63 research outputs found

    A hybrid and cross-protocol architecture with semantics and syntax awareness to improve intrusion detection efficiency in Voice over IP environments

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-140).Voice and data have been traditionally carried on different types of networks based on different technologies, namely, circuit switching and packet switching respectively. Convergence in networks enables carrying voice, video, and other data on the same packet-switched infrastructure, and provides various services related to these kinds of data in a unified way. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) stands out as the standard that benefits from convergence by carrying voice calls over the packet-switched infrastructure of the Internet. Although sharing the same physical infrastructure with data networks makes convergence attractive in terms of cost and management, it also makes VoIP environments inherit all the security weaknesses of Internet Protocol (IP). In addition, VoIP networks come with their own set of security concerns. Voice traffic on converged networks is packet-switched and vulnerable to interception with the same techniques used to sniff other traffic on a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN). Denial of Service attacks (DoS) are among the most critical threats to VoIP due to the disruption of service and loss of revenue they cause. VoIP systems are supposed to provide the same level of security provided by traditional Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs), although more functionality and intelligence are distributed to the endpoints, and more protocols are involved to provide better service. A new design taking into consideration all the above factors with better techniques in Intrusion Detection are therefore needed. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a host-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that targets VoIP environments. Our intrusion detection system combines two types of modules for better detection capabilities, namely, a specification-based and a signaturebased module. Our specification-based module takes the specifications of VoIP applications and protocols as the detection baseline. Any deviation from the protocol’s proper behavior described by its specifications is considered anomaly. The Communicating Extended Finite State Machines model (CEFSMs) is used to trace the behavior of the protocols involved in VoIP, and to help exchange detection results among protocols in a stateful and cross-protocol manner. The signature-based module is built in part upon State Transition Analysis Techniques which are used to model and detect computer penetrations. Both detection modules allow for protocol-syntax and protocol-semantics awareness. Our intrusion detection uses the aforementioned techniques to cover the threats propagated via low-level protocols such as IP, ICMP, UDP, and TCP

    Design of an Anthropomorphic, Compliant, and Lightweight Dual Arm for Aerial Manipulation

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    This paper presents an anthropomorphic, compliant and lightweight dual arm manipulator designed and developed for aerial manipulation applications with multi-rotor platforms. Each arm provides four degrees of freedom in a human-like kinematic configuration for end effector positioning: shoulder pitch, roll and yaw, and elbow pitch. The dual arm, weighting 1.3 kg in total, employs smart servo actuators and a customized and carefully designed aluminum frame structure manufactured by laser cut. The proposed design reduces the manufacturing cost as no computer numerical control machined part is used. Mechanical joint compliance is provided in all the joints, introducing a compact spring-lever transmission mechanism between the servo shaft and the links, integrating a potentiometer for measuring the deflection of the joints. The servo actuators are partially or fully isolated against impacts and overloads thanks to the ange bearings attached to the frame structure that support the rotation of the links and the deflection of the joints. This simple mechanism increases the robustness of the arms and safety in the physical interactions between the aerial robot and the environment. The developed manipulator has been validated through different experiments in fixed base test-bench and in outdoor flight tests.UniĂłn Europea H2020-ICT-2014- 644271Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad DPI2015-71524-RMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad DPI2017-89790-

    Two Cases of Study for Control Reconfiguration of Discrete Event Systems (DES)

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    International audienceIn this paper, we propose two cases of study for control reconfiguration of Discrete Event Systems. The main contributions are based on a safe centralized and distributed control synthesis founded on timed properties. In fact, if a sensor fault is detected, the controller of the normal behavior is reconfigured to a timed controller where the timed information replaces the information lost on the faulty sensor. Finally, we apply our contribution to a manufacturing system to illustrate our results and compare between the two frameworks

    Analysis of the OLSR Protocol by Using Formal Passive Testing

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    In this paper we apply a passive testing methodology to the analysis of a non-trivial system. In our framework, so-called invariants provide us with a formal representation of the requirements of the system. In order to precisely express new properties in multi-node environments, in this paper we introduce a new kind of invariants. We apply the resulting framework to perform a complete study of a MANET routing protocol: The Optimized Link State Routing protocol

    Model Based Security Testing for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to introduce a novel approach to generate a security test suite to mitigate malicious attacks on an autonomous system. Our method uses model based testing (MBT) methods to model system behavior, attacks and mitigations as independent threads in an execution stream. The threads intersect at a rendezvous or attack point. We build a security test suite from a behavioral model, an attack type and a mitigation model using communicating extended finite state machine (CEFSM) models. We also define an applicability matrix to determine which attacks are possible with which states. Our method then builds a comprehensive test suite using edge-node coverage that allows for systematic testing of an autonomous vehicle

    Applying formal passive testing to study temporal properties of the Stream Control Transmission Protocol

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    In this paper we present a formal passive testing framework and use it to analyze time aspects in the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). This protocol presents different phases where time aspects are critical. In order to represent temporal requirements we use so-called timed invariants since they allow us to easily verify that the traces collected from the observation of the protocol fulfill the corresponding timed constraints. In addition to introduce our theoretical framework, we report on the results obtained from the application of our techniques over (possibly mutated) traces extracted from runs of the SCTP

    Aplicaciones de la teorĂ­a de la informaciĂłn y la inteligencia artificial al testing de software

