6 research outputs found

    Perancangan Mobile Application Alat Pantau Kualitas Air Kolam Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Changes in temperature, pH, and turbidity in concrete fish ponds greatly impact to the fish survival. Initial observations showed that among 3.067 fish seeds, 1.633 fish (53%) died and only 1.434 fish (47%) was successfully harvested. The application of water quality monitoring devices from concrete pools designed based on the Internet of Things technology has been tested. The monitoring equipment will not function optimally without an application that functions to receive monitoring data and then take action. Pool water quality monitoring equipment connected to the cloud using a GSM network connection. The recorded data is then displayed on the water quality monitoring application that designed using the Android operating system. Application design is developed using a User-Centered Design approach, where the design process was carried out by considering several variables: ease for use, clarity of information delivery, the fulfillment of needs, and appearance. Based on the results of the design evaluation, weaknesses can be determined, namely, difficulty to find the search menu for click history data, find the refresh button, read the results of searching for historical data, and read data in tables and graphs. Based on this, further improvements can be made to improve the application being made. The monitoring equipment is expected to provide information to pond managers to immediately take action if changing in pH and temperature beyond the limit so that the fish mortality rate can be minimized.Perubahan suhu, pH dan kekeruhan pada kolam ikan beton sangatlah berdampak kepada kelangsungan hidup ikan yang dipelihara. Pengamatan awal menunjukkan dari 3067 ekor bibit ikan nila yang ditebar, 1633 ekor ikan (53%) mengalami kematian dan jumlah panennya hanya 1434 ekor (47%). Penerapan perangkat pemantau kualitas air dari kolam beton yang dirancang berbasis teknologi  Internet of Things telah dapat diujicobakan. Peralatan pemantau tersebut tidak akan berfungsi dengan optimal tanpa adanya aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk menerima data pantauan dan selanjutnya melakukan tindakan. Alat pemantau  pemantau kualitas air kolam dihubungkan ke cloud menggunakan koneksi jaringan GSM. Data yang terekam selanjutnya ditampilkan pada aplikasi pemantau kualitas air diracang menggunakan operating system Android. Desain aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan User Centered Design, dimana proses perancangannya dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan sejumlah variabel, yaitu kemudahan penggunaan (ease for use), kejelasan penyampaian informasi,  pemenuhan kebutuhan, dan tampilan. Proses perancangan menggunakan pendekatan Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi rancangan dapat ditentukan kelemahan dari hasil rancangan aplikasi, yaitu sulit menemukan menu pencarian data history klik, menemukan tombol refresh, membaca hasil pencarian data histori, serta kesulitan membaca data dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan aplikasi yang dibuat. Keberadaan peralatan pemantau tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi kepada pengelola kolam untuk segera memberikan tindakan apabila terjadi perubahan pH dan suhu diluar batas, sehingga tingkat kematian ikan dapat diminimalkan

    IoT Smart Agriculture for Aquaponics and Maintaining Goat Stall System

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    This present a project development on smart farm and agriculture. The surge in global population is compelling a shift towards smart farm and agriculture practices. This coupled with the diminishing natural resources increase in unpredictable weather conditions makes food security a major concern for most countries. As a result, the use of internet of things (IoT) and data analytics (DA) are employed to enhance the operational efficiency and productivity in the farm and agriculture sector. The objective is to design a prototype that used internet of things in the farm and agriculture. Next is to have a monitoring and controlling or automation system that will benefits the farmer. Then collect all the data to be analyses on the rainfall, temperature, humidity and light intensity. The methodology comprised of hardware, software, programming, sensors such as water sensor, light depending resistor sensor, temperature and humidity sensor and weight sensor for collected data. Result presents a prototype on aquaponics and goat stall that implement the concepts of internet of things for monitoring, controlling or automation system while data analytics is presented from all the sensors. Analytic data on the temperature, light intensity, humidity and rainfall rate are analyzed. Surrounding temperature are important for both plant and fish because if it too hot, they can die easily. While optimum light is needed by the plant for their photosynthesis process. Thus, by monitoring and collecting these parameters, data can be used for analyzing purpose. This project can benefits agriculture and farm sector. Prototype also can be used for small size like at the backyard or balcony of the house for person that likes gardening

    Digital Twinning of Hydroponic Grow Beds in Intelligent Aquaponic Systems

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    The use of automation, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and smart technologies is being rapidly introduced into the development of agriculture. Technologies such as sensing, remote monitoring, and predictive tools have been used with the purpose of enhancing agriculture processes, aquaponics among them, and improving the quality of the products. Digital twinning enables the testing and implementing of improvements in the physical component through the implementation of computational tools in a ‘twin’ virtual environment. This paper presents a framework for the development of a digital twin for an aquaponic system. This framework is validated by developing a digital twin for the grow beds of an aquaponics system for real-time monitoring parameters, namely pH, electroconductivity, water temperature, relative humidity, air temperature, and light intensity, and supports the use of artificial intelligent techniques to, for example, predict the growth rate and fresh weight of the growing crops. The digital twin presented is based on IoT technology, databases, a centralized control of the system, and a virtual interface that allows users to have feedback control of the system while visualizing the state of the aquaponic system in real time

