4,508 research outputs found

    Pavement Surface Evaluation Using Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Systems

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    Periodic measurement of pavement surfaces for pavement management system (PMS) data collection is vital for state transportation agencies. Vehicle-based mobile light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems can be used as a versatile tool to collect point data throughout a roadway corridor. The overall goal of this research is to investigate if mobile terrestrial LiDAR Scanning (MTLS) systems can be used as an efficient and effective method to create accurate digital pavement surfaces for. LiDAR data were collected by five MTLS vendors. In particular, the research is interested in three things: 1) how accurate MTLS is for collecting roadway cross slopes; 2) what is the potential for using MTLS digital pavement surfaces to do materials calculations for pavement rehabilitation projects; and 3) examine the benefit of using MTLS to identify pavement rutting locations. Cross slopes were measured at 23 test stations using traditional surveying methods (conventional leveling served as ground-truth) and compared with adjusted and unadjusted MTLS extracted cross slopes. The results indicate that both adjusted and unadjusted MTLS derived cross slopes meet suggested cross slope accuracies (±0.2%). Application of unadjusted MTLS instead of post-processed MTLS point clouds may decrease/eliminate the cost of a control surveys. The study also used a novel approach to process the MTLS data in a geographic information system (GIS) environment to create a 3-dimension raster representation of a roadway surface. MTLS data from each vendor was evaluated in terms of the accuracy and precision of their raster surface. The resultant surfaces were compared between vendors and with a raster surface created from a centerline profile and 100-ft. cross-section data obtained using traditional surveying methods. When comparing LiDAR data between compliant MTLS vendors, average raster cell height differences averaged 0.21 inches, indicating LiDAR data has considerable potential for creating accurate pavement material volume estimates. The application of MTLS data was also evaluated in terms of the accuracy of collected transverse profiles. Transverse profiles captured from MTLS systems have been compared to 2-inch interval field data collection using partial curve mapping (PCM), Frechet distance, area, curve length, and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) techniques. The results indicated that there is potential for MTLS systems for use in creating an accurate transverse profile for potential identification of pavement rut areas. This research also identified a novel approach for determining pavement rut areas based on the shape of grid cells. This rather simplistic approach is easily implementable on a network wide basis depending on MTLS point cloud availability. The method does not require the calculation/estimation of an ideal surface to determine rut depths/locations

    Using Aerial Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery to Estimate Corn Plant Stand Density

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    Aerial hyperspectral remote sensing imagery was collected on three dates over three plots of corn. The imagery had a spatial resolution of 1 m and a spectral resolution of 3 nm between 471 nm and 828 nm. A machine vision corn plant population sensing system was also used to map every row of corn within the three plots, and a complete inventory of corn plants was generated as a rich ground reference dataset for remote sensing image analysis. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to estimate corn plant stand density using reflectance in combinations of three wavebands, and R 2 s of up to 0.82 were found. Estimates of corn plant stand density were best when using imagery collected at the later vegetative growth stage. Quantization effects due to row width complicated corn plant stand density estimates at 2 m spatial resolution, and better estimations were typically seen at resolutions of 6 m and 10 m. For the best-case scenarios, the first predictor variable in the regression model typically fell in the blue reflectance region (473 to 492 nm). The second predictor variable was typically in the longer green and shorter red wavelengths (584 to 635 nm), and reflectance for the third predictor variable was typically at the red edge (729 nm) or in the near-infrared region. Because results for the second and third predictor variables tended to straddle between important regions of typical vegetative reflectance spectra, it is expected that multiple linear regressions using a greater number of bands would improve the distinction between important spectral ranges for estimating corn plant stand density

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Details of Deformable Part Models for Automatically Georeferencing Historical Map Images

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    Libraries are digitizing their collections of maps from all eras, generating increasingly large online collections of historical cartographic resources. Aligning such maps to a modern geographic coordinate system greatly increases their utility. This work presents a method for such automatic georeferencing, matching raster image content to GIS vector coordinate data. Given an approximate initial alignment that has already been projected from a spherical geographic coordinate system to a Cartesian map coordinate system, a probabilistic shape-matching scheme determines an optimized match between the GIS contours and ink in the binarized map image. Us- ing an evaluation set of 20 historical maps from states and regions of the U.S., the method reduces average alignment RMSE by 12%

    GeoFlood: Large-Scale Flood Inundation Mapping Based on High-Resolution Terrain Analysis

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    Recent floods from intense storms in the southern United States and the unusually active 2017 Atlantic hurricane season have highlighted the need for real‐time flood inundation mapping using high‐resolution topography. High‐resolution topographic data derived from lidar technology reveal unprecedented topographic details and are increasingly available, providing extremely valuable information for improving inundation mapping accuracy. The enrichment of terrain details from these data sets, however, also brings challenges to the application of many classic approaches designed for lower‐resolution data. Advanced methods need to be developed to better use lidar‐derived terrain data for inundation mapping. We present a new workflow, GeoFlood, for flood inundation mapping using high‐resolution terrain inputs that is simple and computationally efficient, thus serving the needs of emergency responders to rapidly identify possibly flooded locations. First, GeoNet, a method for automatic channel network extraction from high‐resolution topographic data, is modified to produce a low‐density, high‐fidelity river network. Then, a Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) raster is computed to quantify the elevation difference between each land surface cell and the stream bed cell to which it drains, using the network extracted from high‐resolution terrain data. This HAND raster is then used to compute reach‐average channel hydraulic parameters and synthetic stage‐discharge rating curves. Inundation maps are generated from the HAND raster by obtaining a water depth for a given flood discharge from the synthetic rating curve. We evaluate our approach by applying it in the Onion Creek Watershed in Central Texas, comparing the inundation extent results to Federal Emergency Management Agency 100‐yr floodplains obtained with detailed local hydraulic studies. We show that the inundation extent produced by GeoFlood overlaps with 60%~90% of the Federal Emergency Management Agency floodplain coverage demonstrating that it is able to capture the general inundation patterns and shows significant potential for informing real‐time flood disaster preparedness and response

    Trends and concerns in digital cartography

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    CISRG discussion paper ;