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas lnformáticos y de Computación, leída el 4-05-2022Software Testing is a critical field for the software industry, as it has the main tools used to ensure the reliability of the produced software. Currently, mor then 50% of the time and resources for creating a software product are diverted to testing tasks, from unit testing to system testing. Moreover, there is a huge interest into automatising this field, as software gets bigger and the amount of required testing increases. however, software Testing is not only an industry oriented field; it is also a really interesting field with a noble goal (improving the reliability of software systems) that at the same tieme is full of problems to solve....Es Testing Software es un campo crítico para la industria del software, ya que éste contienen las principales herramientas que se usan para asegurar la fiabilidad del software producido. Hoy en día, más del 50% del tiempo y recursos necesarios para crear un producto software son dirigidos a tareas de testing, desde el testing unitario al testing a nivel de sistema. Más aún, hay un gran interés en automatizar este campo, ya que el software cada vez es más grande y la cantidad de testing requerido crece. Sin embargo, el Testing de Software no es solo un campo orientado a la industria; también es un campo muy interesante con un objetivo noble (mejorar la fiabilidad de los sistemas software) que al mismo tiempo está lleno de problemas por resolver...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Stateful Data Plane Abstractions for Software-Defined Networks and Their Applications

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    RESUMÉ Le Software-Defined Networking (SDN) permet la programmation du réseau. Malheureusement, la technologie SDN actuelle limite la programmabilité uniquement au plan de contrôle. Les opérateurs ne peuvent pas programmer des algorithmes du plan de données tels que l’équilibrage de charge, le contrôle de congestion, la détection de pannes, etc. Ces fonctions sont implémentées à l’aide d’hardware dédié, car elles doivent fonctionner au taux de ligne, c’est-à-dire 10-100 Gbit/s sur 10-100 ports. Dans ce travail, nous présentons deux abstractions de plan de données pour le traitement de paquets à états (stateful), OpenState et OPP. OpenState est une extension d’OpenFlow qui permet la définition des règles de flux en tant que machines à états finis. OPP est une abstraction plus flexible qui généralise OpenState en ajoutant des capacités de calcul, permettant la programmation d’algorithmes de plan de données plus avancés. OpenState et OPP sont à la fois disponibles pour les implémentations d’haute performance en utilisant des composants de commutateurs hardware courants. Cependant, les deux abstractions sont basées sur un choix de design problématique : l’utilisation d’une boucle de rétroaction dans le pipeline de traitement des paquets. Cette boucle, si elle n’est pas correctement contrôlée, peut nuire à la cohérence des opérations d’état. Les approches de verrouillage de la mémoire peuvent être utilisées pour éviter les incohérences, au détriment du débit. Nous présentons des résultats de simulations sur des traces de trafic réelles, montrant que les boucles de rétroaction de plusieurs cycles d’horloge peuvent être supportées avec peu ou pas de dégradation des performances, même avec les charges de travail des plus défavorables. Pour mieux prouver les avantages d’un plan de données programmables, nous présentons deux nouvelles applications : Spider et FDPA. Spider permet de détecter et de réagir aux pannes de réseau aux échelles temporelles du plan de données (i.e., micro/nanosecondes), également dans le cas de pannes à distance. En utilisant OpenState, Spider fournit des fonctionnalités équivalentes aux protocoles de plans de contrôle anciens tels que BFD et MPLS Fast Reroute, mais sans nécessiter un plan de contrôle.---------- ABSTRACT Software-Defined Networking (SDN) enables programmability in the network. Unfortunately, current SDN limits programmability only to the control plane. Operators cannot program data plane algorithms such as load balancing, congestion control, failure detection, etc. These capabilities are usually baked in the switch via dedicated hardware, as they need to run at line rate, i.e. 10-100 Gbit/s on 10-100 ports. In this work, we present two data plane abstractions for stateful packet processing, namely OpenState and OPP. These abstractions allow operators to program data plane tasks that involve stateful processing. OpenState is an extension to OpenFlow that permits the definition of forwarding rules as finite state machines. OPP is a more flexible abstraction that generalizes OpenState by adding computational capabilities, opening for the programming of more advanced data plane algorithms. Both OpenState and OPP are amenable for highperformance hardware implementations by using commodity hardware switch components. However, both abstractions are based on a problematic design choice: to use a feedback-loop in the processing pipeline. This loop, if not adequately controlled, can represent a harm for the consistency of the state operations. Memory locking approaches can be used to prevent inconsistencies, at the expense of throughput. We present simulation results on real traffic traces showing that feedback-loops of several clock cycles can be supported with little or no performance degradation, even with near-worst case traffic workloads. To further prove the benefits of a stateful programmable data plane, we present two novel applications: Spider and FDPA. Spider permits to detect and react to network failures at data plane timescales, i.e. micro/nanoseconds, also in the case of distant failures. By using OpenState, Spider provides functionalities equivalent to legacy control plane protocols such as BFD and MPLS Fast Reroute, but without the need of a control plane. That is, both detection and rerouting happen entirely in the data plane. FDPA allows a switch to enforce approximate fair bandwidth sharing among many TCP-like senders. Most of the mechanisms to solve this problem are based on complex scheduling algorithms, whose feasibility becomes very expensive with today’s line rate requirements. FDPA, which is based on OPP, trades scheduling complexity with per-user state. FDPA works by dynamically assigning users to few (3-4) priority queues, where the priority is chosen based on the sending rate history of a user
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