    An ontology model to represent aquaponics 4.0 system’s knowledge

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    Aquaponics, one of the vertical farming methods, is a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. To enhance the production capabilities of the aquaponics system and maximize crop yield on a commercial level, integration of Industry 4.0 technologies is needed. Industry 4.0 is a strategic initiative characterized by the fusion of emerging technologies such as big data and analytics, internet of things, robotics, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. The realization of aquaponics 4.0, however, requires an efficient flow and integration of data due to the presence of complex biological processes. A key challenge in this essence is to deal with the semantic heterogeneity of multiple data resources. An ontology that is regarded as one of the normative tools solves the semantic interoperation problem by describing, extracting, and sharing the domains’ knowledge. In the field of agriculture, several ontologies are developed for the soil-based farming methods, but so far, no attempt has been made to represent the knowledge of the aquaponics 4.0 system in the form of an ontology model. Therefore, this study proposes a unified ontology model, AquaONT, to represent and store the essential knowledge of an aquaponics 4.0 system. This ontology provides a mechanism for sharing and reusing the aquaponics 4.0 system’s knowledge to solve the semantic interoperation problem. AquaONT is built from indoor vertical farming terminologies and is validated and implemented by considering experimental test cases related to environmental parameters, design configuration, and product quality. The proposed ontology model will help vertical farm practitioners with more transparent decision-making regarding crop production, product quality, and facility layout of the aquaponics farm. For future work, a decision support system will be developed using this ontology model and artificial intelligence techniques for autonomous data-driven decisions

    Use of Industry 4.0 technologies to reduce and valorize seafood waste and by-products: a narrative review on current knowledge

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    Fish and other seafood products represent a valuable source of many nutrients and micronutrients for the human diet and contribute significantly to global food security. However, considerable amounts of seafood waste and by-products are generated along the seafood value and supply chain, from the sea to the consumer table, causing severe environmental damage and significant economic loss. Therefore, innovative solutions and alternative approaches are urgently needed to ensure a better management of seafood discards and mitigate their economic and environmental burdens. The use of emerging technologies, including the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) innovations (such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, smart sensors, and the Internet of Things, and other advanced technologies) to reduce and valorize seafood waste and by-products could be a promising strategy to enhance blue economy and food sustainability around the globe. This narrative review focuses on the issues and risks associated with the underutilization of waste and by-products resulting from fisheries and other seafood industries. Particularly, recent technological advances and digital tools being harnessed for the prevention and valorization of these natural invaluable resources are highlighted

    Implementação de Rede de Sensores Sem Fios para Monitorização e Controlo de Sistema de Aquaponia

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    A expansão e evolução das redes de sensores e a IoT (Internet of Things), verificada nos anos mais recentes, tornou esta tecnologia apelativa e aplicável para a monitorização e controlo em diferentes áreas, como a ambiental de interior ou exterior, da saúde e bem-estar e de equipamentos. A monitorização e controlo da aquaponia e do meio onde esta se insere é essencial para o bom funcionamento do sistema. Neste sentido, este projeto descreve a implementação de uma rede de sensores sem fios para monitorização e controlo do sistema de aquaponia instalado no ISEP. A pesquisa bibliográfica efetuada permitiu identificar as necessidades da aquaponia e os métodos usados para a monitorizar. Realizou-se o estudo das tecnologias de rede sem fios, plataformas de aquisição e visualização dos dados. O levantamento de requisitos, definiu as grandezas físicas a ser monitorizadas, tendo a escolha dos sensores ido ao encontro dos requisitos colocados. Para integrar os sensores e criar a rede, foi necessário recorrer hardware e software, que permitiu o desenvolvimento do sistema de aquisição, comunicação e visualização. Neste projeto teve sempre consideração que o custo deveria ser o mais baixo possível, sem comprometer a sua funcionalidade. O projeto culminou com o desenvolvimento de uma rede de sensores sem fios, baseada em Wi-Fi e ZigBee, com a utilização da plataforma Arduino para a aquisição dos dados, o armazenamento e visualização foi efetuado com recurso as plataformas da Google com um custo global inferior a 500 euros. A rede de sensores sem fios, foram efetuados vários testes para aferir o funcionamento, robustez e fiabilidade da rede.The expansion and evolution of sensor networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), verified in recent years, has made this an appealing technology and applicable for monitoring and control in different areas, such as indoor or outdoor environmental, health and wellness and equipment. Monitoring and control of aquaponics and the environment where it is part is essential for the proper functioning of the system. In this sense, this project describes the implementation of a wireless sensors network for monitoring and control of the aquaponics system installed in ISEP. The bibliographic research made possible to identify the needs of aquaponics and the methods used to monitor it. The study of wireless network technologies, platforms for data acquisition and visualization was carried out. The requirements gathering defined the physical quantities to be monitored, and the choice of sensors met the requirements. To integrate the sensors and create the network, it was necessary to use hardware and software, which allowed the development of the acquisition, communication, and visualization system. In this project he always considered that the cost should be as low as possible, without compromising its functionality. The project culminated in the development of a wireless sensor network, based on Wi-Fi and ZigBee, with the use of the Arduino platform for data acquisition, storage and visualization was carried out using Google platforms at an overall cost of less than 500 euros. The wireless sensor network has been carried out several tests to measure the operation, robustness, and reliability of the network