2,789 research outputs found

    Constructing Reliable Computing Environments on Top of Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

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    Cloud provider Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) gives access to resources in the form of virtual servers, also known as instances. EC2 spot instances (SIs) offer spare computational capacity at steep discounts compared to reliable and fixed price on-demand instances. The drawback, however, is that the delay in acquiring spots can be incredible high. Moreover, SIs may not always be available as they can be reclaimed by EC2 at any given time, with a two-minute interruption notice. In this paper, we propose a multi-workflow scheduling algorithm, allied with a container migration-based mechanism, to dynamically construct and readjust virtual clusters on top of non-reserved EC2 pricing model instances. Our solution leverages recent findings on performance and behavior characteristics of EC2 spots. We conducted simulations by submitting real-life workflow applications, constrained by user-defined deadline and budget quality of service (QoS) parameters. The results indicate that our solution improves the rate of completed tasks by almost 20%, and the rate of completed workflows by at least 30%, compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms, for a worse-case scenarioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cloud Index Tracking: Enabling Predictable Costs in Cloud Spot Markets

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    Cloud spot markets rent VMs for a variable price that is typically much lower than the price of on-demand VMs, which makes them attractive for a wide range of large-scale applications. However, applications that run on spot VMs suffer from cost uncertainty, since spot prices fluctuate, in part, based on supply, demand, or both. The difficulty in predicting spot prices affects users and applications: the former cannot effectively plan their IT expenditures, while the latter cannot infer the availability and performance of spot VMs, which are a function of their variable price. To address the problem, we use properties of cloud infrastructure and workloads to show that prices become more stable and predictable as they are aggregated together. We leverage this observation to define an aggregate index price for spot VMs that serves as a reference for what users should expect to pay. We show that, even when the spot prices for individual VMs are volatile, the index price remains stable and predictable. We then introduce cloud index tracking: a migration policy that tracks the index price to ensure applications running on spot VMs incur a predictable cost by migrating to a new spot VM if the current VM's price significantly deviates from the index price.Comment: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 201

    Software Sustainability in the Age of Everything as a Service

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    The need for acknowledging and managing sustainability as an essential quality of software systems has been steadily increasing over the past few years, in part as a reaction to the implications of ``software eating the world\u27\u27. Especially the widespread adoption of the Everything as a Service (*aaS) model of delivering software and (virtualized) hardware through cloud computing has put two sustainability dimensions upfront and center. On the one hand, services must be sustainable on a technical level by ensuring continuity of operations for both providers and consumers despite, or even better, while taking into account their evolution. On the other hand, the prosuming of services must also be financially sustainable for the involved stakeholders

    Economics of Spot Instance Service: A Two-stage Dynamic Game Apporach

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    This paper presents the economic impacts of spot instance service on the cloud service providers (CSPs) and the customers when the CSPs offer it along with the on-demand instance service to the customers. We model the interaction between CSPs and customers as a non-cooperative two-stage dynamic game. Our equilibrium analysis reveals (i) the techno-economic interrelationship between the customers' heterogeneity, resource availability, and CSPs' pricing policy, and (ii) the impacts of the customers' service selection (spot vs. on-demand) and the CSPs' pricing decision on the CSPs' market share and revenue, as well as the customers' utility. The key technical challenges lie in, first, how we capture the strategic interactions between CSPs and customers, and second, how we consider the various practical aspects of cloud services, such as heterogeneity of customers' willingness to pay for the quality of service (QoS) and the fluctuating resource availability. The main contribution of this paper is to provide CSPs and customers with a better understanding of the economic impact caused by a certain price policy for the spot service when the equilibrium price, which from our two-stage dynamic game analysis, is able to set as the baseline price for their spot service

    NASA Ames Environmental Sustainability Report 2011

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    The 2011 Ames Environmental Sustainability Report is the second in a series of reports describing the steps NASA Ames Research Center has taken toward assuring environmental sustainability in NASA Ames programs, projects, and activities. The Report highlights Center contributions toward meeting the Agency-wide goals under the 2011 NASA Strategic Sustainability Performance Program

    Land use/land cover mapping (1:25000) of Taiwan, Republic of China by automated multispectral interpretation of LANDSAT imagery

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    Three methods were tested for collection of the training sets needed to establish the spectral signatures of the land uses/land covers sought due to the difficulties of retrospective collection of representative ground control data. Computer preprocessing techniques applied to the digital images to improve the final classification results were geometric corrections, spectral band or image ratioing and statistical cleaning of the representative training sets. A minimal level of statistical verification was made based upon the comparisons between the airphoto estimates and the classification results. The verifications provided a further support to the selection of MSS band 5 and 7. It also indicated that the maximum likelihood ratioing technique can achieve more agreeable classification results with the airphoto estimates than the stepwise discriminant analysis
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