28,415 research outputs found

    Development and Deployment of VoiceXML-Based Banking Applications

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    In recent times, the financial sector has become one of the most vibrant sectors of the Nigerian economy with about twenty five banks after the bank consolidation / merger exercise. This sector presents huge business investments in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). It is also plausible to say that the sector today is the largest body of ICT services and products users. It is no gainsaying the fact that so many Nigerians now carry mobile phones across the different parts of the country. However, applications that provide voice access to real-time banking transactions from anywhere, anytime via telephone are still at their very low stage of adoption across the Nigerian banking and financial sector. A versatile speech-enabled mobile banking application has been developed using VXML, PHP, Apache and MySQL. The developed application provides real-time access to banking services, thus improving corporate bottom-line and Quality of Service (QoS) for customer satisfaction

    Hybrid Solution for Integrated Trading

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    Integrated applications are complex solutions, whose complexity are determined by the economic processes they implement, the amount of data employed (millions of records grouped in hundreds of tables, databases, hundreds of GB) and the number of users. Service oriented architecture (SOA), is now the most talked-about integration solution in mainstream journals, addressing both simple applications, for a department but also at enterprise level. SOA can refer to software architecture or to a way of standardizing the technical architecture of an enterprise and it shows its value when operating in several distinct and heterogeneous environments.System Integration, Data Integration, Web Services, Java, XML, Stock Market

    Mejorando la Ciencia Abierta Usando Datos Abiertos Enlazados: Caso de Uso CONICET Digital

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    Los servicios de publicación científica están cambiando drásticamente, los investigadores demandan servicios de búsqueda inteligentes para descubrir y relacionar publicaciones científicas. Los editores deben incorporar información semántica para organizar mejor sus activos digitales y hacer que las publicaciones sean más visibles. En este documento, presentamos el trabajo en curso para publicar un subconjunto de publicaciones científicas de CONICET Digital como datos abiertos enlazados. El objetivo de este trabajo es mejorar la recuperación y la reutilización de datos a través de tecnologías de Web Semántica y Datos Enlazados en el dominio de las publicaciones científicas. Para lograr estos objetivos, se han tenido en cuenta los estándares de la Web Semántica y los esquemas RDF (Dublín Core, FOAF, VoID, etc.). El proceso de conversión y publicación se basa en las pautas metodológicas para publicar datos vinculados de gobierno. También describimos como estos datos se pueden vincular a otros conjuntos de datos como DBLP, Wikidata y DBPedia. Finalmente, mostramos algunos ejemplos de consultas que responden a preguntas que inicialmente no permite CONICET Digital.Scientific publication services are changing drastically, researchers demand intelligent search services to discover and relate scientific publications. Publishersneed to incorporate semantic information to better organize their digital assets and make publications more discoverable. In this paper, we present the on-going work to publish a subset of scientific publications of CONICET Digital as Linked Open Data. The objective of this work is to improve the recovery andreuse of data through Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data in the domain of scientific publications.To achieve these goals, Semantic Web standards and reference RDF schema?s have been taken into account (Dublin Core, FOAF, VoID, etc.). The conversion and publication process is guided by the methodological guidelines for publishing government linked data. We also outline how these data can be linked to other datasets DBLP, WIKIDATA and DBPEDIA on the web of data. Finally, we show some examples of queries that answer questions that initially CONICET Digital does not allowFil: Zárate, Marcos Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Carlos Buckle. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Mazzanti, Renato. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Samec, Gustavo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; Argentin