6 research outputs found

    Analysis of the reconfiguration latency and energy overheads for a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA

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    In this paper we have evaluated the overhead and the tradeoffs of a set of components usually included in a system with run-time partial reconfiguration implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-5. Our analysis shows the benefits of including a scratchpad memory inside the reconfiguration controller in order to improve the efficiency of the reconfiguration process. We have designed a simple controller for this scratchpad that includes support for prefetching and caching in order to further reduce both the energy and latency overhead

    Implementación hardware de un controlador de memoria cache de reconfiguraciones en VHDL

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    Este proyecto presenta una implementación hardware de un controlador que gestiona de manera eficiente las reconfiguraciones que se realizan en tiempo de ejecución en un sistema que aplica cacheo de reconfiguraciones. Esta técnica consiste en utilizar una memoria on-chip que sirve de cache entre la memoria de configuración del dispositivo reconfigurable y la memoria principal, donde se guardarán todas y cada una de las reconfiguraciones que se quieran cargar en el dispositivo. La eficiencia de la técnica se puede mejorar particionando las configuraciones en bloques, y mapeando las configuraciones en diferentes memorias cache, en vez de en una sola. De este modo, dada una asignación de reconfiguraciones de tareas en diferentes memorias on-chip, el controlador hardware presentado gestiona la reconfiguración de las tareas de manera adecuada y eficiente. Los resultados experimentales que se presentan muestran que nuestro controlador realiza las operaciones necesarias en unos pocos cientos ciclos de reloj, mientras que su coste de implementación en términos de recursos hardware es muy asequible

    Integrating Reconfigurable Hardware-Based Grid for High Performance Computing

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    FPGAs have shown several characteristics that make them very attractive for high performance computing (HPC). The impressive speed-up factors that they are able to achieve, the reduced power consumption, and the easiness and flexibility of the design process with fast iterations between consecutive versions are examples of benefits obtained with their use. However, there are still some difficulties when using reconfigurable platforms as accelerator that need to be addressed: the need of an in-depth application study to identify potential acceleration, the lack of tools for the deployment of computational problems in distributed hardware platforms, and the low portability of components, among others. This work proposes a complete grid infrastructure for distributed high performance computing based on dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs. Besides, a set of services designed to facilitate the application deployment is described. An example application and a comparison with other hardware and software implementations are shown. Experimental results show that the proposed architecture offers encouraging advantages for deployment of high performance distributed applications simplifying development process

    FPGA dynamic and partial reconfiguration : a survey of architectures, methods, and applications

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    Dynamic and partial reconfiguration are key differentiating capabilities of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). While they have been studied extensively in academic literature, they find limited use in deployed systems. We review FPGA reconfiguration, looking at architectures built for the purpose, and the properties of modern commercial architectures. We then investigate design flows, and identify the key challenges in making reconfigurable FPGA systems easier to design. Finally, we look at applications where reconfiguration has found use, as well as proposing new areas where this capability places FPGAs in a unique position for adoption

    A Dynamically Reconfigurable Parallel Processing Framework with Application to High-Performance Video Processing

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    Digital video processing demands have and will continue to grow at unprecedented rates. Growth comes from ever increasing volume of data, demand for higher resolution, higher frame rates, and the need for high capacity communications. Moreover, economic realities force continued reductions in size, weight and power requirements. The ever-changing needs and complexities associated with effective video processing systems leads to the consideration of dynamically reconfigurable systems. The goal of this dissertation research was to develop and demonstrate the viability of integrated parallel processing system that effectively and efficiently apply pre-optimized hardware cores for processing video streamed data. Digital video is decomposed into packets which are then distributed over a group of parallel video processing cores. Real time processing requires an effective task scheduler that distributes video packets efficiently to any of the reconfigurable distributed processing nodes across the framework, with the nodes running on FPGA reconfigurable logic in an inherently Virtual\u27 mode. The developed framework, coupled with the use of hardware techniques for dynamic processing optimization achieves an optimal cost/power/performance realization for video processing applications. The system is evaluated by testing processor utilization relative to I/O bandwidth and algorithm latency using a separable 2-D FIR filtering system, and a dynamic pixel processor. For these applications, the system can achieve performance of hundreds of 640x480 video frames per second across an eight lane Gen I PCIe bus. Overall, optimal performance is achieved in the sense that video data is processed at the maximum possible rate that can be streamed through the processing cores. This performance, coupled with inherent ability to dynamically add new algorithms to the described dynamically reconfigurable distributed processing framework, creates new opportunities for realizable and economic hardware virtualization.\u2

    An effective framework to evaluate dynamic partial reconfiguration in FPGA systems

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    Summarization: The most popular representative devices of reconfigurable computing are field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). A promising feature of an FPGA is the ability to reuse the same hardware for different tasks at different phases of an application execution. Moreover, the tasks can be swapped on the fly while part of the hardware continues to operate. This is known as dynamic reconfiguration, and evaluation of its performance presents interesting research challenges. This paper introduces a general framework for measuring the reconfiguration time from the system perspective. In addition, a methodology for setting up different system parameters and automatically gathering and processing the experimental results has been developed. It is proven that these parameters affect the applications designed in a dynamically reconfigurable system, and rapid evaluation enables quick examination of their impact on performance. Results demonstrate the usefulness of the framework.Presented on: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measuremen