'utilisation de MPSoC ont permis de satisfaire à ces exigences, mais sans tenir compte précisément de l'impact du vieillissement des circuits sur la conception. Or les MPSoC utilisent les technologies de fabrication les plus récentes et sont de plus en plus soumis aux défaillances matérielles. De nos jours, les principaux mécanismes de défaillance observés dans les transistors des MPSoC sont le HCI et le NBTI. Des marges sont alors ajoutées pour que le circuit soit fonctionnel pendant son utilisation, en considérant le cas le plus défavorable pour chaque mécanisme. Ces marges deviennent de plus en plus importantes et diminuent les performances attendues. C'est pourquoi les futures méthodes de conception nécessitent de tenir compte des dégradations matérielles en fonction de l utilisation du circuit. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode originale pour simuler le vieillissement des MPSoC à haut niveau d'abstraction. Cette méthode s'applique lors de la conception du système c.-à-d. entre l'étape de définition des spécifications et la mise en production. Un modèle empirique permet d'estimer les dégradations temporelles en fin de vie d'un circuit. Un exemple d'application est donné pour un processeur embarqué et les résultats pour un ensemble d'applications sont reportés. La solution proposée permet d'explorer différentes configurations d'une architecture MPSoC pour comparer le vieillissement. Aussi, l'application la plus sévère pour le vieillissement peut être identifiée.Nowadays, more and more performance is expected from digital circuits. What s more, the market requires fast conception methods, in order to propose the newest technology available. Fast conception methods and the utilization of MPSoC have enabled high performance and short time-to-market while taking little attention to aging. However, MPSoC are more and more prone to hardware failures that occur in transistors. Today, the prevailing failure mechanisms in MPSoC are HCI and NBTI. Margins are usually added on new products to avoid failures during execution, by considering worst case scenario for each mechanism. For the newest technology, margins are becoming more and more important and products performance is getting lower and lower. That s why the conception needs to take into account hardware failures according to the execution of software. This thesis propose a new methodology to simulate aging at high level of abstraction, which can be applied to MPSoC. The method can be applied during product conception, between the specification phase and the production. An empirical model is used to estimate slack time at circuit's end of life. A use case is conducted on an embedded processor and degradation results are reported for a set of applications. The solution enables architecture exploration and MPSoC aging can thus be compared. The software with most severe impact on aging can also be determined.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Design and automation of voltage-scaled clock networks

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    In this dissertation, a vital step of VLSI physical design flow, synthesis of clock distribution networks, is investigated. Clock network synthesis (CNS) involves large and complex optimization problems to achieve high performance and low power demands of current integrated circuits (ICs). Ineffectiveness of existing methodologies to provide high performance at lower voltage nodes is the main driver for this dissertation research. A design and automation flow for voltage-scaled clock networks is proposed to satisfy tight timing constraints at high frequency (for high performance) and low voltage (for low power) operation. One implementation of voltage-scaled clock networks is low (voltage) swing clocking, which is a known technique, yet its applicability remains limited to designs with low performance demands. In this dissertation, novel methodologies are introduced to i) apply low swing clocking to legacy designs as a power saving methodology, ii) develop a complete CNS flow for low swing clocking of high performance ICs. These methodologies include slew-driven approaches that are better suited to future transistor and interconnect technologies. Second implementation of voltage-scaled clock networks is multi-voltage clocking, which is another known technique, yet its applicability remains limited to clock tree topology. In this dissertation, multi-voltage clocking with a clock mesh topology is investigated in order to address a missing aspect in the current IC design flows. Practical considerations of the current IC design flows are also investigated in this dissertation to expand the applicability of the proposed CNS flow. A novel methodology is introduced to facilitate clock gating within low swing clocking. The applicability of low swing clocking to FinFET technology, which is currently the industry norm, is shown to be effective.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201