1,653 research outputs found

    A bi-level model of dynamic traffic signal control with continuum approximation

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    This paper proposes a bi-level model for traffic network signal control, which is formulated as a dynamic Stackelberg game and solved as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC). The lower-level problem is a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with embedded dynamic network loading (DNL) sub-problem based on the LWR model (Lighthill and Whitham, 1955; Richards, 1956). The upper-level decision variables are (time-varying) signal green splits with the objective of minimizing network-wide travel cost. Unlike most existing literature which mainly use an on-and-off (binary) representation of the signal controls, we employ a continuum signal model recently proposed and analyzed in Han et al. (2014), which aims at describing and predicting the aggregate behavior that exists at signalized intersections without relying on distinct signal phases. Advantages of this continuum signal model include fewer integer variables, less restrictive constraints on the time steps, and higher decision resolution. It simplifies the modeling representation of large-scale urban traffic networks with the benefit of improved computational efficiency in simulation or optimization. We present, for the LWR-based DNL model that explicitly captures vehicle spillback, an in-depth study on the implementation of the continuum signal model, as its approximation accuracy depends on a number of factors and may deteriorate greatly under certain conditions. The proposed MPEC is solved on two test networks with three metaheuristic methods. Parallel computing is employed to significantly accelerate the solution procedure

    Traffic Network Control from Temporal Logic Specifications

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    We propose a framework for generating a signal control policy for a traffic network of signalized intersections to accomplish control objectives expressible using linear temporal logic. By applying techniques from model checking and formal methods, we obtain a correct-by-construction controller that is guaranteed to satisfy complex specifications. To apply these tools, we identify and exploit structural properties particular to traffic networks that allow for efficient computation of a finite state abstraction. In particular, traffic networks exhibit a componentwise monotonicity property which allows reach set computations that scale linearly with the dimension of the continuous state space

    Data-driven linear decision rule approach for distributionally robust optimization of on-line signal control

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    We propose a two-stage, on-line signal control strategy for dynamic networks using a linear decision rule (LDR) approach and a distributionally robust optimization (DRO) technique. The first (off-line) stage formulates a LDR that maps real-time traffic data to optimal signal control policies. A DRO problem is solved to optimize the on-line performance of the LDR in the presence of uncertainties associated with the observed traffic states and ambiguity in their underlying distribution functions. We employ a data-driven calibration of the uncertainty set, which takes into account historical traffic data. The second (on-line) stage implements a very efficient linear decision rule whose performance is guaranteed by the off-line computation. We test the proposed signal control procedure in a simulation environment that is informed by actual traffic data obtained in Glasgow, and demonstrate its full potential in on-line operation and deployability on realistic networks, as well as its effectiveness in improving traffic
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